All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Types of changes:
for new features.Changed
for changes in existing functionality.Deprecated
for soon-to-be removed features.Removed
for now removed features.Fixed
for any bug fixes.Security
in case of vulnerabilities.Improved
for improvements done in existing functionality.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD If we have some "Breaking changes" we can mark it in message by
preffix, like:- **BREAKING**: Some message
- Move crossOrigin = 'Anonymous' before .src for avoiding sometimes CORS issue (Issue #242).
- Some filters/finetunes names are changed on saving the image in prod (Issue #266).
- Issue of sometimes the canvas don't draw the main image (Issues #251 & #276).
- 50x50 image and smaller is not working (Issue #220).
- PEN as default TOOL don't work bug (Issue #288)
- Issue of button doesn't have a type (Issue #268).
- Filters' previews, Consider ratio in image filters preview by center cropping the image (Issue #253).
- If no Annotation component found avoid showing error (possible to happen if provided wrong annotation type from developer side).
- The behavior of color picker, by splitting the saved fill/stroke/shadow colors (Issue #285).
- Update TS types for
. - Update
- Apply Dependabot suggested fixes/improvements.
- Multiple rotate option
- new Watermark scaling options
- Bump version
- Bump version
- Bump version
- Bump version
- Support React 18
- Tab label text is not centered T7893
- Ellipse doesn't crop on first use in cloudimage T7490
- Topbar on small mobile screen
- Npm versions with peer dependencies
- Reset button disregards the default provided crop ratio and replaces with the original image's ratio.
property for disabling zoom functionality & removing zoom-related UI.
- Changed default value of
instead of8
for avoiding errors in some browsers and faster saving. - Plugin's styles by adding background for the whole editor & decreasing the bottom spacing of tabs bottom bar on phone screens.
- Keep showing the save loading spinner in case of returning a Promise from
and hide it after the promise's resolving/rejection - Enabling Possibility in
function to keep save loading spinner shown and hide it manually through params.
- Reset button disregards the default provided crop ratio and replaces with the original image's ratio.
property for disabling zoom functionality & removing zoom-related UI.
- Changed default value of
instead of8
for avoiding errors in some browsers and faster saving. - Plugin's styles by adding background for the whole editor & decreasing the bottom spacing of tabs bottom bar on phone screens.
- Keep showing the save loading spinner in case of returning a Promise from
and hide it after the promise's resolving/rejection - Enabling Possibility in
function to keep save loading spinner shown and hide it manually through params.
- Typescript types of the plugin react component.
- Zoom presets menu and its visibility control property
- Zoom behavior to simulate the zooming percentage to the final image size.
- Typescript types of the plugin react component.
- New features (more annotations, finetunes, more filters) with options for customization.
- New customization properties for fitting different usecases.
- Static CSS class names for HTML elements for styles customization.
- Fully responsive functionality & UI with different screens including phones & touch screens.
- Changing default save behavior and ability to customize from UI, Exporting & loading current design state.
- Codebase is re-written with new structure.
- Performance & design UX.
- Rotation, crop & filter behaviors
- Internal canvas library replaced with another library (KonvaJS) which has more features & faster.
- Different issues related to past version (v3).
- Issue of cropping dimensions not accurate.
callback function insideonSaveAs
function for turning the fullscreen off in case it's opened.dontCleanQuery
property insidecloudimage
object to avoid cleaning the query of the passed image's URL and appending it to the cloudimage URL.
- The styles of footer for the editor with changing the full-screen icon.
- Moving react v17.0.1 & react-dom v17.0.1 from peerDependencies to dependencies for working with projects have lower versions of react.
- Improving full-screen logic.
for customizing the label of the finish button.imageName
to the returned object in the callbacks passed in default/download mode.
- The icon of fullscreen at the footer wasn't shown for some OS users.
- The issue of not changing the width or height of the image before start editing.
- Update dependencies (styled-components v5.1.1, React v17.0.1, react-dom v17.0.1 & @babel).
- Switching to automatic runtime for JSX transformation.
- The styles of actions (save, save as, back, close, cancel & apply) buttons.
for replacing the close icon at the top right with a back button at the top left.
property from the config and replaced with the abovereplaceCloseWithBackButton
- The style of saveAs menu buttons.
- Text watermark is not applied in modify/cloudimage mode.
- Prohibit watermark positions square change if no watermark selected.
- Making text watermark default if no watermark images provided.
- Error while uploading the watermark image.
- Styles of un-selected watermark positions square.
- Resize tab's header style.
property to filerobot upload mode config for showing & handling Save As New Image Button as sliding item next to save button.keepPropsAndMeta
property to uploadParams of filerobot upload mode config for keeping the providedimageProperties
in the saved image.onError
for handling the errors returned by the uploading process through filerobot or cloudimage.secondary
property to theme's button object which is used in the background color of selectable button (ex. saveAs).
property from the filerobot upload mode config.
- Rarely happened issue of duplicated canvases when doing some operation.
- Warning of similar keys for canvases.
- Styles of resizing image before editing warning.
- Moving
to uploadParams object of filerobot upload mode.
property to the config for customizing the top left corner close button (ex. label & styles).
- Plugin's container recognition (for being fullscreened) logic improved.
- Changed the place of fullscreen button to be bottom left corner besides undo/redo operations.
- Close button (x) at the top left of the editor.
- Watermark's text font selection is now updated with the chosen text font.
- support custom theme's colors for more elements.
- showing the appropriate styles for the plugin while being showing inside page not as modal.
- Styling of adjust controls by having spaces between each control.
properties into filerobot object of upload mode to be used in determining the save/upload mode of filerobot whether to have a newly created image without the old image's properties & meta, duplicate the image data with the edits (different name with same old image's properties & meta with considering the new edits/design) or replacing the main image with the newly edited one.
- Watermark scaling box stays in its place if watermark is positioned from watermark's positioning squares.
- Image's stroke width input issue of not changing.
- Issue of multiple canvases on saving image.
- Cloudimage's mode generated url.
- Improved the positioning of watermark in cloudimage mode.
- Adding selectors to the styled components.
- Applying watermark's default position when changing the watermark image.
- Scaling the watermark to 30% + 1.5% spacing when using watermark positioning sqaures and watermark's current size is bigger than 30% of edited image.
- Disabling scaling up the watermark image and allowing scaling down with scaling up to the max. size of the watermark image.
- Improved the positioning of watermark in cloudimage mode.
- Avoiding the overwriting of watermark's applying switcher styles.
- Objects scaling on different image sizes issue.
- Canvas moving in while flipping issue.
- Text watermark position changing when undo then redo issue.
- Fixing issue of importing SVGs.
- added
property to watermark object in config for scaling the watermark image and preventing users from re-scaling/re-sizing it.
- Changing canvases selectors to be able to use multiple instances in same page.
- Using first url of watermark's urls array as the default watermark url if no string url property is provided.
- Showing shapes borders in light color scheme.
- Watermark fonts for using those fonts in text watermark fonts field.
- Theme fonts for supporting those fonts in text & text watermark fonts field (if no fonts provided for watermark object).
- Removing hot loader build paths from the complied library files.
- Decreasing the library size a bit.
- Watermark or added images quality is not destroyed and it would be relative to the edited image.
- The UI of font family field's dropdown while adding text through phone.
- Importing watermark/image through URL.
- noCapitalStrs prop for disabling the capitalization of strings.
- minCropAreaWidth & minCropAreaHeight props for limiting/fixing the customized crop area with minimum values.
- Objects (Watermark/shapes...etc) on the image while editing became more accurate to the same positions & looking in produced/saved image which means after saving you will get the same looking (from position & quality of objects) as you are editing.
- Customizing the default element id regarding the used service by appending the used service to the id [|-cloudimage|-uploader].
- Replacing all used unsafe deprecated methods (UNSAFE_*).
- bug with modal id. Added using modal id from config
- Add classes for modal overlay and modal root container on purpose to manage plugin in external projects
- Objects drag & drop error
- Watermark issue when no urls provided in the configurations
- Touch support for moving objects' places
- Watermark spinner is always shown if no watermark urls provided
- Watermark image upload issue
- Text watermark design
- Problem of image saving without adding watermark in upload & modify modes
- showInModal & watermark.defaultText props
- onClose method's status
- update fonts
- draw shapes, images, text with possibility to drag&drop and scale
- move back button into config
- FocusPoint console error
/ FocusPointPreview improvements (sizes)
- go back button visibility
- image sealing
- fixed problem of canvas rendering on SSR
- support for initial crop area (beginCropArea)
- round the radius for cloudimage integration
- using blob as source
- round crop
- SSR support
- onComplete method doesn't call with new callback syntax
- calculating final size when zooming was applied on download
- problem with query sting on generate cloudimage url
- configuration of tools
- fix canvas initilization error
- image sealing
- support for onOpen & onClose methods
- fullscreen mode
- focus point
- problem with localization
- mobile layout
- Add possibility to not prefix url when already using Filerobot URL
filerobot: {
token: 'xxxx',
doNotPrefixURL: true
watermark param is deprecated. Now there is possibility to switch watermark input among url, gallery, file upload
- possibility to change watermark input among url, gallery and file upload