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Fast Excel import/export for Laravel, thanks to Spout. See benchmarks below.

Quick start

Install via composer:

composer require rap2hpoutre/fast-excel

Export a Model to .xlsx file:

use Rap2hpoutre\FastExcel\FastExcel;
use App\User;

// Load users
$users = User::all();

// Export all users
(new FastExcel($users))->export('file.xlsx');


Export a Model or a Collection:

$list = collect([
    [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Jane' ],
    [ 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'John' ],

(new FastExcel($list))->export('file.xlsx');

Export xlsx, ods and csv:

$invoices = App\Invoice::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
(new FastExcel($invoices))->export('invoices.csv');

Export only some attributes specifying columns names:

(new FastExcel(User::all()))->export('users.csv', function ($user) {
    return [
        'Email' => $user->email,
        'First Name' => $user->firstname,
        'Last Name' => strtoupper($user->lastname),

Download (from a controller method):

return (new FastExcel(User::all()))->download('file.xlsx');


import returns a Collection:

$collection = (new FastExcel)->import('file.xlsx');

Import a csv with specific delimiter, enclosure characters and "gbk" encoding:

$collection = (new FastExcel)->configureCsv(';', '#', 'gbk')->import('file.csv');

Import and insert to database:

$users = (new FastExcel)->import('file.xlsx', function ($line) {
    return User::create([
        'name' => $line['Name'],
        'email' => $line['Email']


You may use FastExcel with the optional Facade. Add the following line to config/app.php under the aliases key.

'FastExcel' => Rap2hpoutre\FastExcel\Facades\FastExcel::class,

Using the Facade, you will not have access to the constructor. You may set your export data using the data method.

$list = collect([
    [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Jane' ],
    [ 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'John' ],


Global helper

FastExcel provides a convenient global helper to quickly instantiate the FastExcel class anywhere in a Laravel application.

$collection = fastexcel()->import('file.xlsx');

Advanced usage

Export multiple sheets

Export multiple sheets by creating a SheetCollection:

$sheets = new SheetCollection([
(new FastExcel($sheets))->export('file.xlsx');

Use index to specify sheet name:

$sheets = new SheetCollection([
    'Users' => User::all(),
    'Second sheet' => Project::all()

Import multiple sheets

Import multiple sheets by using importSheets:

$sheets = (new FastExcel)->importSheets('file.xlsx');

You can also import a specific sheet by its number:

$users = (new FastExcel)->sheet(3)->import('file.xlsx');

Import multiple sheets with sheets names:

$sheets = (new FastExcel)->withSheetsNames()->importSheets('file.xlsx');

Export large collections with chunk

Export rows one by one to avoid memory_limit issues using yield:

function usersGenerator() {
    foreach (User::cursor() as $user) {
        yield $user;

// Export consumes only a few MB, even with 10M+ rows.
(new FastExcel(usersGenerator()))->export('test.xlsx');

Add header and rows style

Add header and rows style with headerStyle and rowsStyle methods.

$header_style = (new StyleBuilder())->setFontBold()->build();

$rows_style = (new StyleBuilder())

return (new FastExcel($list))


FastExcel is intended at being Laravel-flavoured Spout: a simple, but elegant wrapper around Spout with the goal of simplifying imports and exports. It could be considered as a faster (and memory friendly) alternative to Laravel Excel, with less features. Use it only for simple tasks.


Tested on a MacBook Pro 2015 2,7 GHz Intel Core i5 16 Go 1867 MHz DDR3. Testing a XLSX export for 10000 lines, 20 columns with random data, 10 iterations, 2018-04-05. Don't trust benchmarks.

Average memory peak usage Execution time
Laravel Excel 123.56 M 11.56 s
FastExcel 2.09 M 2.76 s

Still, remember that Laravel Excel has many more features.