Is there any software missing from this list? Open an issue!
- QDYN (Fortran) -- comprehensive package for quantum dynamics and control. The implementation of the :mod:`krotov` package was inspired by QDYN.
- QuTiP (Python) -- Quantum Toolbox in Python :cite:`JohanssonCPC2012,JohanssonCPC2013`. Provides the basic data structures for the :mod:`krotov`. Contains implementation of :ref:`GRAPE <GrapeInQutip>` and :ref:`CRAB <GradientFreeOptimization>`.
- WavePacket (Matlab) :cite:`SchmidtCPC2018` -- Implemenentation of :ref:`monotonically converging iterative schemes <IterativeSchemes>` for wavepacket dynamics
- DYNAMO (Matlab) :cite:`MachnesPRA11` -- Implementation of :ref:`GRAPE`, including concurrent/sequenetial/hybrid schemes
- QEngine (C++) :cite:`SorensenCPC2019` -- Implementation of :ref:`"GRadient Optimization Using Parametrization" (GROUP) <GRAPE>` :cite:`SorensenPRA2018`
The following packages integrate closely with :mod:`krotov`.
- weylchamber (Python) -- Package for analyzing two-qubit gates in the Weyl chamber. Provides :ref:`Local-Invariants <HowtoLIOptimization>` and :ref:`Perfect Entangler <HowtoPEOptimization>` functionals for use with :mod:`krotov`.