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Manless Aerial Device

This is a 1500 line Arduino ESP32 & RP2040 flight controller, forked from dRehmFlight.

Required Hardware

  • Development board: RP2040 (e.g. Raspberry Pi Pico) or ESP32 (e.g. Espressiv DevKitC)
  • SPI or I2C IMU sensor: MPU6050, MP6500, MPU9150, or MPU9250
  • RC Receiver: PPM, SBUS, or DMX
  • BEC or DC-DC converter to power your board from a battery
  • ESC (OneShot125 or 50-490Hz PWM) and/or servos (50-490Hz PWM)

Getting Started

  1. Setup the USER-SPECIFIED DEFINES section in the main code, and configure the pins in hw_ESP32.h or hw_RP2040.h
  2. Connect the IMU sensor and radio receiver to your development board according to the selected pinout.
  3. Edit the RC RECEIVER CONFIG section in the main code. Either match you RC equipment to the settings, or change the settings to match your RC equipment. Uncomment print_rcin_RadioPWM() to check.
  4. Uncomment print_ahrs_RollPitchYaw() and check that IMU sensor and AHRS are working correctly. Uncomment lines in setup() to calibate the sensor.
  5. Connect motors (no props) and battery and check that motor outputs are working correctly. For debugging, use print_out_MotorCommands() and calibrate_ESCs()
  6. Mount props, go to an wide open space, and FLY!

Software Design

  • Keep it simple!!!
  • No external dependencies, all library code included in src directory
  • The main .ino is the full flight controller running standard setup() and loop().
  • Plain C with minimal function arguments.
  • Global variables to communicate between the different modules.
  • Function names are prefixed with the module it belongs to:
    • loop_ Main loop control
    • imu_ Inertial Measurement Unit, retrieves accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensor data
    • ahrs_ Attitude Heading Reference System, estimates roll, yaw, pitch
    • rcin_ RC INput, retrieves RC receiver data
    • control_ PID controller and output mixer
    • out_ Output to motors and servos
    • print_ Prints debugging info
    • calibrate_ Calibration

Default Pinout for ESP32 DevKitC (38 pin)

Function GPIO Board GPIO Function
3V3 out 3V3 Antenna side GND GND
reset button EN 23 I2C_SDA
VSPI_MISO VP 36 input only 22 I2C_SCL
IMU_INT VN 39 input only 1 TX USB Serial Debug TX
FREE 34 input only 3 RX USB Serial Debug RX
RCIN_RX 35 input only 21 VSPI_MOSI
PWM2 25 18 VSPI_CS
PWM3 26 strap 5 PMW13
PWM4 27 17 PMW12
PWM5 14 16 PWM11
PWM6 12 4 PWM10
GND GND boot 0 PWM9
PWM7 13 strap 2 LED
nc D2 9 flash strap 15 PWM8
nc D3 10 flash flash 8 D1 nc
nc CMD 11 flash flash 7 D0 nc
5V in (*) 5V USB connector flash 6 CLK nc

(*) 5V input via diode from BEC. Without a diode take care not connect USB and the battery at the same time!

Default Pinout for Raspberry Pi Pico

Function GPIO Board GPIO Function
RCIN_TX(tx0) 0 USB connector VBUS nc
RCIN_RX(rx0) 1 VSYS 5V input via diode (*)
PWM1 2 EN nc
PWM2 3 3.3V out 3V3
PWM3 4 VREF nc
PWM4 5 28_A2 FREE
PWM5 6 27_A1 FREE
PWM6 7 26_A0 FREE
PWM7 8 RUN reset button to GND
PWM9 10 21 I2C0_SCL
PWM10 11 20 I2C0_SDA
PWM11 12 19 SPI0_MOSI
PWM12 13 18 SPI0_SCLK
PWM13 14 17 SPI0_CS
PWM14 15 JTAG pins 16 SPI0_MISO

(*) 5V input via diode from BEC. Without a diode take care not connect USB and the battery at the same time!

Change Log

2023-12-11 Use C++ template for flexible I2C implementations 2023-12-06 Add setup1() and loop1() for ESP32
2023-12-06 Add IMU orientation setting
2023-12-05 Initial release

Changes from dRehmFlight

  • Add support for RP2040 and ESP32
  • Dropped Teensy support, but could be re-added by creating a hw_TEENSY.h file. (I just don't have the hardware to test on)
  • Moved all hardware specific code to hw_ESP32.h and hw_RP2040.h and added hardware specific libraries
  • Reduced the number of global variables
  • Oneshot is implemented as PWM up to 3.9kHz
  • New libs for IMU sensors
  • Changed arming logic

Flight Controllers on Github

In increasing order of complexity.