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This branch is 1369 commits behind TryGhost/Ghost:main.


Members Csv


There are 2 parts to this package: CSV to JSON serialization and JSON to CSV serialization. The module exposes 2 methods to fulfil these: parse and unparse respectively.

To parse CSV file and convert it to JSON use parse method, e.g.:

const {parse} = require('@tryghost/members-csv');

const mapping = {
    email: 'csv_column_containing_email_data',
    name: 'csv_column_containing_names_data'
const membersJSON = await parse(csvFilePath, mapping);

csvFilePath - is a path to the CSV file that has to be processed mapping - optional parameter, it's a hash describing custom mapping for CSV columns to JSON properties

Example mapping for CSV having email under correo_electronico column would look like following:

    email: 'correo_electronico'

To unparse JSON to CSV compatible with members format use following:

const {unparse} = require('@tryghost/members-csv');

const members = [{
    email: '[email protected]',
    name: 'Sam Memberino',
    note: 'Early supporter'

const membersCSV = unparse(members);

// -> "id,email,name,note,subscribed_to_emails,complimentary_plan,stripe_customer_id,created_at,deleted_at,labels\r\n,[email protected],Sam Memberino,Early supporter,,,,,,"