errorformat is Vim's quickfix errorformat implementation in golang.
errorformat provides default errorformats for major tools. You can see defined errorformats here. Also, it's easy to add new errorformat in a similar way to Vim's errorformat.
Note that it's highly compatible with Vim implementation, but it doesn't support Vim regex.
import ""
in := ` exported var V should have comment or be unexported exported var NewError1 should have comment or be unexported comment on exported function F should be of the form "F ..." comment on exported function F2 should be of the form "F2 ..."
efm, _ := errorformat.NewErrorformat([]string{`%f:%l:%c: %m`, `%-G%.%#`})
s := efm.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(in))
for s.Scan() {
}|3 col 5| exported var V should have comment or be unexported|5 col 5| exported var NewError1 should have comment or be unexported|7 col 1| comment on exported function F should be of the form "F ..."|11 col 1| comment on exported function F2 should be of the form "F2 ..."
go get -u
Usage: errorformat [flags] [errorformat ...]
errorformat reads compiler/linter/static analyzer result from STDIN, formats
them by given 'errorformat' (90% compatible with Vim's errorformat. :h
errorformat), and outputs formated result to STDOUT.
$ echo '/path/to/file:14:28: error message\nfile2:3:4: msg' | errorformat "%f:%l:%c: %m"
/path/to/file|14 col 28| error message
file2|3 col 4| msg
$ golint ./... | errorformat -name=golint
The -f flag specifies an alternate format for the entry, using the
syntax of package template. The default output is equivalent to -f
'{{.String}}'. The struct being passed to the template is:
type Entry struct {
// name of a file
Filename string
// line number
Lnum int
// column number (first column is 1)
Col int
// true: "col" is visual column
// false: "col" is byte index
Vcol bool
// error number
Nr int
// search pattern used to locate the error
Pattern string
// description of the error
Text string
// type of the error, 'E', '1', etc.
Type rune
// true: recognized error message
Valid bool
// Original error lines (often one line. more than one line for multi-line
// errorformat. :h errorformat-multi-line)
Lines []string
-f string
format template for -w=template (default "{{.String}}")
list defined errorformats
-name string
defined errorformat name
-w string
writer format (template|checkstyle) (default "template")
$ cat testdata/
[warn] /path/to/F1.scala:203: local val in method f is never used: (warning smaple 3)
[warn] val x = 1
[warn] ^
[warn] /path/to/F1.scala:204: local val in method f is never used: (warning smaple 2)
[warn] val x = 2
[warn] ^
[error] /path/to/F2.scala:1093: error: value ++ is not a member of Int
[error] val x = 1 ++ 2
[error] ^
[warn] /path/to/dir/F3.scala:83: local val in method f is never used
[warn] val x = 4
[warn] ^
[error] /path/to/dir/F3.scala:84: error: value ++ is not a member of Int
[error] val x = 5 ++ 2
[error] ^
[warn] /path/to/dir/F3.scala:86: local val in method f is never used
[warn] val x = 6
[warn] ^
$ errorformat "%E[%t%.%+] %f:%l: error: %m" "%A[%t%.%+] %f:%l: %m" "%Z[%.%+] %p^" "%C[%.%+] %.%#" "%-G%.%#" < testdata/
/path/to/F1.scala|203 col 13 warning| local val in method f is never used: (warning smaple 3)
/path/to/F1.scala|204 col 7 warning| local val in method f is never used: (warning smaple 2)
/path/to/F2.scala|1093 col 15 error| value ++ is not a member of Int
/path/to/dir/F3.scala|83 col 13 warning| local val in method f is never used
/path/to/dir/F3.scala|84 col 19 error| value ++ is not a member of Int
/path/to/dir/F3.scala|86 col 13 warning| local val in method f is never used
$ cat fmts/testdata/ | errorformat -name=sbt -w=checkstyle
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<checkstyle version="1.0">
<file name="/home/haya14busa/src/">
<error column="3" line="6" message="missing argument list for method error in object Predef" severity="error"></error>
<error column="15" line="4" message="private val in object F is never used" severity="warning"></error>
<error column="15" line="5" message="private method in object F is never used" severity="warning"></error>
haya14busa (