功能和 qupload
一致,不过 qupload2
qshell qupload2 --src-dir=/home/jemy/temp --bucket=test
其所支持的命令参数列表,可以通过 -h
选项获得,参数含义参考 qupload
的 --bucket
选项含义可参考 qupload
的 bucket
的 --check-hash
选项含义可参考 qupload
的 check_hash
jemy•~» qshell qupload2 -h
Batch upload files to the qiniu bucket
qshell qupload2 [flags]
--bucket string bucket
-T, --callback-host string upload callback host
-l, --callback-urls string upload callback urls, separated by comma
--check-exists check file key whether in bucket before upload
--check-hash check hash
--check-size check file size
-e, --failure-list string upload failure file list
--file-list string file list to upload
--file-type int set storage type of file, 0:STANDARD storage, 1:IA storage, 2:ARCHIVE storage, 3:DEEP_ARCHIVE storage, 4:ARCHIVE_IR storage
-h, --help help for qupload2
--ignore-dir ignore the dir in the dest file key
--key-prefix string key prefix prepended to dest file key
--log-file string log file
--log-level string log level (default "debug")
--log-rotate int log rotate days (default 7)
--overwrite overwrite the file of same key in bucket
-w, --overwrite-list string upload success (overwrite) file list
--put-threshold int chunk upload threshold, unit: B (default 8388608)
--record-root string record root dir, and will save record info to the dir(db and log), default <UserRoot>/.qshell
--rescan-local rescan local dir to upload newly add files
--resumable-api-v2 use resumable upload v2 APIs to upload
--resumable-api-v2-part-size int the part size when use resumable upload v2 APIs to upload (default 4194304)
--sequential-read-file File reading is sequential and does not involve skipping; when enabled, the uploading fragment data will be loaded into the memory. This option may increase file upload speed for mounted network filesystems.
--skip-file-prefixes string skip files with these file prefixes
--skip-fixed-strings string skip files with the fixed string in the name
--skip-path-prefixes string skip files with these relative path prefixes
--skip-suffixes string skip files with these suffixes
--src-dir string src dir to upload
-s, --success-list string upload success file list
--thread-count int multiple thread count (default 1)
--up-host string upload host
--worker-count int the number of concurrently uploaded parts of a single file in resumable upload (default 3)