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Turborepo Tests

Integration tests


Example tests

These tests are for ensuring that the examples we are providing to users work right out of the box.

Test structure

We guarantee that the examples work by running the lint and build tasks in each example and checking for a >>> FULL TURBO on the second run. This requires that the tasks pass and are cacheable. The logic for the tests is in and takes a few steps:

  1. cd to the example directory.
  2. Install packages.
  3. Run turbo build lint.
  4. Run turbo build lint again and write the log results to a temporary text file.
  5. Read that text file looking for a >>> FULL TURBO.

Creating a test

To create a test for a new example:

  1. Copy the basic directory into a new folder.
  2. Edit the name field in package.json.
  3. Run pnpm install for the repository so the new package is added to the workspace.
  4. Edit the test script to path to the directory you are interested in and use the package manager for that example.
  5. Run turbo test --filter="@turborepo-examples-tests/*" in your terminal to make sure all is well!


We currently do not test the examples that use Docker. We may choose to do this in the future.