Library to help reading and writing CSV files
The extra fast, minimum code size, GC-free DI (Dependency Injection) library running on Unity Game Engine.
Minimal dependency injection framework for Unity
JetBrains Rider plugin to automatically mark all directories in your projects as not a namespace providers
Well-designed package with useful scripting tools for Unity development
Split large meshes in Unity into smaller submeshes
Bat To Exe Converter can convert BAT (.bat) script files to the EXE (.exe) format.
Starting point for turrets that can be mounted on arbitrarily rotating things. More robust version of GunTurrets.
War Thunder style mouse flight controls for aircraft
A set of handly utility functions - collected over ten years using Unity.
Utility for moving Unity GameObjects without their children
Vehicle physics system for the Unity engine.
Open source mesh slicing/fracturing utility for Unity
Easy way to Debug Colorful texts in Unity Console
A simple solution for implementing target indicator, waypoint or HUD navigation system in unity.
Web-extension for bypassing censorship in Russia
Allows you to set the anchor presets in code, with the same results you'd get messing with the Rect Transform's inspector controls.