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systemd-enabled versions of Docker base images
diegoherranz / usbpicprog
Forked from fransschreuder/usbpicprogOpen Source Open Hardware USB Pic Programmer
DonTseTse / systemd-docker
Forked from agend07/systemd-dockerWrapper for "docker run" to handle systemd quirks
A Couchbase Server role for Ansible
krishnapmv / kube-backup
Forked from pieterlange/kube-backup💾 Kubernetes resource state sync to git
Simple demo using minikube to deploy Prometheus and Grafana
A sample Spring-based application
cheftako / kubernetes
Forked from kubernetes/kubernetesProduction-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
Role backup operation for OpenStack-Ansible
kaiwinter / docker-java8-maven
Forked from TexaiCognitiveArchitecture/docker-java8-jenkins-maven-git-nanoSets up a container with oracle jdk8 and maven 3
lemoer / pushgateway
Forked from prometheus/pushgatewaypush acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobs
cusspvz / nginx-proxy
Forked from nginx-proxy/nginx-proxyAutomated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen
gartnera / headunit
Forked from spadival/headunitHeadunit for Android Auto
scotch-io / go-realtime-chat
Forked from ezynda3/go-chatA simple realtime chat application written in Go
Java Backend for Socket.IO (
Arduino RESTful HTTP Request Library
HotswapProjects / dcevm
Forked from dcevm/dcevmDynamic Code Evolution VM for Java 7/8
The ELK stack powered by Docker and Docker-compose.
Health checks upstreams for nginx
yaoweibin / tengine
Forked from alibaba/tengineA distribution of Nginx with some advanced features
Imroy / pubsubclient
Forked from knolleary/pubsubclientA client library for the ESP8266 that provides support for MQTT
radut / blynk-library
Forked from blynkkk/blynk-libraryLibraries for embedded hardware to work with Blynk platform
stanleyseow / RF24
Forked from gnulnulf/RF24Arduino and Raspberry Pi driver/libraries for nRF24L01
An Arduino & attiny port of the library.
Uploading Files :: Learn how to build a Spring application that accepts multi-part file uploads.
xiaoganghan / humble-video
Forked from artclarke/humble-videoHumble Video: Demuxing, Decoding, Filtering, Encoding and Muxing of 100's of video and audio formats and Codecs from the JVM
artclarke / humble-swig
Forked from swig/swigSWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.
ActiveUnits / mongodb-rest
Forked from ltonetwork/mongodb-restREST Server for MongoDB (using node.js)