We use PublicLab.org as an OpenID provider for two other sites run by Public Lab - SpectralWorkbench.org (SWB) and MapKnitter.org (MK). Source code for those can be found here:
This enables:
- a "single sign-on" across several Public Lab systems
- no need to store private data like encrypted passwords in MK or SWB
However, MK and SWB are customized to only use PublicLab.org as an OpenId provider. This dates back to a time when OpenId was more widely used, and we'd probably use OAuth today given the choice.
Code for the OpenId provider can be found at:
- Controller: https://github.com/publiclab/plots2/blob/main/app/controllers/openid_controller.rb
- Routes:
Lines 58 to 76 in cac7257
Testing can be difficult, but can be done by cloning a local copy of both SpectralWorkbench AND PublicLab.org/plots2
You first change the OpenId address on the local clone of SWB -- at `app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb:
@@openid_url_base = "https://publiclab.org/people/"
(on this line: https://github.com/publiclab/spectral-workbench/blob/7160bea20dfd6a7ce4da9573eed5e456dc3a9490/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb#L5)
...to be instead: http://localhost:3000/people/
Then start SWB on port 3001 with the command passenger start -p 3001
At the same time, have PublicLab.org/plots2
running on port 3000, with the normal passenger start
Then, go to http://localhost:3000/login and try to log in -- using an account on your local copy of PublicLab.org/plots2
You should be redirected to your local PublicLab.org/plots2
instance, and asked to approve the login.
However, you may be directed back to SpectralWorkbench.org instead of http://localhost:3001 -- please update this documentation if so -- but you should be able to confirm that you were able to log in in any case.
Further work on building tests around these functions is ongoing at: