Lightweight Python implementation of Normative Modelling with Gaussian Processes (exact & approximate), GAMLSS, LOESS & Centiles approaches.
For a more advanced implementation, see the Python librairie PCNtoolkit.
Minimal Installation
If you have relatively small dataset, or are only using the exact GP, LOESS and/or Centiles models.
$ pip install pynm
Installation with PyTorch
If you have a large dataset, or are using the approximate GP model.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install pynm
Installation with R
More detailed installation instructions to come.
If you are using a GAMLSS.
- Must first have R installed and packages:
- gamlss
- gamlss.dist
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install pynm
Bleeding-edge Installation
If you want to be up to date with the most recent changes to PyNM (not necessarily stable). For the options above replace pip install pynm
$ git clone
$ cd PyNM
$ pip install .
usage: pynm [-h] --pheno_p PHENO_P --out_p OUT_P --confounds CONFOUNDS --score
SCORE --group GROUP [--train_sample TRAIN_SAMPLE] [--LOESS]
[--centiles] [--bin_spacing BIN_SPACING] [--bin_width BIN_WIDTH]
[--GP] [--gp_method GP_METHOD] [--gp_num_epochs GP_NUM_EPOCHS]
[--gp_n_inducing GP_N_INDUCING] [--gp_batch_size GP_BATCH_SIZE]
[--gp_length_scale GP_LENGTH_SCALE]
[--gp_length_scale_bounds [GP_LENGTH_SCALE_BOUNDS [GP_LENGTH_SCALE_BOUNDS ...]]]
[--gp_nu NU] [--GAMLSS] [--gamlss_mu GAMLSS_MU]
[--gamlss_sigma GAMLSS_SIGMA] [--gamlss_nu GAMLSS_NU]
[--gamlss_tau GAMLSS_TAU] [--gamlss_family GAMLSS_FAMILY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pheno_p PHENO_P Path to phenotype data. Data must be in a .csv file.
--out_p OUT_P Path to output directory.
--confounds CONFOUNDS
List of confounds to use in the GP model.The list must
formatted as a string with commas between confounds,
each confound must be a column name from the phenotype
.csv file. For GP model all confounds will be used,
for LOESS and Centiles models only the first is used.
For GAMLSS all confounds are used unless formulas are
specified. Categorical values must be denoted by
c(var) ('c' must be lower case), e.g. 'c(SEX)' for
column name 'SEX'.
--score SCORE Response variable for all models. Must be a column
title from phenotype .csv file.
--group GROUP Column name from the phenotype .csv file that
distinguishes probands from controls. The column must
be encoded with str labels using 'PROB' for probands
and 'CTR' for controls or with int labels using 1 for
probands and 0 for controls.
--train_sample TRAIN_SAMPLE
On what subset to train the model, can be 'controls',
'manual', or a value in (0,1]. Default value is
--LOESS Flag to run LOESS model.
--centiles Flag to run Centiles model.
--bin_spacing BIN_SPACING
Distance between bins for LOESS & centiles models.
--bin_width BIN_WIDTH
Width of bins for LOESS & centiles models.
--GP Flag to run Gaussian Process model.
--gp_method GP_METHOD
Method to use for the GP model. Can be set to
'auto','approx' or 'exact'. In 'auto' mode, the exact
model will be used for datasets smaller than 2000 data
points. SVGP is used for the approximate model. See
documentation for details. Default value is 'auto'.
--gp_num_epochs GP_NUM_EPOCHS
Number of training epochs for SVGP model. See
documentation for details. Default value is 20.
--gp_n_inducing GP_N_INDUCING
Number of inducing points for SVGP model. See
documentation for details. Default value is 500.
--gp_batch_size GP_BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for training and predicting from SVGP
model. See documentation for details. Default value is
--gp_length_scale GP_LENGTH_SCALE
Length scale of Matern kernel for exact model. See
documentation for details. Default value is 1.
--gp_length_scale_bounds [GP_LENGTH_SCALE_BOUNDS [GP_LENGTH_SCALE_BOUNDS ...]]
The lower and upper bound on length_scale. If set to
'fixed', length_scale cannot be changed during
hyperparameter tuning. See documentation for details.
Default value is (1e-5,1e5).
--gp_nu NU Nu of Matern kernel for exact and SVGP model. See
documentation for details. Default value is 2.5.
--GAMLSS Flag to run GAMLSS.
--gamlss_mu GAMLSS_MU
Formula for mu (location) parameter of GAMLSS. Default
formula for score is sum of confounds with non-
categorical columns as smooth functions, e.g. 'score ~
ps(age) + sex'.
--gamlss_sigma GAMLSS_SIGMA
Formula for mu (location) parameter of GAMLSS. Default
formula is '~ 1'.
--gamlss_nu GAMLSS_NU
Formula for mu (location) parameter of GAMLSS. Default
formula is '~ 1'.
--gamlss_tau GAMLSS_TAU
Formula for mu (location) parameter of GAMLSS. Default
formula is '~ 1'.
--gamlss_family GAMLSS_FAMILY
Family of distributions to use for fitting, default is
'SHASHo2'. See R documentation for GAMLSS package for
other available families of distributions.
from pynm.pynm import PyNM
# Initialize pynm w/ data and confounds
m = PyNM(df,'score','group', confounds = ['age','c(sex)','c(site)'])
# Run models
# Collect output
data =
All the functions have the classical Python DocStrings that you can summon with help()
. You can also see the tutorials for documented examples.
By default, the models are fit on all the controls in the dataset and prediction is then done on the entire dataset. The residuals (scores of the normative model) are then calculated as the difference between the actual value and predicted value for each subject. This paradigm is not meant for situations in which the residuals will then be used in a prediction setting, since any train/test split stratified by proband/control will have information from the training set leaked into the test data.
In order to avoid contaminating the test set, in a prediction setting it is important to fit the normative model on a subset of the controls and then leave those out. This is implemented in PyNM with the --train_sample
flag. It can be used in three ways:
- Number in (0,1]
- This is simplest usage that defines the sample size, PyNM will then select a random sample of the controls and use those as a training group.
- The subjects used in the sample are recorded in the column
of the resulting object. Subjects used in the training sample are encoded as 1s, and the rest as 0s.
- It is also possible to specify exactly which subjects to use as a training group by providing a column in the input data labeled
encoded the same way.
- It is also possible to specify exactly which subjects to use as a training group by providing a column in the input data labeled
- This is the default setting that will fit the model on all the controls.
Both the Centiles and LOESS models are non parametric models based local approximations. They accept only a single dependent variable, passed using the conf
Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), which underpins the Gaussian Process Model, can accept an arbitrary number of dependent variables passed using the confounds
option. Note: in order for GPR to be effective, the data must be homoskedastic. For a full discussion see this paper.
GPR is very intensive on both memory and time usage. In order to have a scaleable method, we've implemented both an exact model for smaller datasets and an approximate method, recommended for datasets over ~1000 subjects. The method can be specified using the method
option, it defaults to auto
in which the approxiamte model will be chosen for datasets over 1000.
The exact model implements scikit-learn's Gaussian Process Regressor. The kernel is composed of a constant kernel, a white noise kernel, and a Matern kernel. The Matern kernel has parameters nu
and length_scale
that can be specified. The parameter nu
has special values at 1.5 and 2.5, using other values will significantly increase computation time. See documentation for an overview of both.
The approximate model implements a Stochastic Variational Gaussian Process (SVGP) model using GPytorch, with a kernel closely matching the one in the exact model. SVGP is a deep learning technique that needs to be trained on minibatches for a set number of epochs, this can be tuned with the parameters batch_size
and num_epoch
. The model speeds up computation by using a subset of the data as inducing points, this can be controlled with the parameter n_inducing
that defines how many points to use. See documentation for an overview.
Generalized Additive Models of Location Shape and Scale (GAMLSS) are a flexible modeling framework that can model heteroskedasticity, non-linear effects of variables, and hierarchical structure of the data. The implementation here is a python wrapper for the R package gamlss, formulas for each parameter must be specified using functions available in the package (see documentation). For a full discussion of using GAMLSS for normative modeling see this paper.
Original papers with Gaussian Processes (GP):
- Marquand et al. Biological Psychiatry 2016 doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.12.023
- Marquand et al. Molecular Psychiatry 2019 doi:10.1038/s41380-019-0441-1
For limitations of Gaussian Proccesses:
- Xu et al. PLoS ONE 2021, The pitfalls of using Gaussian Process Regression for normative modeling
Example of use of the LOESS approach:
- Lefebvre et al. Front. Neurosci. 2018 doi:10.3389/fnins.2018.00662
- Maruani et al. Front. Psychiatry 2019 doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00011
For the Centiles approach see:
- Bethlehem et al. Communications Biology 2020 doi:10.1038/s42003-020-01212-9
- R implementation here.
For the SVGP model see:
- Hensman et al.
For GAMLSS see:
- Dinga et al.
- R documentation
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This work is supported by Compute Canada, IVADO, and FRQS.