A program with both an educational and employment component. Typically based at a workplace and structured around work-based learning, with the aim of instilling competencies related to an occupation. WorkBasedProgram is used to distinguish programs such as apprenticeships from school, college or other classroom based educational programs.Subclass of: EducationalOccupationalProgram
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
trainingSalaryThe estimated salary earned while in the program.
- Domain: WageBasedTraining
+ Domain: WorkBasedProgramRange: MonetaryAmountDistributionissue-2289#2289
diff --git a/data/ext/pending/issue-2291.rdfa b/data/ext/pending/issue-2291.rdfa
index 6084119c6f..5484a3e4e9 100644
--- a/data/ext/pending/issue-2291.rdfa
+++ b/data/ext/pending/issue-2291.rdfa
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ population, and does not imply that the population consists of people. For examp
Category: issue-2291constrainingProperty
- Indicates the number of constraints (not counting [[populationType]]) defined for a particular [[StatisticalPopulation]]. This helps applications understand if they have access to a sufficiently complete description of a [[StatisticalPopulation]].
+ Indicates a property used as a constraint to define a [[StatisticalPopulation]] with respect to the set of entities
+ corresponding to an indicated type (via [[populationType]]).domainIncludes: StatisticalPopulationrangeIncludes: Integer
@@ -59,8 +60,8 @@ population, and does not imply that the population consists of people. For examp
Category: issue-2291Observation
- Instances of the class [[Observation]] are used to specify observations about an entity (which may or may not be an instance of a [[StatisticalPopulation]]), at a particular time. The principal properties of an [[Observation]] are [[observedNode]], [[measuredProperty]], [[measuredValue]] (or [[median]], etc.) and [[observationDate]] ([[measuredProperty]] properties can, but need not always, be W3C RDF Data Cube "measure properties", as in the [[lifeExpectancy example]](https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-data-cube/#dsd-example).
-See also [[StatisticalPopulation]], and data and datasets overview for more details.
+ Instances of the class [[Observation]] are used to specify observations about an entity (which may or may not be an instance of a [[StatisticalPopulation]]), at a particular time. The principal properties of an [[Observation]] are [[observedNode]], [[measuredProperty]], [[measuredValue]] (or [[median]], etc.) and [[observationDate]] ([[measuredProperty]] properties can, but need not always, be W3C RDF Data Cube "measure properties", as in the [lifeExpectancy example](https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-data-cube/#dsd-example)).
+See also [[StatisticalPopulation]], and the [data and datasets](/docs/data-and-datasets.html) overview for more details.
Subclass of: Intangible