Post-voting-audit-core components
Deploy Participant.sol. By any user with some TONs and Free TON keys and seed phrase
before deploy:
- send from any wallet some amount TONs to DeAuditRoot.sol
- set address of this wallet as your giver by:
function setGiver(address giverAddr) public checkPubkeyAndAccept
function deployParticipant(uint256 pubkey) public alwaysAccept
after deploy:
- this amount - deployFee be on deployed Participant.sol
Select voteCountModel Majority, SoftMajority or SuperMajority. For votings after selector set. Only by first Action Team Member
function selectMajority() public checkOwnerAndAccept
function selectSoftMajority() public checkOwnerAndAccept
function selectSuperMajority() public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set limit Validations For Collation (limitVFC). For DeAudits.sol after value set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setLimitVFC(uint128 settingLimitVFC) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set Participant.sol deployFee. For Participant.sol after value set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setDeployFee(uint128 settingDeployFee) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set votingDuration for Action Team votings. For voting after value set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setVotingDuration(uint256 settingVotingDuration) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set codeParticipant. For Participant.sol after code set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setCodePaticipant(TvmCell code) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set codeDeAuditData. For DeAuditData.sol after code set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setCodeDeAuditData(TvmCell code) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set codeDeAudit. For DeAudit.sol after code set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setCodeDeAudit(TvmCell code) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set codeAct4. For Act4.sol from DeAuditData.sol from DeAudit.sol after code set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setCodeAct4(TvmCell code) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set codeRootTokenContract. For RootTokenContract.sol for DeAudit.sol after code set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setCodeRootTokenContract(TvmCell code) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Set codeTONTokenWallet. For TONTokenWallet.sol for RootTokenContract.sol after code set. Only by first Action Team Member
function setCodeTONTokenWallet(TvmCell code) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Init voting for Add/Remove Action Team Member. By any Action Team Member
function initVoteAddActionTeamMember(address addressParticipant) public OnlyActionTeamMember
function initVoteRemoveActionTeamMember(address addressParticipant) public OnlyActionTeamMember
- Create DeAuditData.sol. By any Action Team Member
function createDeAuditData( bytes nameDeAudit, uint256 timeStart, uint256 colPeriod, uint256 valPeriod, uint128 colStake, uint128 valStake ) public OnlyActionTeamMember
set params of created DeAudit:
- `nameDeAudit` name
- `timeStart` time start
- `colPeriod` collation period
- `valPeriod` validation period
- `colStake` collation stake
- `valStake` validtion stake
- Init voting for Launch DeAuditData.sol associated DeAudit.sol. By any Action Team Member
function initVoteDeAudut(address addrDeAuditData) public OnlyActionTeamMember
- VoteFor/VoteAganst for Add/Remove Action Team Member or Launch DeAuditData.sol associated DeAudit.sol. By any Action Team Member
function voteFor(uint256 voteId) public override OnlyActionTeamMember
function voteAgainst(uint256 voteId) public override OnlyActionTeamMember
- Result voting and Add/Remove Action Team Member or Launch/NotLaunch DeAuditData.sol associated DeAudit.sol. By any Action Team Member after voting duration ended
function resultVote(uint256 voteId) public OnlyActionTeamMember
- Publish data of participant. Only by owner
function publishData(bytes publishName, bytes publishPhotoLink, bytes publishDataLink) public checkOwnerAndAccept
set params of published data:
- Send TONs to DeAuditRoot.sol and Init voting for Add/Remove Action Team Member. Only by Action Team Member
function initVoteAddActionTeamMember(address participantAddr, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
function initVoteRemoveActionTeamMember(address participantAddr, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditRoot.sol for deploy DeAuditData.sol. Only by Action Team Member
function createDeAuditData( bytes nameDeAuditData, uint256 timeStart, uint256 colPeriod, uint256 valPeriod, uint128 colStake, uint128 valStake, uint128 grams ) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditRoot.sol and Init voting for Launch/NotLaunch DeAuditData.sol associated DeAudit.sol. Only by Action Team Member
function initVoteDeAudut(address addrDeAuditData, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditRoot.sol and voteFor/voteAgainst any Actiom Team Members voting. Only by Action Team Member
function voteFor(uint256 voteId, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
function voteAgainst(uint256 voteId, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditRoot.sol and result any Actiom Team Members voting. Only by Action Team Member
function resultVote(uint256 voteId, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditRoot.sol and sendTrigger to any Act4.sol of any DeAudit.sol for result it's validators voting after validation period ended. Only by Action Team Member
function sendTrigger(address addrDeAudit, address addrAct4, uint128 grams) public view checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditData.sol and add voting district. Only by DeAuditData.sol creator
function addDistrict(address addressDeAuditData, bytes nameDistrict, uint128 grams) public view checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditData.sol and add voting municipal body into any added earlier districts. Only by DeAuditData.sol creator
function addMunicipalBody( address addressDeAuditData, bytes nameMunicipalBody, uint256 indexDistrict, uint128 grams ) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditData.sol and add voting pool into any added earlier districts and municipal bodies. Only by DeAuditData.sol creator
function addVotingPool( address addressDeAuditData, bytes nameVotingPool, uint256 indexDistrict, uint256 indexMunicipalBody, uint128 grams ) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditData.sol and add voting center into any added earlier districts, municipal bodies, voting pools. Only by DeAuditData.sol creator
function addVotingCenter( address addressDeAuditData, bytes nameVotingCenter, bytes location, uint256 indexDistrict, uint256 indexMunicipalBody, uint256 indexVotingPool, uint128 grams ) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAuditData.sol and add candidate of voting. Only by DeAuditData.sol creator
function addCandidate( address addressDeAuditData, bytes nameCandidate, uint128 grams ) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAudit.sol and add stake and collation from any voting center. Any participant
function addCollation( address addressDeAudit, uint256 indexVotingCenter, bytes linkToCollationPhoto, uint256[] voteMatrix, uint128 grams ) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAudit.sol and reg for validations. Any participant. Qty of validation compute base on msg.value. Validation assign randomly. One validator can not validate more then one time into any collation. Qty of validation of one validator can not be more then current qty Act4.sol in queue for validators.
function registrationForValidation(address addressDeAudit, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to Act4.sol and validateFor/validateAgainst. Only assigned validators
function validateFor(address addrAct4, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
function validateAgainst(address addrAct4, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Send TONs to DeAudit.sol and receive back stake and reward. Only token holder after withdraw opened
function getRewardAndStakeBack(address addressDeAudit, uint128 grams) public checkOwnerAndAccept
- Receive TONs from Participant.sol, check that participant is this DeAuditData.sol creator and add candidate to
mapping (uint256 => Candidate) public candidate
. Returns change
function addCandidate(bytes nameCandidate) public override onlyInitiatorBeforeLaunch
- Receive TONs from Participant.sol, check that participant is this DeAuditData.sol creator and add district to
mapping (uint256 => District) public district;
. Returns change
function addDistrict(bytes nameDistrict) public override onlyInitiatorBeforeLaunch
- Receive TONs from Participant.sol,, check that
==address initiator
Add/NotAdd new municipal body tomapping (uint256 => MunicipalBody) public municipalBody;
. Returns change
function addMunicipalBody(bytes nameMunicipalBody, uint256 indexDistrict) public override onlyInitiatorBeforeLaunch
- Receive TONs from Participant.sol, check that
==address initiator
Add/NotAdd new voting pool tomapping (uint256 => MunicipalBody) public votingPool;
. Returns change
function addVotingPool(bytes nameVotingPool, uint256 indexDistrict, uint256 indexMunicipalBody) public override onlyInitiatorBeforeLaunch
- Receive TONs from Participant.sol, check that
==address initiator
Add/NotAdd new voting center tomapping (uint256 => VotingPool) public votingCenter
. Returns change
function addVotingCenter(bytes nameVotingCenter, bytes location, uint256 indexDistrict, uint256 indexMunicipalBody, uint256 indexVotingPool) public override onlyInitiatorBeforeLaunch
- Receive TONs from Participant.sol, check that
==address launchedDeAudit
, deploy new Act4.sol with income params from collator. Returns change
function setCollation(address collator, uint256 indexVotingCenter, bytes linkToCollationPhoto, uint256[] voteMatrix, uint8 vcms) public override onlyDeAudit
Receive TONs from Participant.sol, check that
==address launchedDeAudit
, then repeateqtyValidations
times proccess:1) tvm.randomizer give number((0 ... queueAct.length) + 1) of shifts from current label to next in queue Act4 waiting vakidators 2) then do this and if next is after max go to min 3) check if destination Act4 have place for new validator and this validator is fist for this Act4 assign this validator to this Act4.sol 4) result complete array of Act4.sol 5) send set msg to Act4.sol about new validators 6) send set msg to Participant.sol with array of Act4 for validation work 7) returns change
function setValidationForParticipant(address participantAddr, uint128 qtyValidations) public onlyDeAudit
Receive data msg with TONs from resulted Act4.sol after calculateVotes == true:
1) start processing after confirmed by validators `uint256[] voteMatrix` 2) accumulate this votes to voting pool 3) accumulate this votes to municipal body 4) accumulate this votes to district 5) accumulate this votes to each candidate 6) burn tokens for validators voted against 7) returns change
function receivePositivResultFromAct4(uint256[] voteMatrix, address[] validatorsFBT, address gasPayeerAddr) public onlyAct4
Receive data msg with TONs from resulted Act4.sol after calculateVotes == false:
1) burn tokens for collator 2) burn tokens for validators voted for 3) returns change
function receiveNegativeResultFromAct4(address collatorFBT, address[] validatorsFBT, address gasPayeerAddr) public onlyAct4
- Receive TONs from Participant.sol, check that now is after collation period start, storage stake and send msg with collation params to DeAuditData.sol
function addCollation(uint256 indexVotingCenter, bytes linkToCollationPhoto, uint256[] voteMatrix) public override onlyCollationPeriod
- Receive returned TONs from DeAuditData.sol, deploy wallet for collator, mint tokens and send msgDats[] to Participant.sol
function collationCallback(uint8 statusCollation, address addressCollator, address[] msgData) public override onlyDeAuditData
- Receive TONs from Partisipant.sol, calculate
uint128 qtyValidations
and send msg with TONs to DeAuditData.sol
function registrationForValidation() public override onlyValidationPeriod
- Receive TONs from DeAuditData.sol and:
address addressValidator
validator 2)address[] msgData
array with address Act4.sol this validator assigned 3) returns change
function regForValidationCallback(address addressValidator, address[] msgData) public override onlyDeAuditData
- Receive TONs from DeAuditData.sol after negative result from Act4.sol and burn tokens for particpnts from
address[] addressParticipantArr
function burnTokens(address[] addressParticipantArr, address gasPayeerAddress, bool statusWithraw) public override onlyDeAuditData
- Receive TONs from Participant.sol. Check that participant have stake and base on it's value send back share of DeAudit balance. Participant tokens burned
function getRewardAndStakeBack() public override onlyStakeHolder
- Trigger for force result Act4 after validation period. Only Action Team Members
function trigger(address member) public override onlyDeAuditData
- Validate For/Against. Only assigned validator
function voteFor() public override onlyValidatorOnce
function voteAgainst() public override onlyValidatorOnce
- Set validator for this Act4. Only DeAuditData
function setValidator(address participant) public override onlyDeAuditData
- Prerequisites
lsb_release -a
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
node -v
tondev -h
TONDev Version: 0.8.1
tondev sol version
compiler: 0.47.0, linker: 0.11.87, stdlib: 0.47.0
- Compile
tondev sol compile DeAuditRoot.sol && tondev sol compile DeAudit.sol && tondev sol compile DeAuditData.sol && tondev sol compile Act4.sol && tondev sol compile Participant.sol && tondev sol compile RootTokenContract.sol && tondev sol compile TONTokenWallet.sol
- Wrap *.abi.json to *.js
tondev js wrap DeAuditRoot.abi.json -o DeAuditRoot.js && tondev js wrap DeAudit.abi.json -o DeAudit.js && tondev js wrap DeAuditData.abi.json -o DeAuditData.js && tondev js wrap Act4.abi.json -o Act4.js && tondev js wrap Participant.abi.json -o Participant.js && tondev js wrap RootTokenContract.abi.json -o RootTokenContract.js && tondev js wrap TONTokenWallet.abi.json -o TONTokenWallet.js
- Convert *.tvc to *.txt
/home/yaroslav/.tondev/solidity/tvm_linker decode --tvc DeAudit.tvc | grep code: | cut -c 8- > DeAudit.txt && /home/yaroslav/.tondev/solidity/tvm_linker decode --tvc DeAuditData.tvc | grep code: | cut -c 8- > DeAuditData.txt && /home/yaroslav/.tondev/solidity/tvm_linker decode --tvc Act4.tvc | grep code: | cut -c 8- > Act4.txt && /home/yaroslav/.tondev/solidity/tvm_linker decode --tvc Participant.tvc | grep code: | cut -c 8- > Participant.txt && /home/yaroslav/.tondev/solidity/tvm_linker decode --tvc RootTokenContract.tvc | grep code: | cut -c 8- > RootTokenContract.txt && /home/yaroslav/.tondev/solidity/tvm_linker decode --tvc TONTokenWallet.tvc | grep code: | cut -c 8- > TONTokenWallet.txt
Set results to DeAuditRootCode.js
Update code for ../test-fld and ../test-ntd
cd to ../test-ntd or ../test-fld
- For deploy DeAuditRoot.sol
node root-deploy
- For get info from DeAuditRoot.sol
node root-get
- For predeploy 32 Participants.sol
node parts-predeploy
- For deploy 32 Participants.sol
node parts-deploy
- For init voting for add action team member
node root-at-add
- For vote for vote #1
node root-at-vote1
- For result vote #1
node root-at-result1
at the end Partisipants.json [0] became action team member
- For create DeAuditData.sol
node dad1-at-create
- For add data to DeAuditData.sol
node dad1-at-edit
- For init voting for Launch DeAudit.sol base on DeAuditData.sol
node da1-at-init
- For vote for vote #2
node root-at-vote2
- For result vote #2
node root-at-result2
- For check launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-get
- For add 16 collation for 16 Voting centers of launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-collate
- For see queueAct4 after 16 collations for 16 Voting centers of launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-queueAct4
- For see collators state after 16 collations for 16 Voting centers of launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-collators
- For registration for validations for 16 collations for 16 Voting centers of launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-validate
- Result of assigned validations for 16 collations for 16 Voting centers of launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-queueAct4
node da1-collators
- For make validation work by validators for 16 collations for 16 Voting centers of launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-validate1
- Result of launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-get
- Return stake back and reward of launched DeAudit.sol after vote #2
node da1-return