RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.
Easily upload files (Multipart/Binary/FTP out of the box) in the background with progress notification. Support for persistent upload requests, customizations and custom plugins.
RootEncoder for Android (rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java) is a stream encoder to push video/audio to media servers using protocols RTMP, RTSP, SRT and UDP with all code written in Java/Kotlin
一款安卓日历,仿miui,钉钉,华为的日历,万年历、365、周日历,月日历,月视图、周视图滑动切换,农历,节气,Andriod Calendar , MIUI Calendar,小米日历
[Android Library] Get easy access to device information super fast, real quick
基于mvvm实战经验,kotlin+flow+navigation+retrofit2+room+hilt+common 2024年热门前十组件化快速开发
Demo app for displaying some information about Android device