Our strategy for integration testing between Arrow implementations is as follows:
Test datasets are specified in a custom human-readable, JSON-based format designed for Arrow
Each implementation provides a testing executable capable of converting between the JSON and the binary Arrow file representation
The test executable is also capable of validating the contents of a binary file against a corresponding JSON file
The integration test data generator and runner is written in Python and currently requires Python 3.5 or higher. You can create a standalone Python distribution and environment for running the tests by using miniconda. On Linux this is:
wget -O miniconda.sh $MINICONDA_URL
bash miniconda.sh -b -p miniconda
export PATH=`pwd`/miniconda/bin:$PATH
conda create -n arrow-integration python=3.6 nomkl numpy six
source activate arrow-integration
If you are on macOS, instead use the URL:
After this, you can follow the instructions in the next section.
First, build the Java and C++ projects. For Java, you must run
mvn package
Now, the integration tests rely on two environment variables which point to the
Java arrow-tool
JAR and the build path for the C++ executables:
export ARROW_JAVA_INTEGRATION_JAR=$JAVA_DIR/tools/target/arrow-tools-$VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar
is the location of your Arrow git clone. The
may be different depending on how you built with CMake
(in-source of out-of-source).
Once this is done, run the integration tests with (optionally adding --debug
for additional output)
python integration_test.py
python integration_test.py --debug # additional output