Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep
A collection of enhancements for UnifiOS based devices
A raspberrypi distro to display a full page browser on boot
Add your HDD, SSD and NVMe drives to your Synology's compatible drive database and a lot more
Easily create an M.2 volume on Synology NAS
A split tunnel VPN script for Unifi OS routers (UDM, UXG, UDR) with policy based routing.
Script to update UFW with Cloudflare IPs
Easily move Synology packages from 1 volume to another volume, or backup and restore
System for displaying RTSP feeds from IP cameras on the Raspberry Pi
Syncs blocklists, blacklists, and whitelists across multiple Pi-holes using a private GitHub repo
Let's Encrypt setup instructions for Ubiquiti EdgeRouter
EM7565/EM7455/MC7455 - Modem Configuration
tools to create & update a backup of a running RPiOS system to a raw image file
Framework to join Linux's physical security bricks.
Docker swarm daemon that modifies ingress mesh routing to expose true client IPs to service containers
shell ballgag for Dell servers, tested working with G11 and G12, G13 and G14 too but with conditions**.
Microsoft GPU-P (dxgkrnl) on Hyper-V Ubuntu VM
Containerized version of ISC DHCP server based on latest Ubuntu LTS
Minimal Raspberry Pi OS including cloud-init
Playbooks to implement Center for Internet Security (CIS) controls for RHEL (7-9), RHEL Clones, Ubuntu (18.04-22.04), and Microsoft Windows (10, Server 2019)
Convert your Unifi UNVR/UNVR Pro into a Debian OpenMediaVault NAS Appliance
Converts Adblock Plus lists into expression files that are compatible with squidGuard and ufdbGuard