:Lazy update
:echo stdpath('config');
:echo stdpath('data'); #/usr/share directory
:message; # view the log file ~/.local/state/nvim.log
:lua =package.path; # print the current loaded path string
:options; # per instance options setup
method is used to add a new directory to the beginning of the runtime path.
stands for runtime path. The runtime path is a list of directories that Neovim searches when looking for files, plugins and configurations.
- the runtime path determines where Neovim looks for its resources, such as plugins, syntax files, and other configuration files.
- indicates a problem with the query parsing, specifically related to an invalid node type.
:TSUpdate; # update the treesitter parsers
:TSInstall <language>; # check installed package
:checkhealth nvim-treesitter; # run healthcheck
defaults = {
file_ignore_patterns = { 'node_modules/', '.git/', '*.log', '*.tmp' }, -- Add patterns to ignore
-- other default options can be added here
pickers = {
find_files = {
-- You can also override specific picker options here if needed