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268 lines (181 loc) · 9.66 KB

Release Notes

Version 3.2.0

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 3.2.0. All users of MiniGUI are recommended strongly to use this version for new MiniGUI apps. Please report any bugs and incompatibilities in 

What's new in this version

  • Support for 64-bit platform. Note that the definitions of some types and APIs changed.
  • Compliant to the latest GCC, and eliminate all compilation warnings.

Type changes

Changes of handle types

All handle types, including GHANDLE, HWND, HDC, etc., are now defined as aliases of PVOID (typedef void* PVOID). You may need to check your code to reflect this change.

Changes of integer types.

The type of DWORD now has pointer precision. That is, the size of DWORD will be 4 bytes on 32-bit platform, and 8 bytes on 64-bit platform.

Similarly, WPARAM and LPARAM now have pointer precision.

WORD and SWORD has a half of pointer precision. The size of these two types is 2 bytes on 32-bit platform, and 4 bytes on 64-bit platform.

RGBCOLOR now is defined as an alias of DWORD32 (see below).

Note that the type of BYTE always has the size of 8-bit on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.

New integer types:

We introduce DWORD32 and SDWORD32 types, which have the size of 4 bytes on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. You should use these types when reading/writing 32-bit integers from a binary files for the portability. Of course, you can also use Uint32 or Sint32 types.

Similarly, we introduce WORD16 and SWORD16 types, which have the size of 2 bytes on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. You should use these types when reading/writing 16-bit integers from a binary file for the portability. Of course, you can also use Uint16 or SUint16 types.

LRESULT is defined for window callback procedure, and it has pointer precision.

LINT is a new integer type with pointer precision.

API changes

Integer macros

MAKEWPARAM: this new macro makes a WPARAM value by using four bytes. On the contrary, FIRSTBYTE, SECONDBYTE, THIRDBYTE, and FOURTH macros get the four bytes from a WPARAM or a Uint32 value.

MAKEWORD16: this new macro makes a 16-bit word by using two bytes. Meanwhile, MAKEWORD makes a 16-bit word on 32-bit platform, and a 32-bit word on 64-bit platform.

Note that MAKELONG macro always makes a DWORD integer, which has pointer precision. Meanwhile, MAKELONG32 macro makes a Uint32 integer.

Note that MakeRGB and MakeRGBA macros always make DWORD32 integers. In contract, GetRValue, GetRValue, GetBValue, GetAValue always get red, green, blue, and alpha components from a DWORD32 integer respectively.

Note that you should use (-1) instead of 0xFFFFFFFF for the invalid integer or pointer type value for good portability.

Structure and functions

The main changes in structure and functions:

  • We now use a UINT instead of an int integer for the message identifier.

  • We now use a DWORD integer for the time tick count. Meanwhile, you can create 64 timers on 64-bit platform.

  • We now use a LRESULT integer for the return value of a window callback procedure. Now it is safe to return a pointer from the callback procedure on 64-bit platform. This is a very important change, and it will break the source compatibilty of your code. You should check the source code (use gcc option -Wall) carefully.

  • We now use a LINT integer for the identifier of a timer. So you can pass a pointer as the identifier of the timer on 64-bit platform. mGNCS uses MiniGUI timer in this manner.

  • We now use a LINT integer for the identifier of a control/widget and a menu item. So you can pass a pointer as the identifier of the timer on 64-bit platform. mGNCS works in this manner.


The strcuture MSG and all message-related functions changed. For example, the prototype of SendMessage changed from

int SendMessage (HWND hWnd, int nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)


LRESULT SendMessage (HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)


For best portability, you should use FIRSTBYTE to FOURTHBYTE macros to get the bytes of a character when you extract the bytes from WPARAM parameter of a MSG_CHAR message:

unsigned char ch_buff [4];
unsigned char ch_buff [0] = FIRSTBYTE(wParam);
unsigned char ch_buff [1] = SECONDBYTE(wParam);
unsigned char ch_buff [2] = THIRDBYTE(wParam);
unsigned char ch_buff [3] = FOURTHBYTE(wParam);
Window callback procedure

Furthermore, the structure and functions to register window class, create main window, and create dialog box changed. For example, the prototype of WNDPROC changed from

typedef int (* WNDPROC)(HWND, int, WPARAM, LPARAM)



Therefore, the prototype of DefaultWindowProc changed from

int DefaultWindowProc (HWND hWnd, int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)


LRESULT DefaultWindowProc (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

All main window procedures, control class procedures, and dialog box procedures defined by your app should change the implementation to reflect the changes above.


Do not cast the result returned by a window procedure to int on 64-bit platform, unless you know what your are doing.

Notification callback procedure

The type of notification callback changes from:

typedef void (* NOTIFPROC) (HWND hwnd, int id, int nc, DWORD add_data);


typedef void (* NOTIFPROC) (HWND hwnd, LINT id, int nc, DWORD add_data);


If you use MSG_COMMAND message to handle the notification sent from children controls, you should make sure the identifier is small enough on 64-bit platform. Because MiniGUI packs the identifier and the notification code in the WPARAM parameter:

int id = LOWORD(wParam);
int code = HIWORD(wParam);
HWND hwnd = (HWND)lParam;

The code above will not work on 64-bit if you use a pointer as the identifier of the control.

Therefore, we recommend strongly that you use a NOTIFYPOROC callback to handle the notification sent from controls. To do this, please call SetNotificationCallback function to set the notification callback function.

Time and timer

The prototype of GetTickCount changed from

unsigned int GetTickCount (void)


DWORD GetTickCount (void);

And the prototye of TIMERPROC changed from

typedef BOOL (* TIMERPROC)(HWND, int, DWORD)



In addition, we correct the bad or wrong definitions of some APIs:

  • DWORD2PIXEL to DWORD2Pixel. The old one has a bad name.
  • GetWindowRendererFromName: The return type changes from const WINDOW_ELEMENT_RENDERER* to WINDOW_ELEMENT_RENDERER*. So you can overload some methods directly of a renderer.
  • GetDefaultWindowElementRenderer: The return type changes from const WINDOW_ELEMENT_RENDERER* to WINDOW_ELEMENT_RENDERER*. So you can overload some methods directly of the default renderer.

Configuration option changes

We add some new options for autoconf script (configure):

  • --with-runmode: Now you can use this option to specify the runtime mode of MiniGUI. The old enable options for runmode were removed. Note that MiniGUI-Processes now is the default runmode.

  • --enable-develmode: You should use this option to define _DEBUG macro, enable -Wall -Werror option, and enable all features of MiniGUI, if you were a MiniGUI developer.

Version 3.0.13

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 3.0.13. All users of MiniGUI are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs and incompatibilities in 

What's new in this version

  • Merge new APIs which are introduced by miniStudio.
  • The autoconf/automake config scripts are cleaned up.
  • Remove most of compilation warnings (not used variables).
  • Remove some inline function definitions, especially GetIMEPos/SetIMEPos.
  • Fix some bugs.

API changes

  • [NEW] CopyCursor: Copies a cursor object.
  • [NEW] GetKeyboardState: Gets status of all keys on keyboard.
  • [NEW] ToUnicode/ToAscii: Converts the key code between Unicode and ASCII.
  • [NEW] GetWindowRegion: The function obtains a copy of the window region of a window.
  • [NEW] InvalidateRegion: Invalidates the client area within the specified region.
  • [NEW] ValidateRect: Validates the client area within a rectangle by removing the rectangle from the update region of the specified window.
  • [NEW] ValidateRegion: Validates the client area within a region by removing the region from the current update region of the specified window.
  • [NEW] GetUpdateRegion: Copy the update region of a window to a region.
  • [NEW] AdjustWindowRectEx: Calculates the required size of the window rectangle based on the desired size of the client rectangle.
  • [NEW] WindowFromPointEx: Retrieves a handle to the window that contains the specified point.
  • [NEW] ChildWindowFromPointEx: Retrieves a handle to the child window that contains the speicified point and meets the certain criteria.
  • [NEW] ScrollWindowEx: Scrolls the content of a window's client area.
  • [ADJUST] GetIMEPos/SetIMEPos: inline functions -> normal functions.
  • [ADJUST] WindowFromPoint: normal function -> inline function.
  • [ADJUST] ChildWindowFromPoint: normal function -> inline function.
  • [ADJUST] ScrollWindow: normal function -> inline function.