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qri python client
pip install qri
import qri
# Add a dataset from cloud to your repository
$ qri.add("b5/world_bank_population")
Fetching from registry...
"Added b5/world_bank_population: ..."
# List datasets in your repository
$ qri.list()
# Get that single dataset as a variable
$ d = qri.get("b5/world_bank_population")
# Look at metadata description
$ d.meta.description
( 1 ) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2017 Revision...
# Get the dataset body as a pandas DataFrame
$ d.body
. country_name country_code indicator_name ...
0 Afghanistan AFG Population, total ...
TODO: Save changes
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/qri-io/qri-python
Navigate to the directory where you run jupyter from:
cd /path/where/jupyter/is/run
Symlink the cloned repository's source directory here:
ln -s /path/to/cloned/qri-python/qri .
NOTE: The clone command created the directory "qri-python", and inside is the source directory named "qri". Make sure to symlink the source directory, not just the repository root
This package should now be usable from within Jupyter Notebook