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MERN Dashboard Template

This Template allows you to quickly and easily develop a web application using MERN stack.

It helps you if you read through this README to get the most our of what this template has to offer. I appreciate any issue reports or recommendations for further development.

Screenshot Sample Images


✔️ Below is implementation of FrontEnd

Table of Contents

  1. File Structure
  2. Api
  3. Assets
  4. Components
  5. Redux
  6. Routes
  7. Utils
  8. Constants

File Structure

Folder Description
api Fetching datas from server API
assets custom css, sass styling for the app
components pages[views], layouts of the app
constants configuration and other constants
redux redux store management for the app
routes routing system, route authenticating
utils utilities which ease development


This is where we request to server using axios library. There is one instance file which configure a request for the rest of api's.

// create instance
const instance = axios.create({
    baseURL: config.WS_BASE_URL, // base url 

// ithe intercepting
instance.interceptors.request.use(async (config) => {
    config.headers.ContentType = 'application/json';
     * This is where we add more configurations for the request
     * Different headers e.g Authorization, Range, Cookies, ... etc
    return config;
// The rest of api requests will use this instance.

Sample API object or function

// creating account for example
export const createAccount = {
    google: async(data_from_form) =>(
        await, {data_from_form})


This directory basically contains custom css, javascript ..etc files


  1. Layouts Different layouts for page gui e.g: Appbar, Bottombar, etc Here you can use any layouts for your app
  • Views directory contains 2 folders

A. Private - for authorized users [Dashboard, Profile, ...] B. Public - for unauthorized users [Home, Login, Register, ...]

  • When you need to add a page into your app, If it's authorized page added to private directory else, added to public directory



This template uses V6 for react-router-dom

Router V6

The routing system implementation is as below:

The App.js file imports all routes array of objects from Routes-Director

import { useRoutes} from "react-router-dom"; // useRoutes to route array of objects
const App = ()=>{
  let elements = useRoutes(routes);
  return ({ elements }); // will return routes which contains [path, elements ... etc ]

In the Routes director we have [PrivateRoute.js && routes.js] files


// this files check if the route is authorized or not..
const PrivateRoute = ({ children }) => {
  let location = useLocation();
  if (!(here_your_auth_provider)) {
    // redirecting to signin page or your default page
    return <Navigate to="/auth/login" state={{ from: location }} replace />;

  return children;


// a route array of objects
// here is where you import your view/page components
// for example: to add a new view page [ one authorized, one unauthorized]
// unauthorized view page = HomeComponent
// authorized view page = DashboardComponent

// import layouts for your authorized and unauthorized pages
// Here -> Layouts should contains <Outlet/>
// PublicLayout -> for Unauthorized pages
// PrivateLayout -> for Authorized pages

Public Layout

import {Outlet} from 'react-router-dom'; // outlet which will render all it's children elements
const PublicLayout = ()=>{
        // if you have top navigation or something add here...
        // then render all it's childrens
// same will goes to PrivateLayouts ... if you need a different layouts
// HomeComponent - public view page
// DashboardComponent - private view page
// PrivateLayout - for private view pages
// PublicLayout - for public view pages
const routes = [
    // for unauthorized view page adding...
      path: '/',
      element: <PublicLayout/>,
      children: [
          { index: true, element: <HomeComponent /> },
    // for authorized view page adding...
      path: '/user',
      element: <PrivateLayout/>,
      children: [
          { index: true, element: <DashboardComponent /> },
// so this is what we use in app.js [let element = useRoutes(routes) ]


Here, we added locastorage and cookie functions. which will help us in different situations [authentication, data retreive or store] For example using local storage we have

// storing data in locastorage
const setLocalStorage = (key, value) =>{
  window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));


  1. Configuration for base url, host url .. etc So, you are required to change accordingly
const config = {
    WS_BASE_URL: ?, // api base url e.g [http://localhost:4000/user/] -> change according 
    WS_URL: ?, // just base url with slash last e.g [http://localhost:4000/] -> change according 
    WS_BACK_URL: ?, // just base url  e.g [http://localhost:4000] -> change according 
    DOMAIN_NAME: ?, // front end host  e.g [http://localhost:3000] -> change according 
    GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: ?, // your google client id

  1. Theme scheme .. etc