The compiled library is available in two ways:
The push-notifications-server-java is available in Maven Central.
dependencies {
compile 'com.pusher:push-notifications-server-java:1.0.0'
You can download a version of the .jar
directly from Maven.
Use your instance id and secret (you can get these from the dashboard) to create a Beams PushNotifications instance:
String instanceId = "8f9a6e22-2483-49aa-8552-125f1a4c5781";
String secretKey = "C54D42FB7CD2D408DDB22D7A0166F1D";
PushNotifications pushNotifications = new PushNotifications(instanceId, secretKey);
val instanceId = "8f9a6e22-2483-49aa-8552-125f1a4c5781"
val secretKey = "C54D42FB7CD2D408DDB22D7A0166F1D"
val pn = PushNotifications(instanceId, secretKey)
Once you have created your PushNotifications instance you can publish a push notification to your registered & subscribed devices:
List<String> interests = Arrays.asList("donuts", "pizza");
Map<String, Map> publishRequest = new HashMap();
Map<String, String> alert = new HashMap();
alert.put("alert", "hi");
Map<String, Map> aps = new HashMap();
aps.put("aps", alert);
publishRequest.put("apns", aps);
Map<String, String> fcmNotification = new HashMap();
fcmNotification.put("title", "hello");
fcmNotification.put("body", "Hello world");
Map<String, Map> fcm = new HashMap();
fcm.put("notification", fcmNotification);
publishRequest.put("fcm", fcm);
pushNotifications.publishToInterests(interests, publishRequest);
val interests = listOf("donuts", "pizza")
val publishRequest = hashMapOf(
"apns" to hashMapOf("aps" to hashMapOf("alert" to "hi")),
"fcm" to hashMapOf("notification" to hashMapOf("title" to "hello", "body" to "Hello world"))
pn.publishToInterests(interests, publishRequest)