Disclaimer: hu is still a just-for-fun and learn experimental project
Version | beta |
Stage | experimental |
Funny | true |
hu is a functional-oriented utility helper library inspired by haskell's prelude and lodash/underscore
Unlike other well-known libraries such as Lodash or Sugar.js, hu only provides a reduced but generic set of most common and useful functions. It aims to be a lightweight and small library which can be easily embedded as a part of an application, library or framework without making noise
hu library works well under ES5 compliant engines. Most of its functions are curried
- Complete type checking helpers
- Array and objects processors and transformers
- Functional-style helpers (curry, partial, compose, memoize...)
- String manipulation helpers
- Type equality comparisons
- Runs in node and browsers
- Well tested with high coverage
$ npm install hu
Via Bower package manager
$ bower install hu
Or loading the script remotely (just for testing or development)
<script src="//rawgithub.com/h2non/hu/master/hu.js"></script>
It works properly in any ES5 compliant environment, however just for a formalism, those environments are:
- Node.js
- Chrome >= 5
- Firefox
- Safari >= 5
- Opera >= 12
- IE >= 9
Functional programming tendency has grown (again) in the latest years. This paradigm, unlike others that may be more totalitarian and extended, forces a radical re-thinking in the way that programmers design and implement software
Functional programming thinking and conversion is not easy to apply, but it's really a quite attractive and funny paradigm, which helps to solve the same problems in a theoretically and conceptually clean (and sometimes more efficiently) way
A good approach to learn and apply functional programming principles is creating a functional-oriented library that assists by itself to do functional programming
In fact, hu was created to define a real scenario to do funny experiments with some pure functional programming principles
It's completely written in Wisp, a homoiconic Clojure-like language, which compiles into plain JavaScript that supports s-expressions and macros, allowing to extend the compiler features with the user’s own code
JavaScript is a ubiquitous, well-extended, multi-purpose and multi-paradigm cool language with which you can do a lot of funny things
In fact, JavaScript is not a pure functional language, however its natural extensibility and meta-programming features allow to apply different paradigms to it and today there are a lot of languages that transpile into JavaScript that help providing a powerful syntax sugar and more features, like in this case Wisp
hu is implemented keeping in mind the following “ambitious” functional focused goals:
- Assume it's a first-class function only language
- Pure functions as a norm
- Immutability (when it's possible)
- Avoid assignment, remove side-effects (when it's possible)
- Tend to recursion instead of loops
- Tend to high-order functions
- Tend to functional composition
- Tend to continuation-passing style
- Exploit subroutines (like tail recursion call)
- Exploit memorization (currying, partial, caching...)
- Exploit combinators
- Macros are a great thing, use&love it
- Type checking
- Strings
- Numbers
- Arrays
- Objects
- Collections
- Functions
- Equality
- Miscellaneous
JavaScript Harmony (ES6)
var { log, filter, even, inc } = require('hu')
log(map(filter({a: 1, b: 2}, even), inc))
// → { b: 3 }
Or with the funny LiveScript
(a: 1, b: 2)
|> filter _, even
|> map _, inc
|> log
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a boolean type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a number type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a finite number, or it can be coerced into it
Return: boolean
Is it NaN (not a number)? More accurate than the native isNaN function
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a string type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a symbol type
Return: boolean
| Alias: isFn
Checks if the given value is a function type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a date type
Return: boolean
| Alias: isPattern
Checks if the given value is a regexp type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is an array type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is an object type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a native object type (it was createdd by the Object native constructor)
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is an error type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a DOM element object instance
Return: boolean
| Alias: isArguments
Checks if the given value is an arguments object
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a undefined, void o null type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a null type
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is empty. Arrays, strings, or arguments objects with a length of 0 and objects with no own enumerable properties are considered empty values
Return: boolean
| Alias: isNotEmpty
Checks if the given value is not empty
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a mutable data type. Objects, arrays, date objects, arguments objects and functions are considered mutable data types
Return: boolean
Checks if the given value is a primitive value type. Strings, numbers, booleans, symbols and null are considered primitives values
Return: boolean
| Alias: canIterate
Checks if the given value can be iterated. Objects, arrays, and arguments objects are considered iterables data types
Return: string
Extract characters from the given string
Return: array
Split the given string by end of line tokens
Return: string
Join the given array into a string separated by end line token
Return: array
Returns an array of words (spaces separated)
Return: string
Join words of the given array into a string spaces separated
Return: array
Return an array of characters of the given string
Return: string
Join the strings of the given array
Return: string
Return the given unicode number into his equivalent character
Return: string
Reverse characters of the given string
Return: string
Repeat the given string
Return: string
Converts the characters &, <, >, ", and ' in the given string to their corresponding HTML entities
Return: boolean
| Alias: isOdd
Returns true
if the given number is odd
Return: boolean
| Alias: isEven
Returns true
if the given number is even
Return: boolean
| Alias: isLower
| Curried: true
Returns true
if x it's lower than y
Return: boolean
| Alias: isHigher
| Curried: true
Returns true
if x it's lower than y
Return: number
Returns the number with the highest value
Return: number
Returns the number with the lower value
Return: number
Increment the given value
Return: number
Decrement the given value
Return: number
Takes a number and returns either -1, 0, or 1 depending on the sign of the number
Return: boolean
Returns true
if the given number is negative
Return: number
The negation of the given number
Return: number
One over the number: ie 1 / x
Return: number
Division truncated down toward negative infinity
Return: number
Returns the largest of zero or more numbers
Return: number
Returns the smallest of zero or more numbers
Return: number
Returns the absolute value of a number
Return: number
Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer
Return: number
Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1
Return: number
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number
Return: number
Returns the sine of a number
Return: number
Returns the tangent of a number
Return: number
Returns the cosine of a number
Return: number
Returns the arcsine of a number
Return: number
Returns the arctangent of a number
Return: number
Returns the cosine of a number
Return: number
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number
Return: number
Returns Ex, where x is the argument, and E is Euler's constant (2.718...), the base of the natural logarithm
Return: number
Returns the positive square root of a number
Type: number
Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159
Return: boolean
| Curried: true
Checks if an element exists in the given array
Return: mixed
| Alias: first
First item of the given array
hu.head([1, 2, 3]) // → 1
Return: array
| Alias: rest
Everything but the first item of the list
hu.tail([1, 2, 3]) // → [2, 3]
Return: mixed
| Alias: end
The last item of the list
hu.last([1, 2, 3]) // → 3
Return: array
Everything but the last item of the list
hu.initial([1, 2, 3]) // → [1, 2]
Return: boolean
Checks if the specified property name exists as a own property of the given object
hu.has({a: true}, 'a') // → true
Return: array
Returns a sequence of the map's keys
hu.keys({a: true}) // → ['a']
Return: array
Returns a sequence of the map's values
hu.vals({a: true}) // → [true]
Return: array
| Alias: pairs
Returns a two dimensional array of an object’s key-value pairs
hu.keyValues({a: true}) // → [['a', true]]
Return: array
Creates an object of given arguments. Odd indexed arguments are used for keys and evens for values
hu.toObject('a', true) // → {a: true}
Return: object
| Alias: assign
Assigns own enumerable properties of source object(s) to the destination object
hu.extend({x: true}, {y: false}) // → {x: true, y: false}
Return: object
Adds function properties of a source object to the destination object
var methods = {
something: function () {
// cool stuff
hu.mixin({x: true}, methods)
// → {x: true, something: function () {}}
Return: object
| Alias: mapValues
| Curried: true
Maps object values by applying with the value return of each callback call on each one
function mapper(val) {
return val * 2
hu.map({x: 2}, mapper) // → {x: 4}
Return: object
| Alias: filterValues
| Curried: true
Iterates over properties of an object, returning an filtered new object of all elements where the callback returns true
function filter(val) {
return val > 1
hu.map({x: 1, y: 2}, filter) // → {y: 2}
Return: object
Creates a clone of the given object
var obj = {x: 1}
var newObj = hu.clone(obj)
newObj === obj // → false
Return: object
Similar to extend
, it returns an object that consists
of the rest of the maps conj-ed onto the first
If a key occurs in more than one map, the mapping from the latter (left-to-right) will be the mapping in the result
var obj1 = {x: {y: {z: 2}}}
var obj2 = {x: {y: {a: 1}}}
var newObj = hu.merge(obj1, obj2)
// → {x: {y: {z: 2, a: 1}}}
Return: object
| Alias: forEach
Iterates over elements of an iterable object, executing the callback for each element. It will return the same given object
hu.each([1, 2], function (n) {
console.log('Value:', n)
Return: number
Gets the size of the given collection
hu.size({x: 1, y: 2}) // → 2
Return: object|array
| Alias: clean
Returns a new collection which contains only the not empty values
hu.compact([1, null, undefined, "", 5])
// → [1, 5]
Return: function
| Alias: identity
Returns a function that returns the given value
var getter = hu.constant('john')
getter() === 'john' // → true
Return: mixed
Invokes a function binding itself function object context with the given arguments as array
function myFn(x, y) { return x * y }
hu.apply(myFn, [2, 2]) // → 4
Return: function
Creates a function that, when called, invokes the function with the this binding of thisArg and prepends any additional bind arguments to those provided to the bound function
function func(greeting) {
return greeting + ' ' + this.name
func = hu.bind(func, { 'name': 'john' }, 'hi')
func() // → 'hi john'
Return: function
Creates a function that, when called, invokes func with any additional partial arguments prepended to those provided to the new function
function greet(greeting, name) {
return greeting + ' ' + name;
var hi = hu.partial(greet, 'hi');
hi('john') // → 'hi john'
Return: function
Creates a function which accepts one or more arguments of the given function that when invoked either executes the function returning its result
var curried = hu.curry(function(a, b, c) {
console.log(a + b + c)
curried(1)(2)(3) // → 6
curried(1, 2)(3) // → 6
curried(1, 2, 3) // → 6
Return: function
Creates a function that is the composition of the provided functions, where each function consumes the return value of the function that follows
function name(name) {
return name.toLowerCase() + '!'
function greet(name) {
return 'Hi ' + name
var welcome = hu.compose(name, greet);
welcome('John') // → 'Hi john!'
Return: function
Creates a function that memoizes the result of the the given function. If resolver is provided it will be used to determine the cache key for storing the result based on the arguments provided to the memoized function. The resolver function just uses the first argument to the memoized function as the key
var multiply = hu.memoize(function (n) {
return n * 2
multiply(2) // → 4 (computed value)
multiply(2) // → 4 (memoized value)
With custom resolver function to define memoized values
var multiply = hu.memoize(function (n) {
return n * 2
}, function (n) {
return n === 2 ? n + 1 : n
multiply(1) // → 2 (computed value)
multiply(2) // → 4 (computed value)
multiply(3) // → 4 (memoized value, from 2 value)
Return: function
Creates a function that provides value to the wrapper function as its first argument. Additional arguments provided to the function are appended to those provided to the wrapper function
function hello(name) {
return "hi " + name;
hello = hu.wrap(hello, function (fn, text, type) {
return "before, " + fn("moe") + ", " + text + ": " + type + ", after"
}, "type")
hello("salutation") // → 'before, hi moe, type: salutation, after'
Return: function
Creates a function that is restricted to execute function once time. Subsuquents calls to the function will return the memoized value of the initial call
var times = 0
var init = hu.once(function () {
return times += 1
init() // → 1
init() // → 1
Return: function
Creates a function that is restricted to be executed a finite number of times. Subsuquents calls to the function will return the memoized value of the latest call
var times = 0
var init = hu.times(function () {
return times += 1
}, 2)
init(); // → 1
init(); // → 2
init(); // → 2
Return: void
Executes the given function after wait milliseconds. You can provide arguments that will be passed to the function when it's invoked
function delayed(text) {
hu.defer(delayed, 1000, 'later')
// → logs 'later' after one second
Return: function
Return a function that executes the given function after wait milliseconds when it's called. You can provide arguments that will be passed to the function when it will be invoked
function delayed(text, name) {
console.log(text, name)
var lazy = hu.debounce(delayed, 1000, 'later')
lazy('call') // → logs 'later call' after one second
Return: boolean
| Alias: equal
, deepEqual
, 'isDeepEqual'
Compares primitives types and data objects in a type-independent manner. Clojure's immutable data structures define -equiv (and thus =) as a value, not an identity, comparison.
Return: boolean
| Alias: isRegExpEqual
, patternEqual
| Curried: true
Check if the given dates are equal
Return: boolean
| Alias: dateEqual
| Curried: true
Check if the given dates are equal
Return: boolean
| Alias: arrayEqual
| Curried: true
Check if the given arrays has the same elements
Return: boolean
| Alias: objectEqual
| Curried: true
Checks if the given objects values and keys are equals
Return: undefined
Write the given arguments in the console
Type: boolean
Checks if the current runtime JavaScript environment is in a browser context
Return: void
The no-operation function, that returns void
Return: number
Returns an integer timestamp for the current time
Return: object
Environment specific global object
Wanna help? Cool! It will be really apreciated :)
You must add new test cases for any new feature or refactor you do, always following the same design/code patterns that already exist
Tests specs are completely written in Wisp language. Take a look to the language documentation if you are new with it. You should follow the Wisp language coding conventions
Only node.js is required for development
Clone/fork this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/h2non/hu.git && cd hu
Install package dependencies
$ npm install
Compile code
$ make compile
Run tests
$ make test
Browser sources bundle generation
$ make browser
Release a new version
$ make release
Copyright (c) Tomas Aparicio
Released under the MIT license