We using https://github.com/git-chglog/git-chglog, so refer to this side for installation instructions.
It is possible to test the tool by git-chglog --init
without overriding anything.
Example for a new release "v2.1.1":
git checkout release
git pull
git fetch --tags
git checkout dev
git pull upstream dev
git checkout -b rel/prepare_for_release_v211
git-chglog --config .chglog/config_gobot.yml --no-case --next-tag v2.1.1 v2.1.0.. > .chglog/chglog_tmp.md
If unsure about any result of running git-chglog, just use:
git log --since=2023-05-28 --pretty="- %s"
Most likely some manual work is needed to bring the items in the correct position. We use the style from "keep a changelog", together with the standard template. The changelog will be generated based on the commit messages, so please follow the Convention for Pull Request Descriptions.
An example for the following commits:
- type(scope): description
- i2c(PCF8583): added
- gpio(HD44780): fix wrong constants
- raspi(PWM): refactor usage
- docs(core): usage of Kernel driver
- or alternative: core(docs): usage of Kernel driver
- build(style): adjust rule for golangci-lint
### build
* **style**: adjust rule for golangci-lint
### docs
* **core**: usage of Kernel driver
### i2c
* **PCF8583**: added
### gpio
* **HD44780**: fix wrong constants
### raspi
* **PWM**: refactor usage
### Type
* **scope:** description
If in doubt, please refer to the current CHANGELOG.md to find the correct way.
After all work is done in the temporary changelog file, the content can be moved to the real one and the "chglog_tmp.md" file can be removed.