This Template allows you to quickly and easily develop a web application using MERN stack.
It helps you if you read through this README to get the most our of what this template has to offer. I appreciate any issue reports or recommendations for further development.
✔️ Below is implementation of FrontEnd
Folder | Description |
api |
Fetching datas from server API |
assets |
custom css, sass styling for the app |
components |
pages[views], layouts of the app |
constants |
configuration and other constants |
redux |
redux store management for the app |
routes |
routing system, route authenticating |
utils |
utilities which ease development |
This is where we request to server using axios library. There is one instance file which configure a request for the rest of api's.
// create instance
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: config.WS_BASE_URL, // base url
// ithe intercepting
instance.interceptors.request.use(async (config) => {
config.headers.ContentType = 'application/json';
* This is where we add more configurations for the request
* Different headers e.g Authorization, Range, Cookies, ... etc
return config;
// The rest of api requests will use this instance.
Sample API object or function
// creating account for example
export const createAccount = {
google: async(data_from_form) =>(
await, {data_from_form})
This directory basically contains custom css, javascript ..etc files
- Layouts Different layouts for page gui e.g: Appbar, Bottombar, etc Here you can use any layouts for your app
- Views
- Views directory contains 2 folders
A. Private - for authorized users [Dashboard, Profile, ...] B. Public - for unauthorized users [Home, Login, Register, ...]
- When you need to add a page into your app, If it's authorized page added to private directory else, added to public directory
This template uses V6 for react-router-dom
The routing system implementation is as below:
The App.js file imports all routes array of objects from Routes-Director
import { useRoutes} from "react-router-dom"; // useRoutes to route array of objects
const App = ()=>{
let elements = useRoutes(routes);
return ({ elements }); // will return routes which contains [path, elements ... etc ]
In the Routes director we have [PrivateRoute.js && routes.js] files
// this files check if the route is authorized or not..
const PrivateRoute = ({ children }) => {
let location = useLocation();
if (!(here_your_auth_provider)) {
// redirecting to signin page or your default page
return <Navigate to="/auth/login" state={{ from: location }} replace />;
return children;
// a route array of objects
// here is where you import your view/page components
// for example: to add a new view page [ one authorized, one unauthorized]
// unauthorized view page = HomeComponent
// authorized view page = DashboardComponent
// import layouts for your authorized and unauthorized pages
// Here -> Layouts should contains <Outlet/>
// PublicLayout -> for Unauthorized pages
// PrivateLayout -> for Authorized pages
Public Layout
import {Outlet} from 'react-router-dom'; // outlet which will render all it's children elements
const PublicLayout = ()=>{
// if you have top navigation or something add here...
// then render all it's childrens
// same will goes to PrivateLayouts ... if you need a different layouts
// HomeComponent - public view page
// DashboardComponent - private view page
// PrivateLayout - for private view pages
// PublicLayout - for public view pages
const routes = [
// for unauthorized view page adding...
path: '/',
element: <PublicLayout/>,
children: [
{ index: true, element: <HomeComponent /> },
// for authorized view page adding...
path: '/user',
element: <PrivateLayout/>,
children: [
{ index: true, element: <DashboardComponent /> },
// so this is what we use in app.js [let element = useRoutes(routes) ]
Here, we added locastorage and cookie functions. which will help us in different situations [authentication, data retreive or store] For example using local storage we have
// storing data in locastorage
const setLocalStorage = (key, value) =>{
window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
- Configuration for base url, host url .. etc So, you are required to change accordingly
const config = {
WS_BASE_URL: ?, // api base url e.g [http://localhost:4000/user/] -> change according
WS_URL: ?, // just base url with slash last e.g [http://localhost:4000/] -> change according
WS_BACK_URL: ?, // just base url e.g [http://localhost:4000] -> change according
DOMAIN_NAME: ?, // front end host e.g [http://localhost:3000] -> change according
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: ?, // your google client id
- Theme scheme .. etc