From a4b458701942cd1b9ef10aea1d4c437e5b3db975 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: amix Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 10:43:54 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Updated plugins --- sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/autoload/goyo.vim | 383 +++++++++++ sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/plugin/goyo.vim | 363 +--------- .../plugin/open_file_under_cursor.vim | 15 +- sources_non_forked/syntastic/README.markdown | 8 +- .../syntastic/autoload/syntastic/util.vim | 6 - .../syntastic/plugin/syntastic.vim | 2 +- .../syntastic/plugin/syntastic/checker.vim | 21 + .../syntastic/plugin/syntastic/registry.vim | 1 + .../syntastic/plugin/syntastic/signs.vim | 8 +- .../syntax_checkers/coffee/coffee.vim | 5 +- .../syntax_checkers/coffee/coffeelint.vim | 4 +- .../syntastic/syntax_checkers/eruby/ruby.vim | 6 +- .../syntax_checkers/haskell/ghc-mod.vim | 2 +- .../syntastic/syntax_checkers/html/jshint.vim | 6 +- .../syntastic/syntax_checkers/java/javac.vim | 2 +- .../syntax_checkers/javascript/eslint.vim | 6 +- .../syntax_checkers/javascript/jshint.vim | 10 +- .../syntax_checkers/javascript/jsxhint.vim | 2 +- .../syntax_checkers/puppet/puppet.vim | 14 +- .../syntax_checkers/puppet/puppetlint.vim | 5 +- .../syntax_checkers/python/pep257.vim | 4 +- .../syntax_checkers/python/prospector.vim | 6 +- .../syntax_checkers/python/pylint.vim | 3 +- .../syntax_checkers/python/python.vim | 6 +- .../syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/reek.vim | 6 +- .../syntax_checkers/ruby/rubocop.vim | 6 +- .../syntax_checkers/ruby/rubylint.vim | 4 +- .../syntax_checkers/scss/scss_lint.vim | 6 +- .../syntastic/syntax_checkers/slim/slimrb.vim | 3 +- .../syntastic/syntax_checkers/swift/xcrun.vim | 48 ++ .../syntastic/syntax_checkers/yaml/jsyaml.vim | 4 +- .../vim-airline/autoload/airline.vim | 3 + .../vim-airline/autoload/airline/init.vim | 2 +- .../vim-airline/doc/airline.txt | 5 + sources_non_forked/vim-airline/t/init.vim | 2 +- .../vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim | 4 +- sources_non_forked/vim-go/ | 27 +- .../vim-go/autoload/go/complete.vim | 7 +- .../vim-go/autoload/go/errcheck.vim | 15 +- sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/fmt.vim | 9 +- .../vim-go/autoload/go/tool.vim | 3 +- .../vim-go/autoload/go/vimproc.vim | 21 + sources_non_forked/vim-go/doc/vim-go.txt | 6 + .../vim-go/gosnippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets | 8 +- sources_non_forked/vim-go/plugin/go.vim | 7 +- sources_non_forked/vim-go/syntax/go.vim | 19 + .../vim-multiple-cursors/ | 2 +- .../autoload/multiple_cursors.vim | 20 +- .../doc/multiple_cursors.txt | 2 +- .../vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim | 14 +- sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/ | 19 + .../vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim | 646 ++++++------------ .../autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim | 205 ++++++ .../vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/legacy.vim | 129 ++++ .../vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim | 220 ++++++ .../vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/util.vim | 10 + .../vim-snipmate/doc/snipMate.txt | 202 ++++-- .../vim-snipmate/plugin/snipMate.vim | 10 +- sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim | 175 +++++ sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim | 116 ++++ sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/ | 20 + .../vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets | 52 +- .../UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets | 2 +- .../vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets | 36 +- .../UltiSnips/php_laravel.snippets | 21 +- .../vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippets | 12 - .../vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets | 2 + .../vim-snippets/snippets/puppet.snippets | 121 ++-- .../vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets | 3 + .../vim-surround/doc/surround.txt | 5 +- .../vim-surround/plugin/surround.vim | 11 +- 71 files changed, 2061 insertions(+), 1097 deletions(-) create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/autoload/goyo.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/swift/xcrun.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/vimproc.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/legacy.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/util.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/ diff --git a/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/autoload/goyo.vim b/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/autoload/goyo.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4a904f7ba --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/autoload/goyo.vim @@ -0,0 +1,383 @@ +" Copyright (c) 2015 Junegunn Choi +" +" MIT License +" +" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +" the following conditions: +" +" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +" +" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +" MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +" NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +" LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +" OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +" WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +let s:cpo_save = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +function! s:get_color(group, attr) + return synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:attr) +endfunction + +function! s:set_color(group, attr, color) + let gui = has('gui_running') + execute printf("hi %s %s%s=%s", a:group, gui ? 'gui' : 'cterm', a:attr, a:color) +endfunction + +function! s:blank(repel) + if bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.r) <= bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.l) + 1 + \ || bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.b) <= bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.t) + 3 + call s:goyo_off() + endif + execute 'wincmd' a:repel +endfunction + +function! s:init_pad(command) + execute a:command + + setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodifiable nobuflisted noswapfile + \ nonu nocursorline nocursorcolumn winfixwidth winfixheight statusline=\ + if exists('&rnu') + setlocal nornu + endif + if exists('&colorcolumn') + setlocal colorcolumn= + endif + let bufnr = winbufnr(0) + + execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w' + return bufnr +endfunction + +function! s:setup_pad(bufnr, vert, size, repel) + let win = bufwinnr(a:bufnr) + execute win . 'wincmd w' + execute (a:vert ? 'vertical ' : '') . 'resize ' . max([0, a:size]) + augroup goyop + execute 'autocmd WinEnter,CursorMoved nested call s:blank("'.a:repel.'")' + autocmd WinLeave call s:hide_statusline() + augroup END + + " To hide scrollbars of pad windows in GVim + let diff = winheight(0) - line('$') - (has('gui_running') ? 2 : 0) + if diff > 0 + setlocal modifiable + call append(0, map(range(1, diff), '""')) + normal! gg + setlocal nomodifiable + endif + execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w' +endfunction + +function! s:hmargin() + let nwidth = max([len(string(line('$'))) + 1, &numberwidth]) + let width = t:goyo_width + (&number ? nwidth : 0) + return (&columns - width) +endfunction + +function! s:resize_pads() + let t:goyo_width = max([2, t:goyo_width]) + let t:goyo_margin_top = min([max([2, t:goyo_margin_top]), &lines / 2 - 1]) + let t:goyo_margin_bottom = min([max([2, t:goyo_margin_bottom]), &lines / 2 - 1]) + + let hmargin = s:hmargin() + + augroup goyop + autocmd! + augroup END + call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.t, 0, t:goyo_margin_top - 1, 'j') + call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.b, 0, t:goyo_margin_bottom - 2, 'k') + call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.l, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1, 'l') + call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.r, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1, 'h') + + let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0) +endfunction + +function! s:tranquilize() + let bg = s:get_color('Normal', 'bg') + for grp in ['NonText', 'FoldColumn', 'ColorColumn', 'VertSplit', + \ 'StatusLine', 'StatusLineNC', 'SignColumn'] + " -1 on Vim / '' on GVim + if bg == -1 || empty(bg) + call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', get(g:, 'goyo_bg', 'black')) + call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', 'NONE') + else + call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', bg) + call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', bg) + endif + call s:set_color(grp, '', 'NONE') + endfor +endfunction + +function! s:hide_statusline() + let &l:statusline = repeat(' ', winwidth(0)) +endfunction + +function! s:hide_linenr() + if !get(g:, 'goyo_linenr', 0) + setlocal nonu + if exists('&rnu') + setlocal nornu + endif + endif + if exists('&colorcolumn') + setlocal colorcolumn= + endif +endfunction + +function! s:maps_nop() + let mapped = filter(['R', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '|', '_'], + \ "empty(maparg(\"\\".v:val, 'n'))") + for c in mapped + execute 'nnoremap '.escape(c, '|').' ' + endfor + return mapped +endfunction + +function! s:maps_resize() + let commands = { + \ '=': ':let [t:goyo_width, t:goyo_margin_top, t:goyo_margin_bottom] = t:goyo_initial_dim call resize_pads()', + \ '>': ':let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0) + 2 * v:count1 call resize_pads()', + \ '<': ':let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0) - 2 * v:count1 call resize_pads()', + \ '+': ':let t:goyo_margin_top -= v:count1 let t:goyo_margin_bottom -= v:count1 call resize_pads()', + \ '-': ':let t:goyo_margin_top += v:count1 let t:goyo_margin_bottom += v:count1 call resize_pads()' + \ } + let mapped = filter(keys(commands), "empty(maparg(\"\\".v:val, 'n'))") + for c in mapped + execute 'nnoremap '.c.' '.commands[c] + endfor + return mapped +endfunction + +function! s:goyo_on(width) + let s:orig_tab = tabpagenr() + + " New tab + tab split + + let t:goyo_master = winbufnr(0) + let t:goyo_width = a:width + let t:goyo_margin_top = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_top', 4) + let t:goyo_margin_bottom = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_bottom', 4) + let t:goyo_initial_dim = [t:goyo_width, t:goyo_margin_top, t:goyo_margin_bottom] + let t:goyo_pads = {} + let t:goyo_revert = + \ { 'laststatus': &laststatus, + \ 'showtabline': &showtabline, + \ 'fillchars': &fillchars, + \ 'winminwidth': &winminwidth, + \ 'winwidth': &winwidth, + \ 'winminheight': &winminheight, + \ 'winheight': &winheight, + \ 'ruler': &ruler, + \ 'sidescroll': &sidescroll, + \ 'sidescrolloff': &sidescrolloff + \ } + let t:goyo_maps = extend(s:maps_nop(), s:maps_resize()) + if has('gui_running') + let t:goyo_revert.guioptions = &guioptions + endif + + " vim-gitgutter + let t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter = get(g:, 'gitgutter_enabled', 0) + if t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter + silent! GitGutterDisable + endif + + " vim-signify + let t:goyo_disabled_signify = exists('b:sy') && + if t:goyo_disabled_signify + SignifyToggle + endif + + " vim-airline + let t:goyo_disabled_airline = exists("#airline") + if t:goyo_disabled_airline + AirlineToggle + endif + + " vim-powerline + let t:goyo_disabled_powerline = exists("#PowerlineMain") + if t:goyo_disabled_powerline + augroup PowerlineMain + autocmd! + augroup END + augroup! PowerlineMain + endif + + " lightline.vim + let t:goyo_disabled_lightline = exists('#LightLine') + if t:goyo_disabled_lightline + silent! call lightline#disable() + endif + + call s:hide_linenr() + " Global options + let &winheight = max([&winminheight, 1]) + set winminheight=1 + set winheight=1 + set winminwidth=1 winwidth=1 + set laststatus=0 + set showtabline=0 + set noruler + set fillchars+=vert:\ + set fillchars+=stl:. + set fillchars+=stlnc:\ + set sidescroll=1 + set sidescrolloff=0 + + " Hide left-hand scrollbars + if has('gui_running') + set guioptions-=l + set guioptions-=L + endif + + let t:goyo_pads.l = s:init_pad('vertical topleft new') + let t:goyo_pads.r = s:init_pad('vertical botright new') + let t:goyo_pads.t = s:init_pad('topleft new') + let t:goyo_pads.b = s:init_pad('botright new') + + call s:resize_pads() + call s:tranquilize() + + augroup goyo + autocmd! + autocmd TabLeave * call s:goyo_off() + autocmd VimResized * call s:resize_pads() + autocmd ColorScheme * call s:tranquilize() + autocmd BufWinEnter * call s:hide_linenr() | call s:hide_statusline() + autocmd WinEnter,WinLeave * call s:hide_statusline() + augroup END + + call s:hide_statusline() + if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[0]') + call g:goyo_callbacks[0]() + endif + silent! doautocmd User GoyoEnter +endfunction + +function! s:goyo_off() + if !exists('#goyo') + return + endif + + " Oops, not this tab + if !exists('t:goyo_revert') + return + endif + + " Clear auto commands + augroup goyo + autocmd! + augroup END + augroup! goyo + augroup goyop + autocmd! + augroup END + augroup! goyop + + for c in t:goyo_maps + execute 'nunmap '.escape(c, '|') + endfor + + let goyo_revert = t:goyo_revert + let goyo_disabled_gitgutter = t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter + let goyo_disabled_signify = t:goyo_disabled_signify + let goyo_disabled_airline = t:goyo_disabled_airline + let goyo_disabled_powerline = t:goyo_disabled_powerline + let goyo_disabled_lightline = t:goyo_disabled_lightline + let goyo_orig_buffer = t:goyo_master + let [line, col] = [line('.'), col('.')] + + if tabpagenr() == 1 + tabnew + normal! gt + bd + endif + tabclose + execute 'normal! '.s:orig_tab.'gt' + if winbufnr(0) == goyo_orig_buffer + " Doesn't work if window closed with `q` + execute printf('normal! %dG%d|', line, col) + endif + + let wmw = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminwidth') + let ww = remove(goyo_revert, 'winwidth') + let &winwidth = ww + let &winminwidth = wmw + let wmh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminheight') + let wh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winheight') + let &winheight = max([wmh, 1]) + let &winminheight = wmh + let &winheight = wh + + for [k, v] in items(goyo_revert) + execute printf("let &%s = %s", k, string(v)) + endfor + execute 'colo '. get(g:, 'colors_name', 'default') + + if goyo_disabled_gitgutter + silent! GitGutterEnable + endif + + if goyo_disabled_signify + silent! if ! + SignifyToggle + endif + endif + + if goyo_disabled_airline && !exists("#airline") + AirlineToggle + silent! AirlineRefresh + endif + + if goyo_disabled_powerline && !exists("#PowerlineMain") + doautocmd PowerlineStartup VimEnter + silent! PowerlineReloadColorscheme + endif + + if goyo_disabled_lightline + silent! call lightline#enable() + endif + + if exists('#Powerline') + doautocmd Powerline ColorScheme + endif + + if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[1]') + call g:goyo_callbacks[1]() + endif + silent! doautocmd User GoyoLeave +endfunction + +function! goyo#execute(bang, ...) + let width = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : get(g:, 'goyo_width', 80) + + if a:bang + if exists('#goyo') + call s:goyo_off() + endif + else + if exists('#goyo') == 0 + call s:goyo_on(width) + elseif a:0 > 0 + let t:goyo_width = width + call s:resize_pads() + else + call s:goyo_off() + end + end +endfunction + +let &cpo = s:cpo_save +unlet s:cpo_save + diff --git a/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/plugin/goyo.vim b/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/plugin/goyo.vim index 7c43f4ef0e..76e9ad3670 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/plugin/goyo.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/plugin/goyo.vim @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -" Copyright (c) 2014 Junegunn Choi +" Copyright (c) 2015 Junegunn Choi " " MIT License " @@ -21,363 +21,4 @@ " OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION " WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -let s:cpo_save = &cpo -set cpo&vim - -function! s:get_color(group, attr) - return synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:attr) -endfunction - -function! s:set_color(group, attr, color) - let gui = has('gui_running') - execute printf("hi %s %s%s=%s", a:group, gui ? 'gui' : 'cterm', a:attr, a:color) -endfunction - -function! s:blank(repel) - if bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.r) <= bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.l) + 1 - \ || bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.b) <= bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.t) + 3 - call s:goyo_off() - endif - execute 'wincmd' a:repel -endfunction - -function! s:init_pad(command) - execute a:command - - setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodifiable nobuflisted noswapfile - \ nonu nocursorline nocursorcolumn winfixwidth winfixheight statusline=\ - if exists('&rnu') - setlocal nornu - endif - if exists('&colorcolumn') - setlocal colorcolumn= - endif - let bufnr = winbufnr(0) - - execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w' - return bufnr -endfunction - -function! s:setup_pad(bufnr, vert, size, repel) - let win = bufwinnr(a:bufnr) - execute win . 'wincmd w' - execute (a:vert ? 'vertical ' : '') . 'resize ' . max([0, a:size]) - augroup goyop - execute 'autocmd WinEnter,CursorMoved nested call s:blank("'.a:repel.'")' - autocmd WinLeave call s:hide_statusline() - augroup END - - " To hide scrollbars of pad windows in GVim - let diff = winheight(0) - line('$') - (has('gui_running') ? 2 : 0) - if diff > 0 - setlocal modifiable - call append(0, map(range(1, diff), '""')) - normal! gg - setlocal nomodifiable - endif - execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w' -endfunction - -function! s:hmargin() - let nwidth = max([len(string(line('$'))) + 1, &numberwidth]) - let width = t:goyo_width + (&number ? nwidth : 0) - return (&columns - width) -endfunction - -function! s:resize_pads() - let t:goyo_width = max([2, t:goyo_width]) - let t:goyo_margin_top = min([max([2, t:goyo_margin_top]), &lines / 2 - 1]) - let t:goyo_margin_bottom = min([max([2, t:goyo_margin_bottom]), &lines / 2 - 1]) - - let hmargin = s:hmargin() - - augroup goyop - autocmd! - augroup END - call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.t, 0, t:goyo_margin_top - 1, 'j') - call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.b, 0, t:goyo_margin_bottom - 2, 'k') - call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.l, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1, 'l') - call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.r, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1, 'h') - - let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0) -endfunction - -function! s:tranquilize() - let bg = s:get_color('Normal', 'bg') - for grp in ['NonText', 'FoldColumn', 'ColorColumn', 'VertSplit', - \ 'StatusLine', 'StatusLineNC', 'SignColumn'] - " -1 on Vim / '' on GVim - if bg == -1 || empty(bg) - call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', get(g:, 'goyo_bg', 'black')) - call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', 'NONE') - else - call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', bg) - call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', bg) - endif - call s:set_color(grp, '', 'NONE') - endfor -endfunction - -function! s:hide_statusline() - let &l:statusline = repeat(' ', winwidth(0)) -endfunction - -function! s:hide_linenr() - if !get(g:, 'goyo_linenr', 0) - setlocal nonu - if exists('&rnu') - setlocal nornu - endif - endif - if exists('&colorcolumn') - setlocal colorcolumn= - endif -endfunction - -function! s:maps_nop() - let mapped = filter(['R', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '|', '_', '='], - \ "empty(maparg(\"\\".v:val, 'n'))") - for c in mapped - execute 'nnoremap '.escape(c, '|').' ' - endfor - return mapped -endfunction - -function! s:maps_resize() - let commands = { - \ '>': ':let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0) + 2 * v:count1 call resize_pads()', - \ '<': ':let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0) - 2 * v:count1 call resize_pads()', - \ '+': ':let t:goyo_margin_top -= v:count1 let t:goyo_margin_bottom -= v:count1 call resize_pads()', - \ '-': ':let t:goyo_margin_top += v:count1 let t:goyo_margin_bottom += v:count1 call resize_pads()' - \ } - let mapped = filter(keys(commands), "empty(maparg(\"\\".v:val, 'n'))") - for c in mapped - execute 'nnoremap '.c.' '.commands[c] - endfor - return mapped -endfunction - -function! s:goyo_on(width) - let s:orig_tab = tabpagenr() - - " New tab - tab split - - let t:goyo_master = winbufnr(0) - let t:goyo_width = a:width - let t:goyo_margin_top = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_top', 4) - let t:goyo_margin_bottom = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_bottom', 4) - let t:goyo_pads = {} - let t:goyo_revert = - \ { 'laststatus': &laststatus, - \ 'showtabline': &showtabline, - \ 'fillchars': &fillchars, - \ 'winminwidth': &winminwidth, - \ 'winwidth': &winwidth, - \ 'winminheight': &winminheight, - \ 'winheight': &winheight, - \ 'ruler': &ruler, - \ 'sidescroll': &sidescroll, - \ 'sidescrolloff': &sidescrolloff - \ } - let t:goyo_maps = extend(s:maps_nop(), s:maps_resize()) - if has('gui_running') - let t:goyo_revert.guioptions = &guioptions - endif - - " vim-gitgutter - let t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter = get(g:, 'gitgutter_enabled', 0) - if t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter - silent! GitGutterDisable - endif - - " vim-signify - let t:goyo_disabled_signify = exists('b:sy') && - if t:goyo_disabled_signify - SignifyToggle - endif - - " vim-airline - let t:goyo_disabled_airline = exists("#airline") - if t:goyo_disabled_airline - AirlineToggle - endif - - " vim-powerline - let t:goyo_disabled_powerline = exists("#PowerlineMain") - if t:goyo_disabled_powerline - augroup PowerlineMain - autocmd! - augroup END - augroup! PowerlineMain - endif - - " lightline.vim - let t:goyo_disabled_lightline = exists('#LightLine') - if t:goyo_disabled_lightline - silent! call lightline#disable() - endif - - call s:hide_linenr() - " Global options - let &winheight = max([&winminheight, 1]) - set winminheight=1 - set winheight=1 - set winminwidth=1 winwidth=1 - set laststatus=0 - set showtabline=0 - set noruler - set fillchars+=vert:\ - set fillchars+=stl:. - set fillchars+=stlnc:\ - set sidescroll=1 - set sidescrolloff=0 - - " Hide left-hand scrollbars - if has('gui_running') - set guioptions-=l - set guioptions-=L - endif - - let t:goyo_pads.l = s:init_pad('vertical topleft new') - let t:goyo_pads.r = s:init_pad('vertical botright new') - let t:goyo_pads.t = s:init_pad('topleft new') - let t:goyo_pads.b = s:init_pad('botright new') - - call s:resize_pads() - call s:tranquilize() - - augroup goyo - autocmd! - autocmd TabLeave * call s:goyo_off() - autocmd VimResized * call s:resize_pads() - autocmd ColorScheme * call s:tranquilize() - autocmd BufWinEnter * call s:hide_linenr() | call s:hide_statusline() - autocmd WinEnter,WinLeave * call s:hide_statusline() - augroup END - - call s:hide_statusline() - if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[0]') - call g:goyo_callbacks[0]() - endif - silent! doautocmd User GoyoEnter -endfunction - -function! s:goyo_off() - if !exists('#goyo') - return - endif - - " Oops, not this tab - if !exists('t:goyo_revert') - return - endif - - " Clear auto commands - augroup goyo - autocmd! - augroup END - augroup! goyo - augroup goyop - autocmd! - augroup END - augroup! goyop - - for c in t:goyo_maps - execute 'nunmap '.escape(c, '|') - endfor - - let goyo_revert = t:goyo_revert - let goyo_disabled_gitgutter = t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter - let goyo_disabled_signify = t:goyo_disabled_signify - let goyo_disabled_airline = t:goyo_disabled_airline - let goyo_disabled_powerline = t:goyo_disabled_powerline - let goyo_disabled_lightline = t:goyo_disabled_lightline - let goyo_orig_buffer = t:goyo_master - let [line, col] = [line('.'), col('.')] - - if tabpagenr() == 1 - tabnew - normal! gt - bd - endif - tabclose - execute 'normal! '.s:orig_tab.'gt' - if winbufnr(0) == goyo_orig_buffer - " Doesn't work if window closed with `q` - execute printf('normal! %dG%d|', line, col) - endif - - let wmw = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminwidth') - let ww = remove(goyo_revert, 'winwidth') - let &winwidth = ww - let &winminwidth = wmw - let wmh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminheight') - let wh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winheight') - let &winheight = max([wmh, 1]) - let &winminheight = wmh - let &winheight = wh - - for [k, v] in items(goyo_revert) - execute printf("let &%s = %s", k, string(v)) - endfor - execute 'colo '. get(g:, 'colors_name', 'default') - - if goyo_disabled_gitgutter - silent! GitGutterEnable - endif - - if goyo_disabled_signify - silent! if ! - SignifyToggle - endif - endif - - if goyo_disabled_airline && !exists("#airline") - AirlineToggle - silent! AirlineRefresh - endif - - if goyo_disabled_powerline && !exists("#PowerlineMain") - doautocmd PowerlineStartup VimEnter - silent! PowerlineReloadColorscheme - endif - - if goyo_disabled_lightline - silent! call lightline#enable() - endif - - if exists('#Powerline') - doautocmd Powerline ColorScheme - endif - - if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[1]') - call g:goyo_callbacks[1]() - endif - silent! doautocmd User GoyoLeave -endfunction - -function! s:goyo(bang, ...) - let width = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : get(g:, 'goyo_width', 80) - - if a:bang - if exists('#goyo') - call s:goyo_off() - endif - else - if exists('#goyo') == 0 - call s:goyo_on(width) - elseif a:0 > 0 - let t:goyo_width = width - call s:resize_pads() - else - call s:goyo_off() - end - end -endfunction - -command! -nargs=? -bar -bang Goyo call s:goyo('' == '!', ) - -let &cpo = s:cpo_save -unlet s:cpo_save - +command! -nargs=? -bar -bang Goyo call goyo#execute(0, ) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/open_file_under_cursor.vim/plugin/open_file_under_cursor.vim b/sources_non_forked/open_file_under_cursor.vim/plugin/open_file_under_cursor.vim index 7d35c91d93..107babc4a5 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/open_file_under_cursor.vim/plugin/open_file_under_cursor.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/open_file_under_cursor.vim/plugin/open_file_under_cursor.vim @@ -12,7 +12,20 @@ function! GotoFile(w) let pos = "" let fname = curword endif - " Open new window if requested + + " check exists file. + if filereadable(fname) + let fullname = fname + else + " try find file with prefix by working directory + let fullname = getcwd() . '/' . fname + if ! filereadable(fullname) + " the last try, using current directory based on file opened. + let fullname = expand('%:h') . '/' . fname + endif + endif + + " Open new window if requested if a:w == "new" new endif diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/README.markdown b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/README.markdown index 4d03421ef5..f8cf88b765 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/README.markdown +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/README.markdown @@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ Haxe, Handlebars, HSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSON, JSX, LESS, Lex, Limbo, LISP, LLVM intermediate language, Lua, Markdown, MATLAB, NASM, Objective-C, Objective-C++, OCaml, Perl, Perl POD, PHP, gettext Portable Object, OS X and iOS property lists, Puppet, Python, R, Racket, Relax NG, reStructuredText, RPM -spec, Ruby, SASS/SCSS, Scala, Slim, Tcl, TeX, Texinfo, Twig, TypeScript, Vala, -Verilog, VHDL, VimL, xHtml, XML, XSLT, YACC, YAML, z80, Zope page templates, -and zsh. See the [wiki][3] for details about the corresponding supported -checkers. +spec, Ruby, SASS/SCSS, Scala, Slim, Swift, Tcl, TeX, Texinfo, Twig, TypeScript, +Vala, Verilog, VHDL, VimL, xHtml, XML, XSLT, YACC, YAML, z80, Zope page +templates, and zsh. See the [wiki][3] for details about the corresponding +supported checkers. Below is a screenshot showing the methods that Syntastic uses to display syntax errors. Note that, in practise, you will only have a subset of these methods diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/util.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/util.vim index f6ef700979..a87e2e25b7 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/util.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/util.vim @@ -121,12 +121,6 @@ function! syntastic#util#parseVersion(version) " {{{2 return map(split(matchstr( a:version, '\v^\D*\zs\d+(\.\d+)+\ze' ), '\m\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)') endfunction " }}}2 -" Run 'command' in a shell and parse output as a version string. -" Returns an array of version components. -function! syntastic#util#getVersion(command) " {{{2 - return syntastic#util#parseVersion(system(a:command)) -endfunction " }}}2 - " Verify that the 'installed' version is at least the 'required' version. " " 'installed' and 'required' must be arrays. If they have different lengths, diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic.vim index 3ab7c094fa..d72bf1adba 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic.vim @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if has('reltime') lockvar! g:_SYNTASTIC_START endif -let g:_SYNTASTIC_VERSION = '3.5.0-148' +let g:_SYNTASTIC_VERSION = '3.6.0-14' lockvar g:_SYNTASTIC_VERSION " Sanity checks {{{1 diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/checker.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/checker.vim index 9211e02a3c..d8a611e994 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/checker.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/checker.vim @@ -77,6 +77,27 @@ function! g:SyntasticChecker.getLocList() " {{{2 return g:SyntasticLoclist.New(self.getLocListRaw()) endfunction " }}}2 +function! g:SyntasticChecker.getVersion(...) " {{{2 + if !exists('self._version') + let command = a:0 ? a:1 : self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version' + let version_output = system(command) + call self.log('getVersion: ' . string(command) . ': ' . + \ string(split(version_output, "\n", 1)) . + \ (v:shell_error ? ' (exit code ' . v:shell_error . ')' : '') ) + call self.setVersion(syntastic#util#parseVersion(version_output)) + endif + return get(self, '_version', []) +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! g:SyntasticChecker.setVersion(version) " {{{2 + if len(a:version) + let self._version = copy(a:version) + call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', a:version) + else + call syntastic#log#error("checker " . self._filetype . "/" . self._name . ": can't parse version string (abnormal termination?)") + endif +endfunction " }}}2 + function! g:SyntasticChecker.log(msg, ...) " {{{2 let leader = self._filetype . '/' . self._name . ': ' if a:0 > 0 diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/registry.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/registry.vim index be597c5665..9db8ee968e 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/registry.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/registry.vim @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ let s:_DEFAULT_CHECKERS = { \ 'sh': ['sh', 'shellcheck'], \ 'slim': ['slimrb'], \ 'spec': ['rpmlint'], + \ 'swift': ['xcrun'], \ 'tcl': ['nagelfar'], \ 'tex': ['lacheck', 'chktex'], \ 'texinfo': ['makeinfo'], diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/signs.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/signs.vim index e1616af09f..db801a77f1 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/signs.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/signs.vim @@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ function! g:SyntasticSignsNotifier._setup() " {{{2 endif " define the signs used to display syntax and style errors/warns - exe 'sign define SyntasticError text=' . g:syntastic_error_symbol . + execute 'sign define SyntasticError text=' . g:syntastic_error_symbol . \ ' texthl=SyntasticErrorSign linehl=SyntasticErrorLine' - exe 'sign define SyntasticWarning text=' . g:syntastic_warning_symbol . + execute 'sign define SyntasticWarning text=' . g:syntastic_warning_symbol . \ ' texthl=SyntasticWarningSign linehl=SyntasticWarningLine' - exe 'sign define SyntasticStyleError text=' . g:syntastic_style_error_symbol . + execute 'sign define SyntasticStyleError text=' . g:syntastic_style_error_symbol . \ ' texthl=SyntasticStyleErrorSign linehl=SyntasticStyleErrorLine' - exe 'sign define SyntasticStyleWarning text=' . g:syntastic_style_warning_symbol . + execute 'sign define SyntasticStyleWarning text=' . g:syntastic_style_warning_symbol . \ ' texthl=SyntasticStyleWarningSign linehl=SyntasticStyleWarningLine' endif endfunction " }}}2 diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/coffee/coffee.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/coffee/coffee.vim index a1e1a45054..3ed2aa84e4 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/coffee/coffee.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/coffee/coffee.vim @@ -25,10 +25,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_coffee_coffee_IsAvailable() dict if !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version 2>' . syntastic#util#DevNull()) - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version = ', ver) - + let ver = self.getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version 2>' . syntastic#util#DevNull()) return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [1, 6, 2]) endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/coffee/coffeelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/coffee/coffeelint.vim index 53e8c5c68a..027f0703a1 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/coffee/coffeelint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/coffee/coffeelint.vim @@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ set cpo&vim function! SyntaxCheckers_coffee_coffeelint_GetLocList() dict if !exists('s:coffeelint_new') - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - let s:coffeelint_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [1, 4]) + let s:coffeelint_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [1, 4]) endif let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': (s:coffeelint_new ? '--reporter csv' : '--csv') }) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/eruby/ruby.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/eruby/ruby.vim index 012242edb8..3ac00f1f9f 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/eruby/ruby.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/eruby/ruby.vim @@ -27,10 +27,14 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_eruby_ruby_IsAvailable() dict endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_eruby_ruby_GetLocList() dict + if !exists('s:ruby_new') + let s:ruby_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [1, 9]) + endif + let fname = "'" . escape(expand('%', 1), "\\'") . "'" " TODO: encodings became useful in ruby 1.9 :) - if syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped(). ' --version'), [1, 9]) + if s:ruby_new let enc = &fileencoding != '' ? &fileencoding : &encoding let encoding_spec = ', :encoding => "' . (enc ==? 'utf-8' ? 'UTF-8' : 'BINARY') . '"' else diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/haskell/ghc-mod.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/haskell/ghc-mod.vim index ebc208e38f..01845628ef 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/haskell/ghc-mod.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/haskell/ghc-mod.vim @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_haskell_ghc_mod_IsAvailable() dict " need either a Vim that can handle NULs in system() output, or a " ghc-mod that has the "--boundary" option. let parsed_ver = syntastic#util#parseVersion(ver[0]) - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', parsed_ver) + call self.setVersion(parsed_ver) let s:ghc_mod_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(parsed_ver, [2, 1, 2]) else call syntastic#log#error("checker haskell/ghc_mod: can't parse version string (abnormal termination?)") diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/html/jshint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/html/jshint.vim index fa1637914c..a7af7580f1 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/html/jshint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/html/jshint.vim @@ -22,11 +22,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_html_jshint_IsAvailable() dict if !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - - return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [2, 4]) + return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [2, 4]) endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_html_jshint_GetLocList() dict diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/java/javac.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/java/javac.vim index 03ff21931a..1029fe02b1 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/java/javac.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/java/javac.vim @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ endfunction " }}}2 function! s:LoadConfigFile() " {{{2 if filereadable(expand(g:syntastic_java_javac_config_file, 1)) - exe 'source ' . fnameescape(expand(g:syntastic_java_javac_config_file, 1)) + execute 'source ' . fnameescape(expand(g:syntastic_java_javac_config_file, 1)) endif endfunction " }}}2 diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/eslint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/eslint.vim index d66e8b8563..aaba7c9f53 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/eslint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/eslint.vim @@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_eslint_IsAvailable() dict if !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - - return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [0, 1]) + return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [0, 1]) endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_eslint_GetLocList() dict diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/jshint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/jshint.vim index 63d9bab8b3..492aa69439 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/jshint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/jshint.vim @@ -27,20 +27,16 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_jshint_IsAvailable() dict return 0 endif - let s:jshint_version = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', s:jshint_version) + let ver = self.getVersion() + let s:jshint_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [1, 1]) - return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(s:jshint_version, [1]) + return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [1]) endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_jshint_GetLocList() dict call syntastic#log#deprecationWarn('javascript_jshint_conf', 'javascript_jshint_args', \ "'--config ' . syntastic#util#shexpand(OLD_VAR)") - if !exists('s:jshint_new') - let s:jshint_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(s:jshint_version, [1, 1]) - endif - let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': (s:jshint_new ? '--verbose ' : '') }) let errorformat = s:jshint_new ? diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/jsxhint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/jsxhint.vim index 89677dde36..99c0d93118 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/jsxhint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/javascript/jsxhint.vim @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_jsxhint_IsAvailable() dict endif let ver = syntastic#util#parseVersion(jsxhint_version) - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) + call self.setVersion(ver) return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [0, 4, 1]) endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/puppet/puppet.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/puppet/puppet.vim index 5cec0357dd..caf1386e47 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/puppet/puppet.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/puppet/puppet.vim @@ -19,18 +19,12 @@ let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! SyntaxCheckers_puppet_puppet_GetLocList() dict - if !exists('s:puppet_version') - let s:puppet_version = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version 2>' . syntastic#util#DevNull()) - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', s:puppet_version) + if !exists('s:puppet_new') + let s:puppet_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [2, 7, 0]) endif - if syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(s:puppet_version, [2,7,0]) - let args = 'parser validate --color=false' - else - let args = '--color=false --parseonly' - endif - - let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_before': args }) + let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ + \ 'args_before': (s:puppet_new ? 'parser validate --color=false' : '--color=false --parseonly') }) let errorformat = \ '%-Gerr: Try ''puppet help parser validate'' for usage,' . diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/puppet/puppetlint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/puppet/puppetlint.vim index 5514878253..e06a1a4393 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/puppet/puppetlint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/puppet/puppetlint.vim @@ -24,10 +24,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_puppet_puppetlint_IsAvailable() dict if !executable('puppet') || !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version 2>' . syntastic#util#DevNull()) - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - + let ver = self.getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version 2>' . syntastic#util#DevNull()) return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [0, 1, 10]) endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/pep257.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/pep257.vim index 374cabe363..64f5b05e92 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/pep257.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/pep257.vim @@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ set cpo&vim function! SyntaxCheckers_python_pep257_GetLocList() dict if !exists('s:pep257_new') - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - let s:pep257_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [0, 3]) + let s:pep257_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [0, 3]) endif let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({}) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/prospector.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/prospector.vim index df6d22b1b5..4f451012cd 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/prospector.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/prospector.vim @@ -26,11 +26,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_python_prospector_IsAvailable() dict if !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - - return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [0, 7]) + return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [0, 7]) endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_python_prospector_GetLocList() dict diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/pylint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/pylint.vim index 65436b442e..4e489b7376 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/pylint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/pylint.vim @@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_python_pylint_IsAvailable() dict let pylint_version = filter( split(system(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version'), '\m, \=\|\n'), \ 'v:val =~# ''\m^\(python[-0-9]*-\|\.\)\=pylint[-0-9]*\>''' )[0] let ver = syntastic#util#parseVersion(substitute(pylint_version, '\v^\S+\s+', '', '')) - - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) + call self.setVersion(ver) let s:pylint_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [1]) catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E684/ diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/python.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/python.vim index 6d0c11e62a..a58957aae6 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/python.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/python/python.vim @@ -28,11 +28,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_python_python_IsAvailable() dict if !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - - return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [2, 6]) + return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [2, 6]) endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_python_python_GetLocList() dict diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/reek.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/reek.vim index becc23d6c5..5f289af19f 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/reek.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/reek.vim @@ -22,11 +22,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_ruby_reek_IsAvailable() dict if !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - - return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [1, 3, 0]) + return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [1, 3, 0]) endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_ruby_reek_GetLocList() dict diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/rubocop.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/rubocop.vim index 23bc1ff3d4..28d7157c83 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/rubocop.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/rubocop.vim @@ -22,11 +22,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_ruby_rubocop_IsAvailable() dict if !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - - return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [0, 12, 0]) + return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [0, 12, 0]) endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_ruby_rubocop_GetLocList() dict diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/rubylint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/rubylint.vim index e0387df6df..093571d024 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/rubylint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/ruby/rubylint.vim @@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ set cpo&vim function! SyntaxCheckers_ruby_rubylint_GetLocList() dict if !exists('s:rubylint_new') - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - let s:rubylint_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [2]) + let s:rubylint_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [2]) endif let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args': (s:rubylint_new ? '' : 'analyze ') . '--presenter=syntastic' }) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/scss/scss_lint.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/scss/scss_lint.vim index ab19f27fd2..39881194f4 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/scss/scss_lint.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/scss/scss_lint.vim @@ -21,11 +21,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_scss_scss_lint_IsAvailable() dict if !executable(self.getExec()) return 0 endif - - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - - return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [0, 12]) + return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [0, 12]) endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_scss_scss_lint_GetLocList() dict diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/slim/slimrb.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/slim/slimrb.vim index 8fb05c8451..685efa5577 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/slim/slimrb.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/slim/slimrb.vim @@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ set cpo&vim function! SyntaxCheckers_slim_slimrb_GetLocList() dict if !exists('s:slimrb_new') - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version 2>'. syntastic#util#DevNull()) - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) + let ver = self.getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version 2>'. syntastic#util#DevNull()) let s:slimrb_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [1, 3, 1]) endif diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/swift/xcrun.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/swift/xcrun.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8cf5a98729 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/swift/xcrun.vim @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +"============================================================================ +"File: xcrun.vim +"Description: swift syntax checker - using xcrun +"Maintainer: Tom Fogg +"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, +" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute +" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You +" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. +" See for more details. +"============================================================================ + +if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_swift_xcrun_checker") + finish +endif +let g:loaded_syntastic_xcrun_checker = 1 + +let s:save_cpo = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +function! SyntaxCheckers_swift_xcrun_GetLocList() dict + + let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': 'swift' }) + + let errorformat= + \ '%f:%l:%c:{%*[^}]}: %trror: %m,'. + \ '%f:%l:%c:{%*[^}]}: fatal %trror: %m,'. + \ '%f:%l:%c:{%*[^}]}: %tarning: %m,'. + \ '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,'. + \ '%f:%l:%c: fatal %trror: %m,'. + \ '%f:%l:%c: %tarning: %m,'. + \ '%f:%l: %trror: %m,'. + \ '%f:%l: fatal %trror: %m,'. + \ '%f:%l: %tarning: %m,' . + \ '%-G%.%#' + + return SyntasticMake({ + \ 'makeprg': makeprg, + \ 'errorformat': errorformat }) +endfunction + +call g:SyntasticRegistry.CreateAndRegisterChecker({ + \ 'filetype': 'swift', + \ 'name': 'xcrun'}) + +let &cpo = s:save_cpo +unlet s:save_cpo + +" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/yaml/jsyaml.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/yaml/jsyaml.vim index 82ca39469e..4a6cdd48fc 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/yaml/jsyaml.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/syntax_checkers/yaml/jsyaml.vim @@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ set cpo&vim function! SyntaxCheckers_yaml_jsyaml_GetLocList() dict if !exists('s:js_yaml_new') - let ver = syntastic#util#getVersion(self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version') - call self.log(self.getExec() . ' version =', ver) - let s:js_yaml_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(ver, [2]) + let s:js_yaml_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [2]) endif let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': (s:js_yaml_new ? '' : '--compact') }) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/autoload/airline.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/autoload/airline.vim index 81cf3b5f61..61df8511e0 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/autoload/airline.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/autoload/airline.vim @@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ endfunction function! airline#update_statusline() for nr in filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'v:val != winnr()') + if airline#util#getwinvar(nr, 'airline_disabled', 0) + continue + endif call setwinvar(nr, 'airline_active', 0) let context = { 'winnr': nr, 'active': 0, 'bufnr': winbufnr(nr) } call s:invoke_funcrefs(context, s:inactive_funcrefs) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/autoload/airline/init.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/autoload/airline/init.vim index 021b3b28c4..a990e78bbe 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/autoload/airline/init.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/autoload/airline/init.vim @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ function! airline#init#sections() let g:airline_section_y = airline#section#create_right(['ffenc']) endif if !exists('g:airline_section_z') - let g:airline_section_z = airline#section#create(['windowswap', '%3p%%'.spc, 'linenr', ':%3c ']) + let g:airline_section_z = airline#section#create(['windowswap', '%3p%%'.spc, 'linenr', ':%3v ']) endif if !exists('g:airline_section_warning') let g:airline_section_warning = airline#section#create(['syntastic', 'eclim', 'whitespace']) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/doc/airline.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/doc/airline.txt index 7620abe5d6..2dc62b8732 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/doc/airline.txt +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/doc/airline.txt @@ -126,6 +126,11 @@ values): heavily) > let g:airline_exclude_preview = 0 < +* disable the Airline customization for selective windows (this is a + window-local variable so you can disable it for only some windows) > + let w:airline_disabled = 1 +< + ============================================================================== COMMANDS *airline-commands* diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/t/init.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/t/init.vim index 86efe5829c..d1a2abb87b 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/t/init.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-airline/t/init.vim @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ describe 'init sections' it 'section z should be line numbers' Expect g:airline_section_z =~ '%3p%%' Expect g:airline_section_z =~ '%4l' - Expect g:airline_section_z =~ '%3c' + Expect g:airline_section_z =~ '%3v' end it 'should not redefine sections already defined' diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim index 7ef5a929be..65e6665ee5 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ " fugitive.vim - A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal " Maintainer: Tim Pope -" Version: 2.1 +" Version: 2.2 " GetLatestVimScripts: 2975 1 :AutoInstall: fugitive.vim if exists('g:loaded_fugitive') || &cp @@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@ function! s:Diff(vert,...) abort let winnr = winnr() if getwinvar('#', '&diff') wincmd p - call feedkeys("\p", 'n') + call feedkeys(winnr."\w", 'n') endif return '' catch /^fugitive:/ diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/ index 17e3ad828f..d0b0dfd9f7 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/ +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/ @@ -189,6 +189,22 @@ let g:go_highlight_structs = 1 ## Troubleshooting +### Command not found + +If trying to use `:GoDef`, `:GoInfo` and get a `command not found`, check that you have the binaries installed by using: `:GoInstallBinaries` + +Before opening vim, check your current `$PATH`: + + echo $PATH + +after opening vim, run `:echo $PATH`, the output must be your current `$PATH` + `$PATH/bin` (the location where `:GoInstallBinaries` installed the binaries + +If problem persists and you are using maybe 'csh' or other shell, try adding this to your .vimrc: + + set shell=/bin/sh + + + ### I'm using Fish shell but have some problems using Vim-go First environment variables in Fish are applied differently, it should be like: @@ -202,13 +218,12 @@ too). To overcome this problem change the default shell by adding the following into your .vimrc (on the top of the file): if $SHELL =~ 'fish' - set shell='/bin/bash' + set shell='/bin/sh' endif or - set shell='/bin/bash' - + set shell='/bin/sh' ## Why another plugin? @@ -221,6 +236,12 @@ months under heavy go development environment. Give it a try. I hope you like it. Feel free to contribute to the project. +## Donations + +Vim-go is an open source project and I'm working on it on my free times. I'm spending a lot of time and thoughts to make it stable, fixing bugs, adding new features, etc... If you like vim-go and find it helpful, you might give me a gift from some of the books (kindle) I have in my wish list: + +[ Fatih's Wish List]( Thanks! + ## Credits * Go Authors for official vim plugins diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/complete.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/complete.vim index 69b2d53c3b..227c4cbd14 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/complete.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/complete.vim @@ -19,7 +19,12 @@ fu! s:gocodeCurrentBuffer() return file endf -let s:vim_system = get(g:, 'gocomplete#system_function', 'system') + +if go#vimproc#has_vimproc() + let s:vim_system = get(g:, 'gocomplete#system_function', 'vimproc#system2') +else + let s:vim_system = get(g:, 'gocomplete#system_function', 'system') +endif fu! s:system(str, ...) return call(s:vim_system, [a:str] + a:000) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/errcheck.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/errcheck.vim index e470f22b99..0927667bf4 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/errcheck.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/errcheck.vim @@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ endif function! go#errcheck#Run(...) abort if a:0 == 0 let package = go#package#ImportPath(expand('%:p:h')) + if package == -1 + echohl Error | echomsg "vim-go: package is not inside GOPATH src" | echohl None + return + endif else let package = a:1 end @@ -14,6 +18,7 @@ function! go#errcheck#Run(...) abort return endif + echon "vim-go: " | echohl Identifier | echon "errcheck analysing ..." | echohl None let out = system(bin_path . ' ' . package) if v:shell_error let errors = [] @@ -28,15 +33,21 @@ function! go#errcheck#Run(...) abort \"text": tokens[4]}) endif endfor + if empty(errors) - % | " Couldn't detect error format, output errors + echohl Error | echomsg "GoErrCheck returned error" | echohl None + echo out endif + if !empty(errors) + redraw | echo call setqflist(errors, 'r') endif - echohl Error | echomsg "GoErrCheck returned error" | echohl None else call setqflist([]) endif + cwindow endfunction + +" vim:ts=4:sw=4:et diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/fmt.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/fmt.vim index f640b9fffa..1a1be17eca 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/fmt.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/fmt.vim @@ -74,8 +74,15 @@ function! go#fmt#Format(withGoimport) " get the command first so we can test it let fmt_command = g:go_fmt_command if a:withGoimport == 1 + let fmt_command = g:go_goimports_bin + endif + + " if it's something else than gofmt, we need to check the existing of that + " binary. For example if it's goimports, let us check if it's installed, + " if not the user get's a warning via go#tool#BinPath() + if fmt_command != "gofmt" " check if the user has installed goimports - let bin_path = go#tool#BinPath(g:go_goimports_bin) + let bin_path = go#tool#BinPath(fmt_command) if empty(bin_path) return endif diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/tool.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/tool.vim index b0b28236bb..db165e4091 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/tool.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/tool.vim @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ function! go#tool#Imports() endif for package_path in split(out, '\n') - let package_name = fnamemodify(package_path, ":t:r") + let cmd = "go list -f {{.Name}} " . package_path + let package_name = substitute(go#tool#ExecuteInDir(cmd), '\n$', '', '') let imports[package_name] = package_path endfor diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/vimproc.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/vimproc.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6a6aeca37e --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/autoload/go/vimproc.vim @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +"Check if has vimproc +function! go#vimproc#has_vimproc() + if !exists('g:go#use_vimproc') + if IsWin() + try + call vimproc#version() + let exists_vimproc = 1 + catch + let exists_vimproc = 0 + endtry + else + let exists_vimproc = 0 + endif + + let g:go#use_vimproc = exists_vimproc + endif + + return g:go#use_vimproc +endfunction + +" vim:ts=4:sw=4:et diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/doc/vim-go.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/doc/vim-go.txt index edfcae3648..779b9affae 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/doc/vim-go.txt +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/doc/vim-go.txt @@ -558,6 +558,12 @@ Highlights method names. By default it's disabled. > Highlights struct names. By default it's disabled. > let g:go_highlight_structs = 0 +< + *'g:go_highlight_build_constraints'* + +Highlights build constraints. By default it's disabled. > + + let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 0 < *'g:go_textobj_enabled'* diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/gosnippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/gosnippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets index 0771828199..fe46c7c222 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/gosnippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/gosnippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets @@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ endsnippet # anonymous function snippet anon "fn := func() { ... }" ${1:fn} := func() { - ${0} + ${2:${VISUAL}} } +${0} endsnippet # append @@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ endsnippet # Fmt Printf debug snippet ff "fmt.Printf(...)" -fmt.Printf("${1} = %+v\n", $1) +fmt.Printf("${1:${VISUAL}} = %+v\n", $1) endsnippet # Fmt Println debug @@ -294,8 +295,9 @@ endsnippet # goroutine anonymous function snippet gof "go func() { ... }()" go func() { - ${1} + ${1:${VISUAL}} }() +${0} endsnippet # test function diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/plugin/go.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/plugin/go.vim index e460ebdc4b..5467ac6068 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/plugin/go.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/plugin/go.vim @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ let g:go_loaded_install = 1 let s:packages = [ \ "", \ "", - \ "", + \ "", \ "", \ "", \ "", @@ -166,11 +166,6 @@ function! s:CheckBinaries() echohl Error | echomsg "vim-go: git executable not found." | echohl None return -1 endif - - if !executable('hg') - echohl Error | echomsg "vim.go: hg (mercurial) executable not found." | echohl None - return -1 - endif endfunction " Autocommands diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/syntax/go.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/syntax/go.vim index 4ee39a711e..7b0fbaf5d1 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-go/syntax/go.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-go/syntax/go.vim @@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ if !exists("g:go_highlight_structs") let g:go_highlight_structs = 0 endif +if !exists("g:go_highlight_build_constraints") + let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 0 +endif + syn case match syn keyword goDirective package import @@ -270,6 +274,21 @@ endif hi def link goStruct Function hi def link goStructDef Function +" Build Constraints +if g:go_highlight_build_constraints != 0 + syn keyword goBuildOs contained ignore cgo android darwin dragonfly freebsd linux nacl netbsd openbsd plan9 solaris windows + syn keyword goBuildArch contained 386 amd64 amd64p32 arm + syn match goBuildDirective display contained "+build" + syn region goBuildComment start="//\s*+build" end="$" contains=goBuildDirective,goBuildOs,goBuildArch + syn region goBuildComment start="/\*\s*+build" end="\*/" contains=goBuildDirective,goBuildOs,goBuildArch +endif + +hi def link goBuildComment Comment +hi def link goBuildOs Type +hi def link goBuildArch Type +hi def link goBuildDirective PreProc + + " Search backwards for a global declaration to start processing the syntax. "syn sync match goSync grouphere NONE /^\(const\|var\|type\|func\)\>/ diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/ b/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/ index b9844a5bde..ea10d46c91 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/ +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/ @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ By default, the 'next' key is also used to enter multicursor mode. If you want t let g:multi_cursor_start_key='' ``` -Note that when multicursor mode is started, it selects current word without boundaries, i.e. it behavies like `g*`. If you want to use word boundaries in Normal mode (as `*` does) but still have old behaviour up your sleeve, you can do the following: +Note that when multicursor mode is started, it selects current word without boundaries, i.e. it behaves like `g*`. If you want to use word boundaries in Normal mode (as `*` does) but still have old behaviour up your sleeve, you can do the following: ``` let g:multi_cursor_start_key='g' let g:multi_cursor_start_word_key='' diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/autoload/multiple_cursors.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/autoload/multiple_cursors.vim index 4543fce139..fe86d4e20c 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/autoload/multiple_cursors.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/autoload/multiple_cursors.vim @@ -236,6 +236,14 @@ function! multiple_cursors#find(start, end, pattern) return else echohl Normal | echo 'Added '.s:cm.size().' cursor'.(s:cm.size()>1?'s':'') | echohl None + + " If we've created any cursors, we need to call the before function, end + " function will be called via normal routes + if exists('*Multiple_cursors_before') && !s:before_function_called + exe "call Multiple_cursors_before()" + let s:before_function_called = 1 + endif + call s:wait_for_user_input('v') endif endfunction @@ -458,8 +466,8 @@ function! s:CursorManager.update_current() dict call cur.update_visual_selection(s:get_visual_region(s:pos('.'))) elseif s:from_mode ==# 'v' || s:from_mode ==# 'V' call cur.remove_visual_selection() - elseif s:from_mode ==# 'i' && s:to_mode ==# 'n' && self.current_index == self.size() - 1 - normal! `^ + elseif s:from_mode ==# 'i' && s:to_mode ==# 'n' && self.current_index != self.size() - 1 + normal! h endif let vdelta = line('$') - s:saved_linecount " If the total number of lines changed in the buffer, we need to potentially @@ -985,7 +993,9 @@ endfunction let s:retry_keys = "" function! s:display_error() - if s:bad_input == s:cm.size() && has_key(g:multi_cursor_normal_maps, s:char[0]) + if s:bad_input == s:cm.size() + \ && s:from_mode ==# 'n' + \ && has_key(g:multi_cursor_normal_maps, s:char[0]) " we couldn't replay it anywhere but we're told it's the beginning of a " multi-character map like the `d` in `dw` let s:retry_keys = s:char @@ -1037,14 +1047,14 @@ function! s:last_char() endfunction function! s:wait_for_user_input(mode) + call s:display_error() + let s:from_mode = a:mode if empty(a:mode) let s:from_mode = s:to_mode endif let s:to_mode = '' - call s:display_error() - " Right before redraw, apply the highlighting bug fix call s:apply_highlight_fix() diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/doc/multiple_cursors.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/doc/multiple_cursors.txt index 7c5237c04c..26ca5a93b3 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/doc/multiple_cursors.txt +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-multiple-cursors/doc/multiple_cursors.txt @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ mode than for selecting the next location, do like the following: > *g:multi_cursor_start_word_key* When multicursor mode is started, it selects current word without -boundaries, i.e. it behavies like `g*`. If you want to use word boundaries in +boundaries, i.e. it behaves like `g*`. If you want to use word boundaries in Normal mode (as `*` does) but still have old behaviour up your sleeve, you can do the following: > diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim index 6acb48eed4..cb5e895321 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim @@ -89,10 +89,18 @@ function! repeat#run(count) let c = g:repeat_count let s = g:repeat_sequence let cnt = c == -1 ? "" : (a:count ? a:count : (c ? c : '')) - call feedkeys(r . cnt, 'n') - call feedkeys(s) + if ((v:version == 703 && has('patch100')) || (v:version == 704 && !has('patch601'))) + exe 'norm ' . r . cnt . s + else + call feedkeys(r . cnt, 'ni') + call feedkeys(s, 'i') + endif else - call feedkeys((a:count ? a:count : '') . '.', 'n') + if ((v:version == 703 && has('patch100')) || (v:version == 704 && !has('patch601'))) + exe 'norm! '.(a:count ? a:count : '') . '.' + else + call feedkeys((a:count ? a:count : '') . '.', 'ni') + endif endif endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/ index 86d881a575..5d9d1d6484 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/ +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/ @@ -81,6 +81,23 @@ does `:SnipMateLoadScope rails` when editing a Rails project for example. * Fix the use of the visual map at the end of a line * Add `:SnipMateLoadScope` command and buffer-local scope aliases * Load `_*.snippets` files +* Indent visual placeholder expansions and remove extraneous lines ([#177][177] + and [#178][178]) + +* The nested branch has been merged + * A new snippet parser has been added. The g:snipmate.version as well as + version lines in snippet files determines which is used + * The new parser supports tab stops placed within placeholders, + substitutions, non-consecutive stop numbers, and fewer ambiguities + * The stop jumping code has been updated + * Tests have been added for the jumping code and the new parser + +* The override branch has been merged + * The g:snipMate.override option is added. When enabled, if two snippets + share the same name, the later-loaded one is kept and the other discarded + * Override behavior can be enabled on a per-snippet basis with a bang (!) in + the snippet file + * Otherwise, SnipMate tries to preserve all snippets loaded ### 0.87 - 2014-01-04 ### @@ -106,3 +123,5 @@ does `:SnipMateLoadScope rails` when editing a Rails project for example. [vundle]: [143]: +[177]: +[178]: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim index 38ff530d5a..9196ae4d9e 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim @@ -9,35 +9,39 @@ catch /.*/ echoe "you're missing tlib. See install instructions at ".expand(':h:h').'/' endtry -" match $ which doesn't follow a \ -let s:d = nr2char(31) - fun! Filename(...) let filename = expand('%:t:r') if filename == '' | return a:0 == 2 ? a:2 : '' | endif return !a:0 || a:1 == '' ? filename : substitute(a:1, '$1', filename, 'g') endf -let s:state_proto = {} let s:cache = {} -fun! s:state_proto.remove() - unlet! b:snip_state - " Remove all buffer-local autocommands in the snipmate_changes group - au! snipmate_changes * -endf - -fun! snipMate#expandSnip(snip, col) - let lnum = line('.') | let col = a:col +function! snipMate#expandSnip(snip, version, col) + let lnum = line('.') + let col = a:col + let line = getline(lnum) + let indent = match(line, '\S\|$') + 1 + let b:snip_state = snipmate#jumping#state() - let snippet = s:ProcessSnippet(a:snip) - " Avoid error if eval evaluates to nothing - if snippet == '' | return '' | endif + if a:version == 1 + let [snippet, b:snip_state.stops] = snipmate#parse#snippet(a:snip) + " Build stop/mirror info + let b:snip_state.stop_count = s:build_stops(snippet, b:snip_state.stops, lnum, col, indent) + let snipLines = snipMate#sniplist_str(snippet, b:snip_state.stops) + else + let snippet = snipmate#legacy#process_snippet(a:snip) + let [b:snip_state.stops, b:snip_state.stop_count] = snipmate#legacy#build_stops(snippet, lnum, col - indent, indent) + let snipLines = split(substitute(snippet, printf('%s\d\+\|%s{\d\+.\{-}}', + \ g:snipmate#legacy#sigil, g:snipmate#legacy#sigil), '', 'g'), "\n", 1) + endif - " Expand snippet onto current position with the tab stops removed - let snipLines = split(substitute(snippet, ''.s:d .'\d\+\|'.s:d .'{\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g'), "\n", 1) + " Abort if the snippet is empty + if empty(snippet) + return '' + endif - let line = getline(lnum) + " Expand snippet onto current position let afterCursor = strpart(line, col - 1) " Keep text after the cursor if afterCursor != "\t" && afterCursor != ' ' @@ -52,336 +56,143 @@ fun! snipMate#expandSnip(snip, col) endif " Insert snippet with proper indentation - let indent = match(line, '\S\|$') + 1 call setline(lnum, line . snipLines[0]) call append(lnum, map(snipLines[1:], "empty(v:val) ? v:val : '" . strpart(line, 0, indent - 1) . "' . v:val")) " Open any folds snippet expands into - if &fen | sil! exe lnum.','.(lnum + len(snipLines) - 1).'foldopen' | endif - - let b:snip_state = copy(s:state_proto) - let [b:snip_state.stops, b:snip_state.stop_count] = s:BuildTabStops(snippet, lnum, col - indent, indent) - - if b:snip_state.stop_count - aug snipmate_changes - au CursorMoved,CursorMovedI if exists('b:snip_state') | - \ call b:snip_state.update_changes() | - \ else | - \ silent! au! snipmate_changes * | - \ endif - aug END - call b:snip_state.set_stop(0) - let ret = b:snip_state.select_word() - - if b:snip_state.stop_count == 1 - call b:snip_state.remove() - endif - - return ret - else - unlet b:snip_state - " Place cursor at end of snippet if no tab stop is given - let newlines = len(snipLines) - 1 - call cursor(lnum + newlines, indent + len(snipLines[-1]) - len(afterCursor) - \ + (newlines ? 0: col - 1)) + if &foldenable + silent! exec lnum . ',' . (lnum + len(snipLines) - 1) . 'foldopen' endif - return '' -endf -" Update state information to correspond to the given tab stop -function! s:state_proto.set_stop(stop) - let self.stop_no = a:stop - let self.cur_stop = self.stops[self.stop_no] - let self.end_col = self.cur_stop[1] + self.cur_stop[2] - let self.start_col = self.cur_stop[1] - call cursor(self.cur_stop[0], self.cur_stop[1]) - let self.prev_len = col('$') - let self.has_vars = exists('self.cur_stop[3]') - let self.old_vars = self.has_vars ? deepcopy(self.cur_stop[3]) : [] -endfunction + aug snipmate_changes + au CursorMoved,CursorMovedI if exists('b:snip_state') | + \ call b:snip_state.update_changes() | + \ else | + \ silent! au! snipmate_changes * | + \ endif + aug END -" Prepare snippet to be processed by s:BuildTabStops -fun! s:ProcessSnippet(snip) - let snippet = a:snip - let esc_bslash = '\%(\\\@ 0) ? &sts : &sw), 'g') - endif - return snippet -endf +function! snipMate#sniplist_str(snippet, stops) + let lines = [''] + let pos = 0 + let add_to = 1 + let seen_stops = [] -" Counts occurences of haystack in needle -fun! s:Count(haystack, needle) - let counter = 0 - let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle) - while index != -1 - let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1) - let counter += 1 - endw - return counter -endf + while pos < len(a:snippet) + let item = a:snippet[pos] -" Builds a list of a list of each tab stop in the snippet containing: -" 1.) The tab stop's line number. -" 2.) The tab stop's column number -" (by getting the length of the string between the last "\n" and the -" tab stop). -" 3.) The length of the text after the colon for the current tab stop -" (e.g. "${1:foo}" would return 3). -" 4.) If the "${#:}" construct is given, another list containing all -" the matches of "$#", to be replaced with the placeholder. This list is -" composed the same way as the parent; the first item is the line number, -" and the second is the column. -fun! s:BuildTabStops(snip, lnum, col, indent) - let snipPos = [] - let i = 1 - let withoutVars = substitute(a:snip, s:d . '\d\+', '', 'g') - while a:snip =~ s:d.'{'.i - let beforeTabStop = matchstr(withoutVars, '^.*\ze'.s:d .'{'.i.'\D') - let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutVars, ''.s:d .'{\('.i.'\D\)\@!\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g') - - let j = i - 1 - call add(snipPos, [0, 0, 0]) - let snipPos[j][0] = a:lnum + s:Count(beforeTabStop, "\n") - let snipPos[j][1] = a:indent + len(matchstr(withoutOthers, '.*\(\n\|^\)\zs.*\ze'.s:d .'{'.i.'\D')) - if snipPos[j][0] == a:lnum | let snipPos[j][1] += a:col | endif - - " Get all $# matches in another list, if ${#:name} is given - if withoutVars =~ ''.s:d .'{'.i.':' - let snipPos[j][2] = len(matchstr(withoutVars, ''.s:d .'{'.i.':\zs.\{-}\ze}')) - let dots = repeat('.', snipPos[j][2]) - call add(snipPos[j], []) - let withoutOthers = substitute(a:snip, ''.s:d .'{\d\+.\{-}}\|'.s:d .''.i.'\@!\d\+', '', 'g') - while match(withoutOthers, ''.s:d .''.i.'\(\D\|$\)') != -1 - let beforeMark = matchstr(withoutOthers, '^.\{-}\ze'.dots.''.s:d .''.i.'\(\D\|$\)') - call add(snipPos[j][3], [0, 0]) - let snipPos[j][3][-1][0] = a:lnum + s:Count(beforeMark, "\n") - let snipPos[j][3][-1][1] = a:indent + (snipPos[j][3][-1][0] > a:lnum - \ ? len(matchstr(beforeMark, '.*\n\zs.*')) - \ : a:col + len(beforeMark)) - let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutOthers, ''.s:d .''.i.'\ze\(\D\|$\)', '', '') - endw + if type(item) == type('') + if add_to + let lines[-1] .= item + else + call add(lines, item) + endif + let add_to = 0 + elseif type(item) == type([]) + let lines[-1] .= snipMate#placeholder_str(item[0], a:stops) + let add_to = 1 endif - let i += 1 - endw - return [snipPos, i - 1] -endf - -function! s:state_proto.jump_stop(backwards) - " Update changes just in case - " This seems to be only needed because insert completion does not trigger - " the CursorMovedI event - call self.update_changes() - - " Update stop and var locations - call self.update_stops() - " Store the changed col/length of the current stop - let self.cur_stop[1] = self.start_col - let self.cur_stop[2] = self.end_col - self.start_col + let pos += 1 + unlet item " avoid E706 + endwhile - let self.stop_no += a:backwards ? -1 : 1 - " Loop over the snippet when going backwards from the beginning - if self.stop_no < 0 | let self.stop_no = self.stop_count - 1 | endif - - call self.set_stop(self.stop_no) - let ret = self.select_word() - if self.stop_no == self.stop_count - 1 - call self.remove() - endif - return ret + return lines endfunction -" Updates tab stops/vars -function! s:state_proto.update_stops() - let changeLen = self.end_col - self.cur_stop[2] - self.start_col - " Update tab stops in snippet if text has been added via "$#" - " (e.g., in "${1:foo}bar$1${2}"). - if changeLen != 0 - let curLine = line('.') - - for pos in self.stops - if pos == self.cur_stop | continue | endif - let changed = pos[0] == curLine && pos[1] > self.cur_stop[1] - let changedVars = 0 - let endPlaceholder = pos[2] - 1 + pos[1] - " Subtract changeLen from each tab stop that was after any of - " the current tab stop's placeholders. - for [lnum, col] in self.old_vars - if lnum > pos[0] | break | endif - if pos[0] == lnum - if pos[1] > col || (pos[2] == -1 && pos[1] == col) - let changed += 1 - elseif col < endPlaceholder - let changedVars += 1 - endif +function! s:build_stops(snippet, stops, lnum, col, indent) + let stops = a:stops + let line = a:lnum + let col = a:col + + for [id, dict] in items(stops) + for i in dict.instances + if len(i) > 1 && type(i[1]) != type({}) + if !has_key(dict, 'placeholder') + let dict.placeholder = i[1:] + else + unlet i[1:] endif - endfor - let pos[1] += changeLen * changed - " Parse variables within placeholders, e.g., "${1:foo} ${2:$1bar}" - let pos[2] += changeLen * changedVars - - " Do the same to any placeholders in the other tab stops. - if exists('pos[3]') - for nPos in pos[3] - let changed = nPos[0] == curLine && nPos[1] > self.start_col - if changed && nPos[1] < self.start_col + self.cur_stop[2] - call remove(pos, index(pos, nPos)) - continue - endif - for [lnum, col] in self.old_vars - if lnum > nPos[0] | break | endif - if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] > col - let changed += 1 - endif - endfor - let nPos[1] += changeLen * changed - endfor endif endfor - endif -endfunction + if !has_key(dict, 'placeholder') + let dict.placeholder = [] + let j = 0 + while len(dict.instances[j]) > 1 + let j += 1 + endwhile + call add(dict.instances[j], '') + endif + unlet dict.instances + endfor -" Select the placeholder for the current tab stop -function! s:state_proto.select_word() - let len = self.cur_stop[2] - if !len | return '' | endif - let l = col('.') != 1 ? 'l' : '' - if &sel == 'exclusive' - return "\".l.'v'.len."l\" - endif - return len == 1 ? "\".l.'gh' : "\".l.'v'.(len - 1)."l\" -endfunction + let [line, col] = s:build_loc_info(a:snippet, stops, line, col, a:indent) -" Update the snippet as text is typed. The self.update_vars() function does -" the actual work. -" If the cursor moves outside of a placeholder, call self.remove() -function! s:state_proto.update_changes() - let change_len = col('$') - self.prev_len - let self.end_col += change_len - - let col = col('.') - if mode() == 'i' - if line('.') != self.cur_stop[0] - \ || col < self.start_col || col > self.end_col - call self.remove() - elseif self.has_vars - call self.update_vars(change_len) - endif - endif + " add zero tabstop if it doesn't exist and then link it to the highest stop + " number + let stops[0] = get(stops, 0, + \ { 'placeholder' : [], 'line' : line, 'col' : col }) + let stop_count = max(keys(stops)) + 2 + let stops[stop_count - 1] = stops[0] - let self.prev_len = col('$') + return stop_count endfunction -" Actually update the vars for any changed text -function! s:state_proto.update_vars(change) - let newWordLen = self.end_col - self.start_col - let newWord = strpart(getline('.'), self.start_col - 1, newWordLen) - let changeLen = a:change - let curLine = line('.') - let curCol = col('.') - let oldStartSnip = self.start_col - let updateTabStops = changeLen != 0 - let i = 0 - - for [lnum, col] in self.cur_stop[3] - if updateTabStops - let start = self.start_col - if lnum == curLine && col <= start - let self.start_col += changeLen - let self.end_col += changeLen +function! s:build_loc_info(snippet, stops, line, col, indent) + let stops = a:stops + let line = a:line + let col = a:col + let pos = 0 + let in_text = 0 + + while pos < len(a:snippet) + let item = a:snippet[pos] + + if type(item) == type('') + if in_text + let line += 1 + let col = a:indent endif - for nPos in self.cur_stop[3][(i):] - " This list is in ascending order, so quit if we've gone too far. - if nPos[0] > lnum | break | endif - if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] > col - let nPos[1] += changeLen - endif - endfor - if lnum == curLine && col > start - let col += changeLen - let self.cur_stop[3][i][1] = col + let col += len(item) + let in_text = 1 + elseif type(item) == type([]) + let id = item[0] + if len(item) > 1 && type(item[1]) != type({}) + let stops[id].line = line + let stops[id].col = col + let [line, col] = s:build_loc_info(item[1:], stops, line, col, a:indent) + else + call s:add_mirror(stops, id, line, col, item) + let col += len(snipMate#placeholder_str(id, stops)) endif - let i += 1 + let in_text = 0 endif - " Split the line into three parts: the mirror, what's before it, and - " what's after it. Then combine them using the new mirror string. - " Subtract one to go from column index to byte index - let theline = getline(lnum) - let update = strpart(theline, 0, col - 1) - let update .= newWord - let update .= strpart(theline, col + self.end_col - self.start_col - a:change - 1) - call setline(lnum, update) - endfor + let pos += 1 + unlet item " avoid E706 + endwhile - " Reposition the cursor in case a var updates on the same line but before - " the current tabstop - if oldStartSnip != self.start_col || mode() == 'i' - call cursor(0, curCol + self.start_col - oldStartSnip) + return [line, col] +endfunction + +function! s:add_mirror(stops, id, line, col, item) + let stops = a:stops + let item = a:item + let stops[a:id].mirrors = get(stops[a:id], 'mirrors', []) + let mirror = get(a:item, 1, {}) + let mirror.line = a:line + let mirror.col = a:col + call add(stops[a:id].mirrors, mirror) + if len(item) == 1 + call add(item, mirror) endif endfunction @@ -396,6 +207,7 @@ fun! snipMate#ReadSnippetsFile(file) if !filereadable(a:file) | return [result, new_scopes] | endif let inSnip = 0 let line_no = 0 + let snipversion = get(g:snipMate, 'snippet_version', 0) for line in readfile(a:file) + ["\n"] let line_no += 1 @@ -403,13 +215,15 @@ fun! snipMate#ReadSnippetsFile(file) let content .= strpart(line, 1)."\n" continue elseif inSnip - call add(result, [trigger, name == '' ? 'default' : name, content[:-2]]) + call add(result, [trigger, name, + \ content[:-2], bang, snipversion]) let inSnip = 0 endif if line[:6] == 'snippet' let inSnip = 1 - let trigger = strpart(line, 8) + let bang = (line[7] == '!') + let trigger = strpart(line, 8 + bang) let name = '' let space = stridx(trigger, ' ') + 1 if space " Process multi snip @@ -424,6 +238,8 @@ fun! snipMate#ReadSnippetsFile(file) elseif line[:6] == 'extends' call extend(new_scopes, map(split(strpart(line, 8)), \ "substitute(v:val, ',*$', '', '')")) + elseif line[:6] == 'version' + let snipversion = +strpart(line, 8) endif endfor return [result, new_scopes] @@ -464,80 +280,40 @@ fun! s:AddScopeAliases(list) return keys(did) endf -if v:version < 704 || has('win32') - function! s:Glob(path, expr) - let res = [] - for p in split(a:path, ',') - let h = split(fnamemodify(a:expr, ':h'), '/')[0] - if isdirectory(p . '/' . h) - call extend(res, split(glob(p . '/' . a:expr), "\n")) - endif - endfor - return filter(res, 'filereadable(v:val)') - endfunction -else - function! s:Glob(path, expr) - return split(globpath(a:path, a:expr), "\n") - endfunction -endif - -" returns dict of -" { path: { 'type': one of 'snippet' 'snippets', -" 'exists': 1 or 0 -" " for single snippet files: -" 'name': name of snippet -" 'trigger': trigger of snippet -" } -" } -" use mustExist = 1 to return existing files only -" -" mustExist = 0 is used by OpenSnippetFiles -function! snipMate#GetSnippetFiles(mustExist, scopes, trigger) - let paths = join(funcref#Call(g:snipMate.snippet_dirs), ',') - let result = {} - let scopes = s:AddScopeAliases(a:scopes) - let trigger = escape(a:trigger, "*[]?{}`'$") - - " collect existing files - for scope in scopes - - for f in s:Glob(paths, 'snippets/' . scope . '.snippets') + - \ s:Glob(paths, 'snippets/' . scope . '_*.snippets') + - \ s:Glob(paths, 'snippets/' . scope . '/*.snippets') - let result[f] = { 'exists' : 1, 'type' : 'snippets', - \ 'name_prefix' : fnamemodify(f, ':t:r') } - endfor - - " We check for trigger* in the next two loops. In the case of an exact - " match, that'll be handled in snipMate#GetSnippetsForWordBelowCursor. - for f in s:Glob(paths, 'snippets/' . scope . '/' . trigger . '*.snippet') - let result[f] = {'exists': 1, 'type': 'snippet', 'name': 'default', - \ 'trigger': fnamemodify(f, ':t:r'), 'name_prefix' : scope } - endfor - - for f in s:Glob(paths, 'snippets/' . scope . '/' . trigger . '*/*.snippet') - let result[f] = {'exists': 1, 'type': 'snippet', 'name' : fnamemodify(f, ':t:r'), - \ 'trigger': fnamemodify(f, ':h:t'), 'name_prefix' : scope } - endfor - - if !a:mustExist - for p in split(paths, ',') - let p .= '/snippets/' . scope . '.snippets' - let result[p] = get(result, p, {'exists': 0, 'type': 'snippets'}) - endfor - endif - - endfor - return result +au SourceCmd *.snippet,*.snippets call s:source_snippet() + +function! s:info_from_filename(file) + let parts = split(fnamemodify(a:file, ':r'), '/') + let snipidx = len(parts) - index(reverse(copy(parts)), 'snippets') - 1 + let rtp_prefix = join(parts[(snipidx - + \ (parts[snipidx - 1] == 'after' ? 3 : 2)):snipidx - 1], '/') + let trigger = get(parts, snipidx + 2, '') + let desc = get(parts, snipidx + 3, get(g:snipMate, 'override', 0) ? + \ '' : fnamemodify(a:file, ':t')) + return [rtp_prefix, trigger, desc] endfunction -" should be moved to utils or such? -function! snipMate#SetByPath(dict, trigger, path, snippet) abort - let d = a:dict - if !has_key(d, a:trigger) - let d[a:trigger] = {} +function! s:source_snippet() + let file = expand(':p') + let [rtp_prefix, trigger, desc] = s:info_from_filename(file) + let new_snips = [] + if fnamemodify(file, ':e') == 'snippet' + call add(new_snips, [trigger, desc, join(readfile(file), "\n"), 0, + \ get(g:snipMate, 'snippet_version', 0)]) + else + let [snippets, extends] = s:CachedSnips(file) + let new_snips = deepcopy(snippets) + call extend(s:lookup_state.extends, extends) endif - let d[a:trigger][a:path] = a:snippet + for snip in new_snips + if get(g:snipMate, 'override', 0) + let snip[1] = join([s:lookup_state.scope, snip[1]]) + else + let snip[1] = join([s:lookup_state.scope, rtp_prefix, + \ empty(snip[1]) ? desc : snip[1]]) + endif + endfor + call extend(s:lookup_state.snips, new_snips) endfunction function! s:CachedSnips(file) @@ -551,31 +327,50 @@ function! s:CachedSnips(file) return s:cache[a:file].contents endfunction +function! s:snippet_filenames(scope, trigger) + let mid = ['', '_*', '/*'] + return join(map(extend(mid, map(filter(copy(mid), 'v:key != 1'), + \ "'/' . a:trigger . '*' . v:val")), + \ "'snippets/' . a:scope . v:val . '.snippet'" + \ . ". (v:key < 3 ? 's' : '')")) +endfunction + +function! snipMate#SetByPath(dict, trigger, path, snippet, bang, snipversion) + let d = a:dict + if !has_key(d, a:trigger) || a:bang + let d[a:trigger] = {} + endif + let d[a:trigger][a:path] = [a:snippet, a:snipversion] +endfunction + " default triggers based on paths function! snipMate#DefaultPool(scopes, trigger, result) - let extra_scopes = [] - for [f,opts] in items(snipMate#GetSnippetFiles(1, a:scopes, a:trigger)) - let opts.name_prefix = matchstr(f, '\v/\zs.{-}\ze/snippets') . ' ' . opts.name_prefix - if opts.type == 'snippets' - let [snippets, new_scopes] = s:CachedSnips(f) - call extend(extra_scopes, new_scopes) - for [trigger, name, contents] in snippets - if trigger =~ '\V\^' . escape(a:trigger, '\') - call snipMate#SetByPath(a:result, trigger, - \ opts.name_prefix . ' ' . name, contents) - endif - endfor - elseif opts.type == 'snippet' - call snipMate#SetByPath(a:result, opts.trigger, - \ opts.name_prefix . ' ' ., readfile(f)) - else - throw "unexpected" + let scopes = s:AddScopeAliases(a:scopes) + let scopes_done = [] + let rtp_save = &rtp + let &rtp = join(g:snipMate.snippet_dirs, ',') + let s:lookup_state = {} + let s:lookup_state.snips = [] + + while !empty(scopes) + let scope = remove(scopes, 0) + let s:lookup_state.scope = scope + let s:lookup_state.extends = [] + + exec 'runtime!' s:snippet_filenames(scope, escape(a:trigger, "*[]?{}`'$|#%")) + + call add(scopes_done, scope) + call extend(scopes, s:lookup_state.extends) + call filter(scopes, 'index(scopes_done, v:val) == -1') + endwhile + + for [trigger, desc, contents, bang, snipversion] in s:lookup_state.snips + if trigger =~ '\V\^' . escape(a:trigger, '\') + call snipMate#SetByPath(a:result, trigger, desc, contents, bang, snipversion) endif endfor - if !empty(extra_scopes) - call snipMate#DefaultPool(extra_scopes, a:trigger, a:result) - endif + let &rtp = rtp_save endfunction " return a dict of snippets found in runtimepath matching trigger @@ -659,8 +454,15 @@ endf fun! snipMate#GetSnippetsForWordBelowCursor(word, exact) " Setup lookups: '1.2.3' becomes [1.2.3] + [3, 2.3] let parts = split(a:word, '\W\zs') - if len(parts) > 2 - let parts = parts[-2:] " max 2 additional items, this might become a setting + " Since '\W\zs' results in splitting *after* a non-keyword character, the + " first \W stays connected to whatever's before it, so split it off + if len(parts) > 1 && len(parts[0]) > 1 + let parts = [ parts[0][:-2], strpart(parts[0], len(parts[0]) - 1) ] + \ + parts[1:] + endif + " Only look at the last few possibilities. Too many can be slow. + if len(parts) > 5 + let parts = parts[-5:] endif let lookups = [a:word] let lookup = '' @@ -671,11 +473,6 @@ fun! snipMate#GetSnippetsForWordBelowCursor(word, exact) endif endfor - " allow matching '.' - if a:word =~ '\.$' - call add(lookups, '.') - endif - " Remove empty lookup entries, but only if there are other nonempty lookups if len(lookups) > 1 call filter(lookups, 'v:val != ""') @@ -795,19 +592,12 @@ function! snipMate#TriggerSnippet(...) let snippet = '' else let [trigger, snippetD] = list[0] - - let s = s:ChooseSnippet(snippetD) - if type(s) == type([]) - let snippet = join(s, "\n") - else - let snippet = s - end - + let snippet = s:ChooseSnippet(snippetD) " Before expanding snippet, create new undo point |i_CTRL-G| let &undolevels = &undolevels let col = col('.') - len(trigger) sil exe 's/\V'.escape(trigger, '/\.').'\%#//' - return snipMate#expandSnip(snippet, col) + return snipMate#expandSnip(snippet[0], snippet[1], col) endif " should allow other plugins to register hooks instead (duplicate code) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bce416ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +function! s:sfile() + return expand('') +endfunction + +let s:state_proto = {} + +function! snipmate#jumping#state() + return copy(s:state_proto) +endfunction + +function! s:listize_mirror(mirrors) + return map(copy(a:mirrors), '[v:val.line, v:val.col]') +endfunction + +" Removes snippet state info +function! s:state_remove() dict + " Remove all autocmds in group snipmate_changes in the current buffer + unlet! b:snip_state + silent! au! snipmate_changes * +endfunction + +function! s:state_find_next_stop(backwards) dict + let self.stop_no += a:backwards? -1 : 1 + while !has_key(self.stops, self.stop_no) + if self.stop_no == self.stop_count + let self.stop_no = 0 + endif + if self.stop_no <= 0 && a:backwards + let self.stop_no = self.stop_count - 1 + endif + let self.stop_no += a:backwards? -1 : 1 + endwhile +endfunction + +" Update state information to correspond to the given tab stop +function! s:state_set_stop(backwards) dict + call self.find_next_stop(a:backwards) + let self.cur_stop = self.stops[self.stop_no] + let self.stop_len = (type(self.cur_stop.placeholder) == type(0)) + \ ? self.cur_stop.placeholder + \ : len(snipMate#placeholder_str(self.stop_no, self.stops)) + let self.start_col = self.cur_stop.col + let self.end_col = self.start_col + self.stop_len + let self.mirrors = get(self.cur_stop, 'mirrors', []) + let self.old_mirrors = deepcopy(self.mirrors) + call cursor(self.cur_stop.line, self.cur_stop.col) + let self.prev_len = col('$') + let self.changed = 0 + let ret = self.select_word() + if (self.stop_no == 0 || self.stop_no == self.stop_count - 1) && !a:backwards + call self.remove() + endif + return ret +endfunction + +" Jump to the next/previous tab stop +function! s:state_jump_stop(backwards) dict + " Update changes just in case + " This seems to be only needed because insert completion does not trigger + " the CursorMovedI event + call self.update_changes() + + " Store placeholder/location changes + let self.cur_stop.col = self.start_col + if self.changed + call self.remove_nested() + unlet! self.cur_stop.placeholder " avoid type error for old parsing version + let self.cur_stop.placeholder = [strpart(getline('.'), + \ self.start_col - 1, self.end_col - self.start_col)] + endif + + return self.set_stop(a:backwards) +endfunction + +function! s:state_remove_nested(...) dict + let id = a:0 ? a:1 : self.stop_no + if type(self.stops[id].placeholder) == type([]) + for i in self.stops[id].placeholder + if type(i) == type([]) + if type(i[1]) != type({}) + call self.remove_nested(i[0]) + call remove(self.stops, i[0]) + else + call filter(self.stops[i[0]].mirrors, 'v:val isnot i[1]') + endif + endif + unlet i " Avoid E706 + endfor + endif +endfunction + +" Select the placeholder for the current tab stop +function! s:state_select_word() dict + let len = self.stop_len + if !len | return '' | endif + let l = col('.') != 1 ? 'l' : '' + if &sel == 'exclusive' + return "\".l.'v'.len."l\" + endif + return len == 1 ? "\".l.'gh' : "\".l.'v'.(len - 1)."l\" +endfunction + +" Update the snippet as text is typed. The self.update_mirrors() function does +" the actual work. +" If the cursor moves outside of a placeholder, call self.remove() +function! s:state_update_changes() dict + let change_len = col('$') - self.prev_len + let self.changed = self.changed || change_len != 0 + let self.end_col += change_len + let col = col('.') + + if line('.') != self.cur_stop.line || col < self.start_col || col > self.end_col + return self.remove() + endif + + call self.update(self.cur_stop, change_len) + if !empty(self.mirrors) + call self.update_mirrors(change_len) + endif + + let self.prev_len = col('$') +endfunction + +" Actually update the mirrors for any changed text +function! s:state_update_mirrors(change) dict + let newWordLen = self.end_col - self.start_col + let newWord = strpart(getline('.'), self.start_col - 1, newWordLen) + let changeLen = a:change + let curLine = line('.') + let curCol = col('.') + let oldStartSnip = self.start_col + let i = 0 + + for mirror in self.mirrors + for stop in values(filter(copy(self.stops), 'v:key != 0')) + if type(stop.placeholder) == type(0) + if mirror.line == stop.line && mirror.col > stop.col + \ && mirror.col < stop.col + stop.placeholder + let stop.placeholder += changeLen + endif + endif + endfor + + call self.update(mirror, changeLen) + " Split the line into three parts: the mirror, what's before it, and + " what's after it. Then combine them using the new mirror string. + " Subtract one to go from column index to byte index + let theline = getline(mirror.line) + let update = strpart(theline, 0, mirror.col - 1) + let update .= substitute(newWord, get(mirror, 'pat', ''), get(mirror, 'sub', ''), get(mirror, 'flags', '')) + let update .= strpart(theline, mirror.col + self.end_col - self.start_col - a:change - 1) + call setline(mirror.line, update) + endfor + + " Reposition the cursor in case a var updates on the same line but before + " the current tabstop + if oldStartSnip != self.start_col || mode() == 'i' + call cursor(0, curCol + self.start_col - oldStartSnip) + endif +endfunction + +function! s:state_find_update_objects(item) dict + let item = a:item + let item.update_objects = [] + + " Filter the zeroth stop because it's duplicated as the last + for stop in values(filter(copy(self.stops), 'v:key != 0')) + if stop.line == item.line && stop.col > item.col + call add(item.update_objects, stop) + endif + + for mirror in get(stop, 'mirrors', []) + if mirror.line == item.line && mirror.col > item.col + call add(item.update_objects, mirror) + endif + endfor + endfor + + return item.update_objects +endfunction + +function! s:state_update(item, change_len) dict + let item = a:item + if exists('item.update_objects') + let to_update = item.update_objects + else + let to_update = self.find_update_objects(a:item) + let item.update_objects = to_update + endif + + for obj in to_update + let obj.col += a:change_len + if obj is self.cur_stop + let self.start_col += a:change_len + let self.end_col += a:change_len + endif + endfor +endfunction + +call extend(s:state_proto, snipmate#util#add_methods(s:sfile(), 'state', + \ [ 'remove', 'set_stop', 'jump_stop', 'remove_nested', + \ 'select_word', 'update_changes', 'update_mirrors', + \ 'find_next_stop', 'find_update_objects', 'update' ]), 'error') + +" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/legacy.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/legacy.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..53eb0cbdb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/legacy.vim @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +let s:sigil = nr2char(31) +let snipmate#legacy#sigil = s:sigil + +" Prepare snippet to be processed by s:BuildTabStops +function! snipmate#legacy#process_snippet(snip) + let snippet = a:snip + let esc_bslash = '\%(\\\@ 0) ? &sts : &sw), 'g') + endif + return snippet +endfunction + +" Builds a list of a list of each tab stop in the snippet containing: +" 1.) The tab stop's line number. +" 2.) The tab stop's column number +" (by getting the length of the string between the last "\n" and the +" tab stop). +" 3.) The length of the text after the colon for the current tab stop +" (e.g. "${1:foo}" would return 3). +" 4.) If the "${#:}" construct is given, another list containing all +" the matches of "$#", to be replaced with the placeholder. This list is +" composed the same way as the parent; the first item is the line number, +" and the second is the column. +function! snipmate#legacy#build_stops(snip, lnum, col, indent) + let stops = {} + let i = 0 + let withoutVars = substitute(a:snip, s:sigil . '\d\+', '', 'g') + while a:snip =~ s:sigil . '{' . i + let beforeTabStop = matchstr(withoutVars, '^.*\ze'.s:sigil .'{'.i.'\D') + let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutVars, ''.s:sigil .'{\('.i.'\D\)\@!\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g') + + let stops[i] = {} + let stops[i].line = a:lnum + s:count(beforeTabStop, "\n") + let stops[i].col = a:indent + len(matchstr(withoutOthers, '.*\(\n\|^\)\zs.*\ze'.s:sigil .'{'.i.'\D')) + let stops[i].placeholder = 0 + let stops[i].mirrors = [] + if stops[i].line == a:lnum + let stops[i].col += a:col + endif + + " Get all $# matches in another list, if ${#:name} is given + if withoutVars =~ printf('%s{%d:', s:sigil, i) + let stops[i].placeholder = len(matchstr(withoutVars, ''.s:sigil .'{'.i.':\zs.\{-}\ze}')) + let withoutOthers = substitute(a:snip, ''.s:sigil .'{\d\+.\{-}}\|'.s:sigil .''.i.'\@!\d\+', '', 'g') + + while match(withoutOthers, ''.s:sigil .''.i.'\(\D\|$\)') != -1 + let stops[i].mirrors = get(stops[i], 'mirrors', []) + let beforeMark = matchstr(withoutOthers, + \ printf('^.\{-}\ze%s%s%d\(\D\|$\)', + \ repeat('.', stops[i].placeholder), s:sigil, i)) + let line = a:lnum + s:count(beforeMark, "\n") + let col = a:indent + (line > a:lnum + \ ? len(matchstr(beforeMark, '.*\n\zs.*')) + \ : a:col + len(beforeMark)) + call add(stops[i].mirrors, { 'line' : line, 'col' : col }) + let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutOthers, ''.s:sigil .''.i.'\ze\(\D\|$\)', '', '') + endw + endif + let i += 1 + endw + let stops[i] = stops[0] + return [stops, i + 1] +endfunction + +" Counts occurences of haystack in needle +function! s:count(haystack, needle) + let counter = 0 + let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle) + while index != -1 + let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1) + let counter += 1 + endw + return counter +endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1408ddd3b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +" Snippet definition parsing code + +function! s:sfile() + return expand('') +endfunction + +let s:parser_proto = {} + +function! s:new_parser(text) + let ret = copy(s:parser_proto) + let ret.input = a:text + let ret.len = strlen(ret.input) + let ret.pos = -1 + let ret.indent = 0 + let ret.value = [] + let ret.vars = {} + call ret.advance() + return ret +endfunction + +function! s:parser_advance(...) dict + let self.pos += a:0 ? a:1 : 1 + let = self.input[self.pos] +endfunction + +function! s:parser_same(tok) dict + if == a:tok + call self.advance() + return 1 + else + return 0 + endif +endfunction + +function! s:parser_id() dict + if self.input[(self.pos):(self.pos+5)] == 'VISUAL' + call self.advance(6) + return 'VISUAL' + elseif =~ '\d' + let end = matchend(self.input, '\d\+', self.pos) + let res = strpart(self.input, self.pos, end - self.pos) + call self.advance(end - self.pos) + return +res " force conversion to Number + endif + return -1 +endfunction + +function! s:parser_add_var(var) dict + let id = a:var[0] + if !has_key(self.vars, id) + let self.vars[id] = { 'instances' : [] } + endif + call add(self.vars[id].instances, a:var) +endfunction + +function! s:parser_var() dict + let ret = [] + if self.same('{') + let id = + if id >= 0 + call add(ret, id) + call extend(ret, self.varend()) + endif + else + let id = + if id >= 0 + call add(ret, id) + endif + endif + return ret +endfunction + +function! s:parser_varend() dict + let ret = [] + if self.same(':') + call extend(ret, self.placeholder()) + elseif self.same('/') + call add(ret, self.subst()) + endif + call self.same('}') + return ret +endfunction + +function! s:parser_placeholder() dict + return self.parse('}') +endfunction + +function! s:parser_subst() dict + let ret = {} + let ret.pat = join(self.text('/', 1)) + if self.same('/') + let ret.sub = join(self.text('/}')) + endif + if self.same('/') + let ret.flags = join(self.text('}', 1)) + endif + return ret +endfunction + +function! s:parser_expr() dict + let str = join(self.text('`', 1)) + let ret = eval(str) + call self.same('`') + return type(ret) == type('') ? ret : string(ret) +endfunction + +function! s:parser_text(...) dict + let res = [] + let val = '' + if a:0 == 2 && a:2 + let till = '\V' . escape(a:1, '\') + else + let till = '[`$' . (a:0 ? a:1 : '') . ']' + endif + + while self.pos < self.len + if self.same('\') + if != "\n" + let val .= + endif + call self.advance() + elseif =~# till + break + elseif == "\n" + call add(res, val) + let val = '' + let self.indent = 0 + call self.advance() + elseif == "\t" + let self.indent += 1 + let val .= s:indent(1) + call self.advance() + else + let val .= + call self.advance() + endif + endwhile + + call add(res, val) + return res +endfunction + +function! s:parser_parse(...) dict + let ret = a:0 ? [] : self.value + while self.pos < self.len + if self.same('$') + let var = self.var() + if !empty(var) + if var[0] is# 'VISUAL' + let add_to = s:visual_placeholder(var, self.indent) + if !empty(ret) && type(ret[-1]) == type('') + let ret[-1] .= add_to[0] + else + call add(ret, add_to[0]) + endif + call extend(ret, add_to[1:-1]) + elseif var[0] >= 0 + call add(ret, var) + call self.add_var(var) + endif + endif + elseif self.same('`') + let add_to = self.expr() + if !empty(ret) && type(ret[-1]) == type('') + let ret[-1] .= add_to + else + call add(ret, add_to) + endif + else + let text = a:0 ? self.text(a:1) : self.text() + if exists('add_to') + let ret[-1] .= text[0] + call remove(text, 0) + unlet add_to + endif + call extend(ret, text) + endif + if a:0 && == a:1 + break + endif + endwhile + return ret +endfunction + +call extend(s:parser_proto, snipmate#util#add_methods(s:sfile(), 'parser', + \ [ 'advance', 'same', 'id', 'add_var', 'var', 'varend', + \ 'placeholder', 'subst', 'expr', 'text', 'parse' ]), 'error') + +function! s:indent(count) + if &expandtab + let shift = repeat(' ', (&sts > 0) ? &sts : &sw) + else + let shift = "\t" + endif + return repeat(shift, a:count) +endfunction + +function! s:visual_placeholder(var, indent) + let arg = get(a:var, 1, {}) + if type(arg) == type({}) + let pat = get(arg, 'pat', '') + let sub = get(arg, 'sub', '') + let flags = get(arg, 'flags', '') + let content = split(substitute(get(b:, 'snipmate_visual', ''), pat, sub, flags), "\n", 1) + else + let content = split(get(b:, 'snipmate_visual', arg), "\n", 1) + endif + + let indent = s:indent(a:indent) + call map(content, '(v:key != 0) ? indent . v:val : v:val') + + return content +endfunction + +function! snipmate#parse#snippet(text) + let parser = s:new_parser(a:text) + call parser.parse() + unlet! b:snipmate_visual + return [parser.value, parser.vars] +endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/util.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/util.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..654c0ae3dc --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/util.vim @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +" The next function was based on s:function and s:add_methods in fugitive +" +function! snipmate#util#add_methods(sfile, namespace, methods) + let dict = {} + for name in a:methods + let dict[name] = function(join([matchstr(a:sfile, '\d\+'), + \ a:namespace, name], '_')) + endfor + return dict +endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/snipMate.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/snipMate.txt index aa49586a06..d8d310c933 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/snipMate.txt +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/snipMate.txt @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ Last Change: December 27, 2009 1. Description |SnipMate-description| 2. Usage |SnipMate-usage| 3. Interface and Settings |SnipMate-interface| |SnipMate-settings| -4. Snippet syntax |SnipMate-syntax| +4. Snippets |SnipMate-snippets| + - Snippet files |SnipMate-snippet-files| + - Snippet syntax |SnipMate-syntax| 5. Snippet sources |SnipMate-snippet-sources| 6. Disadvantages to TextMate |SnipMate-disadvantages| 7. Contact |SnipMate-contact| @@ -140,6 +142,24 @@ g:snipMate.no_default_aliases the user or someone else will still be in effect. +g:snipMate.snippet_version + The snippet parser version to use. The + possible values are: + 0 Use the older parser + 1 Use the newer parser + If unset, SnipMate defaults to version 0. The + value of this option is also used for all + .snippet files. + +g:snipMate.override + As detailed below, when two snippets with the + same name and description are loaded, both are + kept and differentiated by the location of the + file they were in. When this option is enabled + (set to 1), the snippet originating in the + last loaded file is kept, similar to how Vim + maps and other settings work. + g:snipMate['no_match_completion_feedkeys_chars'] A string inserted when no match for a trigger is found. By default a tab is inserted @@ -152,7 +172,7 @@ Mappings~ The mappings SnipMate uses can be customized with the |:map| commands. For example, to change the key that triggers snippets and moves to the next -tabstop, > +tab stop, > :imap snipMateNextOrTrigger :smap snipMateNextOrTrigger @@ -186,12 +206,17 @@ Additionally, is mapped in visual mode in .snippets files for retabbing snippets. ============================================================================== -SYNTAX *snippet-syntax* *SnipMate-syntax* +SNIPPETS *SnipMate-snippets* + + *SnipMate-snippet-files* +Snippet Files ~ + +Note: SnipMate does not ship with any snippets. SnipMate looks inside of each entry of 'rtp' (or |SnipMate-snippet-sources|) for a directory named /snippets/. Based on the 'filetype' and 'syntax' -settings (taking into account the dotted syntax), the following files are read -for snippets: > +settings (dotted filetypes are parsed), the following files are read for +snippets: > .../snippets/.snippets .../snippets/_.snippets @@ -199,7 +224,7 @@ for snippets: > .../snippets//.snippet .../snippets///.snippet -where is an entry in 'filetype' or 'syntax', is an arbitrary +where is a scope or 'filetype' or 'syntax', is an arbitrary name, is the trigger for a snippet, and is a description used for |SnipMate-multisnip|. @@ -215,14 +240,25 @@ looks something like: > more expanded text < *SnipMate-multisnip* -The description is optional. If it is left out and a second snippet inside the -same .snippets file uses the same trigger, the second one will overwrite the -first. Otherwise multisnip is used. +The description is optional. If it is left out, the description "default" is +used. When two snippets in the same scope have the same name and the same +description, SnipMate will try to preserve both. The g:snipMate.override +option disables this, in favor of keeping the last-loaded snippet. This can be +overridden on a per-snippet basis by defining the snippet with a bang (!): > + + snippet! trigger optional description + expanded text + more expanded text Note: Hard tabs in the expansion text are required. When the snippet is expanded in the text and 'expandtab' is set, each tab will be replaced with spaces based on 'softtabstop' if nonzero or 'shiftwidth' otherwise. +Which version parser the snippets in a file should be used with can be +specified with a version line, e.g.: > + + version 1 + Comments can be made in .snippets files by starting a line with a # character. However these can't be used inside of snippet definitions: > @@ -243,74 +279,100 @@ directive, for example: > will tell SnipMate to also read html, javascript, and css snippets. +SNIPPET SYNTAX *snippet-syntax* *SnipMate-syntax* + +Anywhere in a snippet, a backslash escapes the character following it, +regardless of whether that character is special or not. That is, '\a' will +always result in an 'a' in the output. A single backslash can be output by +using '\\'. + *SnipMate-tabstops* Tab stops~ -A tab stop, specified by ${#} where # is a number, tells SnipMate where to -position the cursor next. The special tab stop ${0} denotes the last cursor -position; in its absence, the cursor is placed at the end of the snippet. +When triggering a snippet, SnipMate will by default jump to the very end of +the snippet text. This can be changed through the use of tab stops: $1, $2, +and so on. After expansion, SnipMate will jump to the first tab stop. From +then on, the snipMateNextOrTrigger map will jump to the next higher +numbered tabs top. + +However, SnipMate will always stop at the zero tab stop $0. Once it jumps to +the zero tab stop, snippet expansion is finished. If the zero tab stop is not +present in a definition, it will be put at the end. + +In the case of an ambiguity, for example if a stop occurs just before a literal +number, braces may be placed around the stop number to resolve it: ${3}79 is +the third tab stop followed by the string "79". -For example, to place the cursor first on the id of a
tag, allow -the user to press to go to the middle of it, and finally end after -
: > +Note: In the version 0 snippet parser, the braces are mandatory. + +For example, to place the cursor first on the id of a
tag, then on +its class, and finally end editing its contents: > snippet div -
- ${2} +
+ $0
-< *SnipMate-placeholders* *SnipMate-mirrors* -Placeholders and Mirrors~ +< *SnipMate-placeholders* +In addition to being simply a location, each tab stop contains a placeholder, +or some default text. The placeholder can be specified for every tab stop +(including the zero tab stop) with a colon after the stop ID, as in +${1:default text}. The braces are required only when specifying a placeholder. +Once a tab stop with a placeholder is reached, the placeholder will be +selected in |Select-mode|. For example, > -Placeholder text can be supplied using "${#:text}", where # is the number of -the tab stop. This text then can be copied throughout the snippet using "$#", -given # is the same number as used before. So, to make a C for loop: > + snippet div +
+ $0 +
- snippet for - for (${2:i}=0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2++) { - ${4} - } +Finally, placeholders can contain mirrors and evaluations (detailed below) and +even entire other tab stops. If the placeholder is edited, then these nested +tab stops are removed and skipped entirely. For example, > -This will cause "count" to first be selected and change if the user starts -typing. When is pressed, the "i" in ${2}'s position will be selected; -all $2 variables will default to "i" and automatically be updated if the user -starts typing. + snippet div + + $0 +
-NOTE: "$#" syntax is used only for mirrors, not for tab stops as in TextMate. +When expanded, this snippet selects the entirety of the id attribute. If this +stop is edited, then the second tab stop is removed and the third tab stop +becomes the next one. If the first tab stop is left unedited, then SnipMate +jumps to the second tab stop. This allows the user to use a single div snippet +that can be used for instances where the id or class attributes are desired +and those where they are not. -Mirrors can also be used inside of placeholders. For instance: > + *SnipMate-mirrors* +Mirrors~ - snippet opt - +A mirror is simply a copy of a tab stop's text, updated as the tab stop is +edited. These look like a tab stop without a placeholder; $1 for example. In +the event that no placeholder is specified for a certain tab stop--say $1--the +first instance becomes the tab stop and the rest become mirrors. -Will, as usual, cause "option" to first be selected and update all the $1 -variables if the user starts typing. Since one of these variables is inside of -${2}, this text will then be used as a placeholder for the next tab stop, -allowing the user to change it if he wishes. +Additionally substitutions similar to |:substitute| can be performed. For +instance ${1/foo/bar/g} will replace all instances of "foo" in the $1 mirror +with "bar". This uses |substitute()| behind the scenes. -To copy a value throughout a snippet without supplying default text, simply -use the "${#:}" construct without the text, e.g.: > +Note: Just like with tab stops, braces can be used to avoid ambiguities: ${1}2 +is a mirror of the first tab stop followed by a 2. Version 0 of the snippet +parser offers no way to resolve such ambiguities. - snippet foo - ${1:}bar$1 +As an example, > -< *SnipMate-visual* -There is a special placeholder called {VISUAL}. If you visually select text, -then press Vim switches to insert mode. The next snippet you'll expand -will replace {VISUAL} by the text which was selected previously. + snippet for + for ($1 = ${2:start}; ${1:i} < ${3:end}; $1${4:++}) { + ${0:/* code */} + } - *SnipMate-eval* -Interpolated Vim Script~ +< *SnipMate-eval* +Expression Evaluation~ -Snippets can also contain Vim script commands that are executed (via |eval()|) -when the snippet is inserted. Commands are given inside backticks (`...`); for -TextMates's functionality, use the |system()| function. E.g.: > +Snippets can contain Vim script expressions that are evaluated as the snippet +is expanded. Expressions are specified inside backticks: > snippet date - `system("date +%Y-%m-%d")` - -will insert the current date, assuming you are on a Unix system. Note that you -can also (and should) use |strftime()| for this example. + `strftime("%Y-%m-%d")` Filename([{expr}] [, {defaultText}]) *SnipMate-Filename()* @@ -336,6 +398,26 @@ empty string if it hasn't. The second returns the filename if it's been named, and "name" if it hasn't. The third returns the filename followed by "_foo" if it has been named, and an empty string if it hasn't. + *SnipMate-visual* +The VISUAL Stop~ + +While tab stops have numeric IDs, a special one exists with the ID 'VISUAL'. +When a snippet is expanded, if any text had been grabbed with the +snipMateVisual mapping (see |SnipMate-mappings|), all instances of the VISUAL +stop will be replaced with it. Both transformations as well as a default +placeholder can be used with the VISUAL stop. + +Note: Both $VISUAL and ${VISUAL} are valid in version 1 of the snippet parser. +In version 0, only {VISUAL} is valid (without the $), and neither +transformations nor a default placeholder can be used. + +Example: > + + snippet div +
+ ${0:${VISUAL:}} +
+ ============================================================================== SNIPPET SOURCES *SnipMate-snippet-sources* @@ -398,19 +480,13 @@ See |SnipMate-syntax| for more details about all possible relative locations to 'rtp' can be found in. ============================================================================== -DISADVANTAGES *SnipMate-disadvantages* +KNOWN ISSUES *SnipMate-known-issues* SnipMate.vim currently has the following disadvantages to TextMate's snippets: - - Nested placeholders are not currently possible. E.g.: > - '${3}
' -< In TextMate this would first highlight ' id="some_id"', and if - you hit delete it would automatically skip ${2} and go to ${3} - on the next , but if you didn't delete it it would highlight - "some_id" first. You cannot do this in SnipMate.vim. - - Regex cannot be performed on variables, such as "${1/.*/\U&}" - Placeholders cannot span multiple lines. - Activating snippets in different scopes of the same file is not possible. + - Vim formatting with fo=t or fo=a can mess up SnipMate. Perhaps some of these features will be added in a later release. diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/plugin/snipMate.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/plugin/snipMate.vim index 72f7ebc1d0..5c1b48fc19 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/plugin/snipMate.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/plugin/snipMate.vim @@ -91,9 +91,11 @@ let g:snipMate['get_snippets'] = get(g:snipMate, 'get_snippets', funcref#Functio " List of paths where snippets/ dirs are located, or a function returning such " a list -let g:snipMate['snippet_dirs'] = get(g:snipMate, 'snippet_dirs', funcref#Function('return split(&runtimepath,",")')) -if type(g:snipMate['snippet_dirs']) == type([]) - call map(g:snipMate['snippet_dirs'], 'expand(v:val)') +let g:snipMate['snippet_dirs'] = get(g:snipMate, 'snippet_dirs', split(&rtp, ',')) +if type(g:snipMate['snippet_dirs']) != type([]) + echohl WarningMsg + echom "g:snipMate['snippet_dirs'] must be a List" + echohl None endif " _ is default scope added always @@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ function! s:grab_visual() let a_save = @a try normal! gv"ay - let b:snipmate_content_visual = @a + let b:snipmate_visual = @a finally let @a = a_save endtry diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bc22b3b02 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +function! Setup(snip) + return snipMate#expandSnip(join(a:snip, "\n"), 1) +endfunction + +function! s:to_be_file(expected) + return a:expected == getline(1,'$') +endfunction + +function! s:to_be_in(item, list) + return !empty(filter(copy(a:list), 'v:val is a:item')) +endfunction + +call vspec#customize_matcher('to_be_file', function('s:to_be_file')) +call vspec#customize_matcher('to_be_in', function('s:to_be_in')) + +describe 'snippet state' + + before + enew + let b:snip_state = snipmate#jumping#state() + end + + after + bwipeout! + end + + describe '.remove()' + + it 'removes the state object' + Expect exists('b:snip_state') to_be_true + call b:snip_state.remove() + Expect exists('b:snip_state') to_be_false + end + + it 'removes snippet related autocommands' + function! ReadAutocmds() + redir => autocmds + 0verbose au snipmate_changes * + redir END + return split(autocmds, "\n") + endfunction + aug snipmate_changes + au CursorMoved,CursorMovedI echo 'event' + aug END + + Expect len(ReadAutocmds()) > 1 + call b:snip_state.remove() + Expect len(ReadAutocmds()) == 1 + end + + end + + describe '.find_next_stop()' + + it 'increments/decrements the stop_no' + let b:snip_state.stops = { 1 : {}, 2 : {} } + let b:snip_state.stop_no = 1 + let b:snip_state.stop_count = 4 + + call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(0) + Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 2 + call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(1) + Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 1 + end + + it 'continues iterating if the next/previous stop does not exist' + let b:snip_state.stops = { 3 : {} } + let b:snip_state.stop_count = 6 + let b:snip_state.stop_no = 1 + call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(0) + Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 3 + let b:snip_state.stop_no = 5 + call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(1) + Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 3 + end + + it 'does something at the ends' + " + end + + end + + describe '.remove_nested()' + + it 'removes nested mirrors and only nested mirrors' + let mirror = { 'line' : 0 } + let b:snip_state.stops = { 1 : { 'placeholder' : [[2, mirror]] }, + \ 2 : { 'mirrors' : [mirror, {}] } } + + call b:snip_state.remove_nested(1) + Expect len(b:snip_state.stops[2].mirrors) == 1 + Expect b:snip_state.stops[2].mirrors[0] isnot mirror + end + + it 'removes nested stops' + let stop = [2, 'abc'] + let b:snip_state.stops = { 1 : { 'placeholder' : [stop] }, + \ 2 : { 'placeholder' : stop[1:1] } } + + call b:snip_state.remove_nested(1) + Expect len(b:snip_state.stops) == 1 + Expect keys(b:snip_state.stops) == ['1'] + end + + end + + describe '.find_update_objects()' + + it 'finds mirrors/stops on the same line and after cur_stop' + let b:snip_state.stops = { + \ 1 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 5, + \ 'placeholder' : ['x'] }, + \ 2 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 7, + \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 1, 'col' : 7 }] } + \ } + let stop = b:snip_state.stops[1] + + call b:snip_state.find_update_objects(stop) + for obj in stop.update_objects + Expect obj to_be_in [ b:snip_state.stops[2], + \ b:snip_state.stops[2].mirrors[0] ] + endfor + end + + it 'finds mirrors/stops on the same line and after cur_stop mirrors' + let b:snip_state.stops = { + \ 1 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 5, + \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 2, 'col' : 5 }], + \ 'placeholder' : ['x'] }, + \ 2 : { 'line' : 2, 'col' : 7, + \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 2, 'col' : 7 }] } + \ } + let stop = b:snip_state.stops[1] + + call b:snip_state.find_update_objects(stop) + for obj in stop.update_objects + Expect obj to_be_in [ b:snip_state.stops[2], + \ b:snip_state.stops[2].mirrors[0] ] + endfor + end + + it 'ignores mirrors/stops on other lines' + let b:snip_state.stops = { + \ 1 : { 'line' : 2, 'col' : 5, + \ 'placeholder' : ['x'] }, + \ 2 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 7, + \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 1, 'col' : 7 }] }, + \ 3 : { 'line' : 3, 'col' : 7, + \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 3, 'col' : 7 }] } + \ } + let stop = b:snip_state.stops[1] + + call b:snip_state.find_update_objects(stop) + Expect empty(stop.update_objects) to_be_true + end + + it 'ignores mirrors/stops on the same line but before cur_stop/mirrors' + let b:snip_state.stops = { + \ 1 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 5, + \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 2, 'col' : 5 }], + \ 'placeholder' : ['x'] }, + \ 2 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 1, + \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 2, 'col' : 1 }] }, + \ 3 : { 'line' : 2, 'col' : 3, + \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 1, 'col' : 3 }] }, + \ } + let stop = b:snip_state.stops[1] + + call b:snip_state.find_update_objects(stop) + Expect empty(stop.update_objects) to_be_true + end + + end + +end diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..053bad8a20 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +describe 'snippet parser' + + before + function! Parse(snippet, ...) + let [snip, stops] = snipmate#parse#snippet(a:snippet) + return a:0 ? [snip, stops] : snip + endfunction + let b:snipmate_visual = 'testvisual' + end + + it 'parses numeric $id and ${id} vars as [id] lists' + let expect = [[1234567890]] + Expect Parse('$1234567890') == expect + Expect Parse('${1234567890}') == expect + end + + it 'disregards $ or ${ followed by a non-id' + Expect Parse('$x1') == ['x1'] + Expect Parse('${x}1') == ['x}1'] + Expect Parse('$VISUA1') == ['VISUA1'] + Expect Parse('${VISUA}1') == ['VISUA}1'] + end + + it 'gathers references to each instance of each stop id' + let [snip, b:stops] = Parse('x$1x${2:x$1x}x$1x${1/a/b}x$VISUALx', 1) + function! InstanceFound(list) + return !empty(filter(copy(b:stops[a:list[0]].instances), + \ 'v:val is a:list')) + endfunction + function! CheckList(list) + for item in a:list + if type(item) == type([]) + Expect InstanceFound(item) to_be_true + call CheckList(item) + endif + unlet item " E732 + endfor + endfunction + call CheckList(snip) + end + + it 'parses mirror substitutions ${n/pat/sub} as [n, {...}]' + let expect = [[1, { 'pat' : 'abc', 'sub' : 'def' }]] + Expect Parse('${1/abc/def}') == expect + let expect[0][1].flags = '' + Expect Parse('${1/abc/def/}') == expect + let expect[0][1].flags = 'g' + Expect Parse('${1/abc/def/g}') == expect + end + + it 'parses vars with placeholders as [id, placeholder] lists' + Expect Parse('${1:abc}') == [[1, 'abc']] + end + + it 'evaluates backtick expressions' + Expect Parse('`fnamemodify("x.y", ":r")`') == ['x'] + end + + it 'parses placeholders for vars and other specials' + let text = 'a `fnamemodify("x.y", ":r")` ${2:(${3/a/b})}' + let expect = ['a x ', [2, '(', [3, { 'pat' : 'a', 'sub' : 'b' }], ')']] + Expect Parse(text) == expect + Expect Parse(printf('${1:%s}', text)) == [[1] + expect] + end + + it 'converts tabs according to &et, &sts, &sw' + " &noet -> leave tabs alone + setl noet + Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == ["abc\tdef", "\t\tghi"] + + " &et -> &sts or &sw + setl et sts=2 sw=3 + Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == ["abc def", " ghi"] + + setl et sts=0 sw=3 + Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == ["abc def", " ghi"] + + setl et sts=-1 sw=3 + Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == ["abc def", " ghi"] + end + + it 'parses backslashes as escaping the next character or joining lines' + Expect Parse('x\x') == ['xx'] + Expect Parse('x\\x') == ['x\x'] + Expect Parse("x\\\nx") == ['xx'] + Expect Parse('x\$1') == ['x$1'] + Expect Parse('${1:\}}') == [[1, '}']] + Expect Parse('${1/\//\}}') == [[1, { 'pat' : '/', 'sub' : '}' }]] + Expect Parse('`fnamemodify("\`.x", ":r")`') == ['`'] + Expect Parse('\`x\`') == ['`x`'] + end + + it 'splits text at newlines' + Expect Parse("x\nx") == ['x', 'x'] + end + + it 'joins evaluated expressions to surrounding text on the same line' + let g:foo = 'bar' + Expect Parse("x`g:foo`x") == ['xbarx'] + Expect Parse("x`g:foo`\nx") == ['xbar', 'x'] + Expect Parse("x\n`g:foo`x") == ['x', 'barx'] + end + + it 'adds empty strings before/after vars if at the start/end of a line' + Expect Parse("x$1\nx") == ['x', [1], '', 'x'] + Expect Parse("x\n$1x") == ['x', '', [1], 'x'] + end + + it 'expands $VISUAL placeholders with any indents' + Expect Parse("x$VISUALx") == ['xtestvisualx'] + let b:snipmate_visual = " foo\nbar\n baz" + setl noet + Expect Parse("\tx\n\t$VISUAL\nx") == ["\tx", "\t foo", "\tbar", "\t baz", "x"] + end + +end diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1da250fb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +tmp="$(mktemp || tmpfile)" +vim -Es $tmp <<- EOF + source ~/.vimrc + %delete _ + call append(0, split(&rtp, ',')) + delete _ + wq +EOF + +rtp="$(grep -iE 'vspec|snipmate|tlib|mw-utils' < $tmp | grep -v after)" +vspec="$(grep -iE 'vspec' < $tmp | grep -v after)" +test_files="${*:-parser jumping}" + +for test in $test_files; do + $vspec/bin/vspec $rtp ${test%%.vim}.vim +done + +rm $tmp diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets index e27fbefae2..f317685c05 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ priority -50 snippet pat "Case:Receive:Try Clause" -${1:pattern}${2: when ${3:guard}} ->; +${1:pattern}${2: when ${3:guard}} -> ${4:body} endsnippet -snippet beh "Behaviour Directive" --behaviour (${1:behaviour}). +snippet beh "Behaviour Directive" b +-behaviour(${1:behaviour}). endsnippet snippet case "Case Expression" @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ case ${1:expression} of end endsnippet -snippet def "Define Directive" --define (${1:macro}${2: (${3:param})}, ${4:body}). +snippet def "Define Directive" b +-define(${1:macro}${2: (${3:param})}, ${4:body}). endsnippet -snippet exp "Export Directive" --export ([${1:function}/${2:arity}]). +snippet exp "Export Directive" b +-export([${1:function}/${2:arity}]). endsnippet snippet fun "Fun Expression" @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ end endsnippet snippet fu "Function" -${1:function} (${2:param})${3: when ${4:guard}} -> +${1:function}(${2:param})${3: when ${4:guard}} -> ${5:body} endsnippet @@ -47,24 +47,24 @@ if end endsnippet -snippet ifdef "Ifdef Directive" --ifdef (${1:macro}). +snippet ifdef "Ifdef Directive" b +-ifdef(${1:macro}). endsnippet -snippet ifndef "Ifndef Directive" --ifndef (${1:macro}). +snippet ifndef "Ifndef Directive" b +-ifndef(${1:macro}). endsnippet -snippet imp "Import Directive" --import (${1:module}, [${2:function}/${3:arity}]). +snippet imp "Import Directive" b +-import(${1:module}, [${2:function}/${3:arity}]). endsnippet -snippet inc "Include Directive" --include ("${1:file}"). +snippet inc "Include Directive" b +-include("${1:file}"). endsnippet -snippet mod "Module Directive" --module (${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "module"`}). +snippet mod "Module Directive" b +-module(${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "module"`}). endsnippet snippet rcv "Receive Expression" @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ ${6:after end endsnippet -snippet rec "Record Directive" --record (${1:record}, {${2:field}${3: = ${4:value}}}). +snippet rec "Record Directive" b +-record(${1:record}, {${2:field}${3: = ${4:value}}}). endsnippet snippet try "Try Expression" @@ -93,8 +93,16 @@ ${13:after end endsnippet -snippet undef "Undef Directive" --undef (${1:macro}). +snippet undef "Undef Directive" b +-undef(${1:macro}). +endsnippet + +snippet || "List Comprehension" +[${1:X} || ${2:X} <- ${3:List}${4:, gen}] +endsnippet + +snippet gen "Generator Expression" +${1:X} <- ${2:List}${3:, gen} endsnippet # vim:ft=snippets: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets index 48ff4b723b..6867e8668b 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ snippet label_and_input endsnippet snippet input -${7} endsnippet snippet submit diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets index def2116b37..366346a650 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets @@ -102,44 +102,54 @@ var_export(${1});${2} endsnippet snippet getter "PHP Class Getter" b -/* +/** * Getter for $1 + * + * ${2:return string} */ public function get${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}() { - return $this->$1;$2 + return $this->$1;$3 } -$4 +$0 endsnippet snippet setter "PHP Class Setter" b -/* +/** * Setter for $1 + * + * @param ${2:string} $$1 + * @return ${3:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`} */ -public function set${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}($$1) +public function set${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}(${4:${2/(void|string|int|integer|double|float|object|boolear|null|mixed|number|resource)|(.*)/(?1::$2 )/}}$$1) { - $this->$1 = $$1;$3 - ${4:return $this;} + $this->$1 = $$1;$5 + ${6:return $this;} } $0 endsnippet snippet gs "PHP Class Getter Setter" b -/* +/** * Getter for $1 + * + * return ${2:string} */ public function get${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}() { - return $this->$1;$2 + return $this->$1;$3 } -/* +/** * Setter for $1 + * + * @param $2 $$1 + * @return ${4:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`} */ -public function set${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}($$1) +public function set${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}(${5:${2/(void|string|int|integer|double|float|object|boolear|null|mixed|number|resource)|(.*)/(?1::$2 )/}}$$1) { - $this->$1 = $$1;$3 - ${4:return $this;} + $this->$1 = $$1;$6 + ${7:return $this;} } $0 endsnippet diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php_laravel.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php_laravel.snippets index 9f817a8d95..30f3f36911 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php_laravel.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php_laravel.snippets @@ -7,33 +7,30 @@ snippet l_rsc "Laravel resource controller" b * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')` */ -class $1 { +class $1 extends ${3: BaseController} { + function __construct() { + ${4} + } + public function index() { - ${3} } public function create() { - ${4} } public function store($id) { - ${5} } public function show($id) { - ${6} } public function edit($id) { - ${7} } public function update($id) { - ${8} } public function destroy($id) { - ${9} } } endsnippet @@ -117,7 +114,7 @@ namespace $1; class $2 extends \Eloquent { protected $table = '${4:`!p snip.rv = t[2].lower()`}'; - public $timestamps = '${5:false}'; + public $timestamps = ${5:false}; protected $hidden = array(${6}); @@ -196,7 +193,7 @@ snippet l_r "Laravel Repository" b /*! * \namespace ${1:Repositories\\${2}} * \class ${3:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} - * \implements ${4:BaseRepositoryInterface} + * \implements ${4:$3RepositoryInterface} * * \author ${5:`!v g:snips_author`} * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')` @@ -204,8 +201,8 @@ snippet l_r "Laravel Repository" b namespace $1; -class $3 extends \\$1 implements $4 { - ${6} +class $3 extends \\${6} implements $4 { + ${7} } endsnippet diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippets index b556554c93..ff52c0a555 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippets @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ snippet GPL2 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . - ${0} snippet LGPL2 ${1:One line to give the program's name and a brief description.} @@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ snippet LGPL2 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . - ${0} snippet GPL3 ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description.} @@ -65,7 +63,6 @@ snippet GPL3 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . - ${0} snippet LGPL3 ${1:One line to give the program's name and a brief description.} @@ -83,7 +80,6 @@ snippet LGPL3 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . - ${0} snippet AGPL3 ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description.} @@ -101,7 +97,6 @@ snippet AGPL3 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . - ${0} snippet GMGPL linking exception As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from @@ -140,7 +135,6 @@ snippet BSD2 The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressedor implied, of $2. - ${0} snippet BSD3 ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description} @@ -168,7 +162,6 @@ snippet BSD3 ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - ${0} snippet BSD4 ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description} @@ -199,7 +192,6 @@ snippet BSD4 ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - ${0} snippet MIT ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description} @@ -222,7 +214,6 @@ snippet MIT DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - ${0} snippet APACHE ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description} @@ -239,7 +230,6 @@ snippet APACHE WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. - ${0} snippet BEERWARE ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description} @@ -249,7 +239,6 @@ snippet BEERWARE $2 wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer or coffee in return - ${0} snippet WTFPL DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE @@ -271,5 +260,4 @@ snippet MPL2 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at - ${0} diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets index d3667d0538..d258aa8b5b 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets @@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ snippet === `repeat('=', strlen(getline(line(".") - 1)) - strlen(getline('.')))` ${0} +snippet - + - ${0} snippet --- `repeat('-', strlen(getline(line(".") - 1)) - strlen(getline('.')))` diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/puppet.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/puppet.snippets index a4fdf19fc1..8b0a41090a 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/puppet.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/puppet.snippets @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ snippet class ${0} } snippet node - node '${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'fqdn')`}' { + node "${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'fqdn')`}" { ${0} } snippet case @@ -107,13 +107,21 @@ snippet if if $${1:variable} { ${0} } +snippet ifd + if defined(${1:Resource}["${2:name}"]) { + ${0} + } +snippet ifnd + if !defined(${1:Resource}["${2:name}"]) { + ${0} + } snippet el else { ${0} } snippet ? ? { - '${1}' => ${0} + "${1}" => ${0} } # # blocks etc and general syntax sugar @@ -122,98 +130,98 @@ snippet [ snippet > ${1} => ${0} snippet p: - 'puppet://puppet/${1:module name}/${0:file name}' + "puppet://puppet/${1:module name}/${0:file name}" # # Functions snippet alert - alert('${1:message}') + alert("${1:message}") snippet crit - crit('${1:message}') + crit("${1:message}") snippet debug - debug('${1:message}') + debug("${1:message}") snippet defined - defined(${1:Resource}['${2:name}']) + defined(${1:Resource}["${2:name}"]) snippet emerg - emerg('${1:message}') + emerg("${1:message}") snippet extlookup Simple extlookup - extlookup('${1:variable}') + extlookup("${1:variable}") snippet extlookup Extlookup with defaults - extlookup('${1:variable}', '${2:default}') + extlookup("${1:variable}", "${2:default}") snippet extlookup Extlookup with defaults and custom data file - extlookup('${1:variable}', '${2:default}', '${3:data source}') + extlookup("${1:variable}", "${2:default}", "${3:data source}") snippet fail - fail('${1:message}') + fail("${1:message}") snippet info - info('${1:message}') + info("${1:message}") snippet inline_template - inline_template('<%= ${1} %>') + inline_template("<%= ${1} %>") snippet notice - notice('${1:message}') + notice("${1:message}") snippet realize realize(${1:Resource}[${2:name}]) snippet regsubst - regsubst(${1:hay stack}, ${2:needle}, '${3:replacement}') + regsubst(${1:hay stack}, ${2:needle}, "${3:replacement}") snippet inc include ${1:classname} snippet split - split(${1:hay stack}, '${2:patten}') + split(${1:hay stack}, "${2:patten}") snippet versioncmp - versioncmp('${1:version}', '${2:version}') + versioncmp("${1:version}", "${2:version}") snippet warning - warning('${1:message}') + warning("${1:message}") # # Types snippet cron - cron { '${1:name}': - command => '${2}', - user => '${3:root}', + cron { "${1:name}": + command => "${2}", + user => "${3:root}", ${4} => ${0}, } snippet exec - exec { '${1:name}': - command => '${2:$1}', - user => '${3:root}', + exec { "${1:name}": + command => "${2:$1}", + user => "${3:root}", ${4} => ${0}, } snippet user - user { '${1:user}': + user { "${1:user}": ensure => present, - comment => '${2:$1}', + comment => "${2:$1}", managehome => true, - home => '${0:/home/$1}', + home => "${0:/home/$1}", } snippet group - group { '${1:group}': + group { "${1:group}": ensure => ${0:present}, } snippet host - host { '${1:hostname}': + host { "${1:hostname}": ip => ${0:}, } snippet mailalias - mailalias { '${1:localpart}': - recipient => '${0:recipient}', + mailalias { "${1:localpart}": + recipient => "${0:recipient}", } snippet mount - mount { '${1:destination path}': + mount { "${1:destination path}": ensure => ${2:mounted}, - device => '${0:device name or path}', + device => "${0:device name or path}", } snippet package - package { '${1:package name}': + package { "${1:package name}": ensure => ${0:present}, } snippet yumrepo - yumrepo { '${1:repo name}': - Descr => '${2:$1}', + yumrepo { "${1:repo name}": + Descr => "${2:$1}", enabled => ${0:1}, } @@ -223,22 +231,39 @@ snippet define } snippet service - service { '${1:service}' : + service { "${1:service}" : ensure => running, enable => true, - require => [ Package['${2:package}'], File['${3:file}'], ], - subscribe => [ File['${4:configfile1}'], File['${5:configfile2}'], Package['${6:package}'], ], + require => [ Package["${2:package}"], File["${3:file}"], ], + subscribe => [ File["${4:configfile1}"], File["${5:configfile2}"], Package["${6:package}"], ], } snippet file - file { '${1:filename}' : + file { "${1:filename}" : ensure => ${2:present}, - owner => '${3:root}', - group => '${4:root}', - mode => '${5:0644}', - source => 'puppet:///modules/${6:module}/${7:source}', - content => template('/etc/puppet/templates/${8:template}'), - alias => '${9:alias}', - require => [ Package['${10:package}'], File['${11:file}'], ], + owner => "${3:root}", + group => "${4:root}", + mode => "${5:0644}", + source => "puppet:///modules/${6:module}/${7:source}", + content => template("${8:module}/${9:template}"), + alias => "${10:alias}", + require => [ Package["${11:package}"], File["${12:file}"], ], + } + +snippet archive + archive { "${1:filename}" : + ensure => ${2:present}, + url => "http://${3:url}", + extension => "${4:tgz}", + target => "${5:target}", + checksum => ${6:false}, + src_target => "${7:/tmp}", + } + +snippet firewall + firewall { "${1:comment}" : + proto => ${2:tcp}, + action => ${3:accept}, + port => ${4}, } diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets index 77d74e4d93..3fa72b07af 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets @@ -135,6 +135,9 @@ snippet iem # ipython debugger (pdbbb) snippet pdbbb import pdbpp; pdbpp.set_trace() +# remote python debugger (rpdb) +snippet rpdb + import rpdb; rpdb.set_trace() # python_prompt_toolkit snippet ppt from prompt_toolkit.contrib.repl import embed diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-surround/doc/surround.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-surround/doc/surround.txt index 30a642ae9b..41943e7c66 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-surround/doc/surround.txt +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-surround/doc/surround.txt @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ easiest to understand with some examples:
dst Yo! Change surroundings is *cs* . It takes two arguments, a target like with -|ds|, and a replacement. Details about the second argument can be found -below in |surround-replacements|. Once again, examples are in order. +|ds|, and a replacement. *cS* changes surroundings, placing the surrounded +text on its own line(s) like |yS|. Details about the second argument can be +found below in |surround-replacements|. Once again, examples are in order. Old text Command New text ~ "Hello *world!" cs"' 'Hello world!' diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-surround/plugin/surround.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-surround/plugin/surround.vim index 148a5c9a2a..e283ed2246 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/vim-surround/plugin/surround.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-surround/plugin/surround.vim @@ -441,7 +441,8 @@ function! s:dosurround(...) " {{{1 endif call setreg('"',keeper,regtype) if newchar != "" - call s:wrapreg('"',newchar) + let special = a:0 > 2 ? a:3 : 0 + call s:wrapreg('"',newchar, special) endif silent exe 'norm! ""'.pcmd.'`[' if removed =~ '\n' || okeeper =~ '\n' || getreg('"') =~ '\n' @@ -456,11 +457,11 @@ function! s:dosurround(...) " {{{1 if newchar == "" silent! call repeat#set("\Dsurround".char,scount) else - silent! call repeat#set("\Csurround".char.newchar.s:input,scount) + silent! call repeat#set("\C".(a:0 > 2 && a:3 ? "S" : "s")."urround".char.newchar.s:inpur,scount) endif endfunction " }}}1 -function! s:changesurround() " {{{1 +function! s:changesurround(...) " {{{1 let a = s:inputtarget() if a == "" return s:beep() @@ -469,7 +470,7 @@ function! s:changesurround() " {{{1 if b == "" return s:beep() endif - call s:dosurround(a,b) + call s:dosurround(a,b,a:0 && a:1) endfunction " }}}1 function! s:opfunc(type,...) " {{{1 @@ -558,6 +559,7 @@ endfunction " }}}1 nnoremap SurroundRepeat . nnoremap Dsurround :call dosurround(inputtarget()) nnoremap Csurround :call changesurround() +nnoremap CSurround :call changesurround(1) nnoremap Yssurround :call opfunc(v:count1) nnoremap YSsurround :call opfunc2(v:count1) " discards the numerical argument but there's not much we can do with it @@ -571,6 +573,7 @@ inoremap ISurround =insert(1) if !exists("g:surround_no_mappings") || ! g:surround_no_mappings nmap ds Dsurround nmap cs Csurround + nmap cS CSurround nmap ys Ysurround nmap yS YSurround nmap yss Yssurround