issues Search Results · repo:rain-1/racket-peg language:Racket
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inrain-1/racket-peg (press backspace or delete to remove)Is it possible to retrieve the source location (using something like syntax-srcloc) of tags?
Consider this simple example:
(require peg)
(define-peg/tag identifier (+ (! #\newline #\space) (any-char))) ...
- Opened on Jun 5, 2024
- #83
What s the easiest way to understand the peg syntax? I saw . Is there some additional reference
material one should review? ...
- 2
- Opened on Nov 23, 2022
- #82
I took example from Ford s original paper:
A ← aAb/ε
B ← bBc/ε
S ← (A!b)a∗ B!.
#lang racket
(require peg)
(define-peg A
(or (and (char #\a) A (char #\b)) (epsilon)))
(define-peg B
(or (and ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 20, 2021
- #79
I note that the library is released under GPLv3. Is it possible relicensing under LGPLv3+ so it can be used in other
projects without forcing them to become GPL projects?
In case of affirmative answer, ...
- Opened on Jan 12, 2020
- #78
In peg.scribble @subsection{define-peg}:
Change capture with name
bad: (code:line (capture name rule ))
good: (code:line (name nm rule ))
- 1
- Opened on Oct 17, 2019
- #77
It would be useful to be able to declare a grammar which extends an existing one with new alternatives for a rule, e.g.
something like:
#lang peg
program - expr;
expr - sum;
sum - (a:product ...
- 2
- Opened on Aug 30, 2019
- #76
do some timing measurements against other parsers e.g. lalr parser in guile scheme. see how efficient this parser is on
a range of languages compared to other systems.
- Opened on Jun 18, 2019
- #75
So, when we do something like
A - ifElse / if
ifElse - if else
if - ....
When try to parse a simple if with A, ifElse will fail, then will try if , but will remember Hey, I match a if starting
in ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 19, 2019
- #73
the optional operator (?) is not fundamental. He can be written using or in the way on title.
If we do that, as we do when add the ( ) operator, in a future when a feature must be added, will be less ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 7, 2019
- #71

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