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Free applications

Application list:

  • Scope
  • Scope+gen
  • Scope+pid
  • spectrum
  • freqanalyzer

Application structure

Scope, scope+gen, scope+pid have all similar structure

path contents
apps-free/Makefile Main Makefile used to build all applications listed here.
apps-free/app_name/index.html Main client GUI file. It is used for graphical view of the application in the web-browser
apps-free/app_name/Makefile Application Makefile, used to build src intro and
apps-free/app_name/info Application meta-data in the application list of a red pitaya
apps-free/app_name/src Main source directory. Most of C code resides here.
apps-free/app_name/fpga.conf File containing the fpga.bit file location for each specific application.
apps-free/app_name/doc Documentation directory

Spectrum and Freqanalyzer

These applications have a slightly different structure in the src directory.

path contents
apps_name/src/external/kiss_fft Fast fourier transform directory; kiss distribution.

Build process

Before building the applications, you need or should set your working environment.

You need to set the CROSS_COMPILE variable. Check to see if is is already set by using the following command:

env | grep CROSS_COMPILE

The output should be something like: CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-. If this gives you a blank result, you should either set the CROSS_COMPILE variable to be pointing at the gnu cross compiler or check our how to build red pitaya OS GitHub document

If you don't have gcc cross compiler installed, you can install it with the following command:

sudo wget

Extract the content of this .tar.xz file you just downloaded

tar xvf gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz

Now all you need to do, is set the PATH variable to include the linaro directory.

export PATH=$PATH:./gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin

NOTE: You can copy the extracted linaro directory where ever you want, but remember to set the PATH variable accordingly.

Now export the CROSS_COMPILE variable.

export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-

Once you did all that, you can use the same command as before, to check you completed these steps successfuly.

env | grep CROSS_COMPILE

which should now, in term, give you the desired output.

Now it's time to build our applications. You can run the Makefile from the apps-free directory building all the applications listed all at once. Or you can navigate to the specific application. Either way, the command remains the same:

make clean all

This way we are going to first clean some old artifacts, remaining from older builds and build a fresh, new copy.