bamboo-engine is a event-driven workflow engine. It can
- execute and schedule workflow
- provide multiple workflow control api(pause, resume, revoke, retry, skip node, forced fail...)
- horizontal scale capacity
- Usage
- Runtime Documents
- bamboo-pipeline
bamboo-engine is the core of the whole engine, it define
- basic engine model
- workflow execution core
- engine runtime interface
and you should use runtime which implemented bamboo_engine.eri.interfaces.EngineRuntimeInterface
to work with your project.
Current usable runtime:
- Runtime base on Django and Celery: bamboo-pipeline
bamboo-engine modules:
$ pip install bamboo-pipeline
Because bamboo-pipeline
implement with Django, let's create a Django project
$ django-admin startproject bamboo_engine_playground
$ cd bamboo_engine_playground
add these settings in
from pipeline.eri.celery.queues import *
from celery import Celery
app = Celery("proj")
migrate db in bamboo_engine_playground
$ python migrate
Start celery worker in bamboo_engine_playground
$ python celery worker -Q er_execute,er_schedule -l info
build and run a simple workflow:
import time
from bamboo_engine import api
from bamboo_engine.builder import *
from pipeline.eri.runtime import BambooDjangoRuntime
# use builder to build workflow
start = EmptyStartEvent()
# use bamboo-pipeline example component
act = ServiceActivity(component_code="example_component")
end = EmptyEndEvent()
pipeline = builder.build_tree(start)
# execute it
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.run_pipeline(runtime=runtime, pipeline=pipeline)
# wait 1s and fetch status
result = api.get_pipeline_states(runtime=runtime, root_id=pipeline["id"])
And then we can see the flow status:
{'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57': {'id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'parent_id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'version': 'vaf47e56f2f31401e979c3c47b2a0c285',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 688664, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 688423, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 775165, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'children': {'e42035b3f98374062921a191115fc602e': {'id': 'e42035b3f98374062921a191115fc602e',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'parent_id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'version': 've2d0fa10d7d842a1bcac25984620232a',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 744490, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 744308, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 746690, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
'e327f83de42df4ebfab375c271bf63d29': {'id': 'e327f83de42df4ebfab375c271bf63d29',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'parent_id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'version': 'v893cdc14150d4df5b20f2db32ba142b3',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 753321, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 753122, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 758697, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
'e6c7d7a3721ca4b19a5a7f3b34d8387bf': {'id': 'e6c7d7a3721ca4b19a5a7f3b34d8387bf',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'parent_id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'version': 'v0c661ee6994d4eb4bdbfe5260f9a9f22',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 767563, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 767384, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 773341, tzinfo=<UTC>)}}}}
Congratulation! You have created a workflow and execute it successfully!
- MacBook Pro(16 inch,2019)
- CPU: 2.6 GHz 6 Intel Core i7
- RAM: 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
- OS: macOS Big Sur 11.2.1
- Broker: RabbitMQ 3.8.2
- MySQL: 5.7.22
- workers
- python celery worker -c 100 -P gevent -l info -Q er_execute -n execute_%(process_num)02d
- python celery worker -c 100 -P gevent -l info -Q er_schedule -n schedule_%(process_num)02d
test case | worker concurrency | worflow execution time(s) |
100 workflow(17 nodes) parallel execution | 100 | 25.98 |
100 workflow(17 nodes) parallel execution | 200 | 14.75 |
100 workflow(17 nodes) parallel execution | 500 | 8.29 |
100 workflow(17 nodes) parallel execution | 1000 | 6.78 |
1000 nodes workflow | 100 | 19.33 |
1000 nodes workflow | 200 | 12.5 |
1000 nodes workflow | 500 | 11 |
1000 nodes workflow | 1000 | 7.5 |
- BK-CI:a continuous integration and continuous delivery system that can easily present your R & D process to you.
- BK-BCS:a basic container service platform which provides orchestration and management for micro-service business.
- BK-BCS-SaaS:a SaaS provides users with highly scalable, flexible and easy-to-use container products and services.
- BK-PaaS:an development platform that allows developers to create, develop, deploy and manage SaaS applications easily and quickly.
- BK-SOPS:an lightweight scheduling SaaS for task flow scheduling and execution through a visual graphical interface.
- BK-CMDB:an enterprise-level configuration management platform for assets and applications.
Issue and PR are welcome
- We use Poetry to mange dvelop, build and publish phase.
- Pull reqeust should paas all code style check, unit test and Integration test.
- New code should ensure 90% percent coverage.