A package to enable additional SEO features for Neos CMS.
It includes for example:
- Meta tags
- Sitemap
- Social tags
- Structured data
Check the documentation for all features and usage.
Run the following command f.e. in your site package:
composer require --no-update neos/seo
Update your dependencies by running the following command in your project root folder:
composer update
When creating a PR and you change is valid for version 2.1 too, please set this branch also as your PR target.
If you are unsure or change a newer feature, use master as target.
To do an upmerge from 2.1 to 3.x run the following command
git checkout master && git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master && git merge --no-ff --no-commit origin/2.1 --strategy-option=ours
See License.