The doc
folder contains the sources for building Qt Extension for VS Code.
The doc
folder contains a CMake project configuration for the documentation build.
md vscodeext-docs
cd vscodeext-docs
<\path\to\Qt>\bin\qt-cmake -GNinja -DQT_BUILD_ONLINE_DOCS=ON <path\to\vscodeext\doc>
- For example:
C:\Qt\6.8.0\msvc2022_64\bin\qt-cmake.bat -GNinja C:\dev\vscodeext\doc
ninja html_docs
The output is then generated under \html
in the build directory.
if building offline documentation.
mkdir -p doc/build
cd doc/build
</path/to/Qt>/bin/qt-cmake -GNinja -DQT_BUILD_ONLINE_DOCS=ON ..
ninja html_docs
The output is then generated under /html
in the build directory.
if building offline documentation.
Alternatively, you can call QDoc directly to build the documentation locally.
On the command-line, enter:
- Set the path to the directory where you installed Qt documentation:
set QT_INSTALL_DOCS=C:\Qt\Docs\Qt-6.8.0
- Set the Qt version:
set QT_VER=6.8.0
set QT_VERSION=6.8.0
- Enter the path to QDoc and the documentation configuration file:
C:\Qt\6.8.0\msvc2022_64\bin\qdoc.exe -indexdir %QT_INSTALL_DOCS% doc\online\vscodeext.qdocconf
For example:
set QT_INSTALL_DOCS=C:\Qt\Docs\Qt-6.8.0 set QT_VER=6.8.0 set QT_VERSION=6.8.0 C:\Qt\6.8.0\msvc2022_64\bin\qdoc.exe -indexdir %QT_INSTALL_DOCS% doc\online\vscodeext.qdocconf
The documentation is generated in the doc\html
On the command-line, enter:
QT_INSTALL_DOCS=~/Qt/Docs/Qt-6.8.0 ~/Qt/6.8.0/gcc_64/bin/qdoc -indexdir $QT_INSTALL_DOCS doc/online/vscodeext.qdocconf