源码 (python)
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import requests
from urllib.parse import urlencode
# Global Variables
PUBLIC_API_URL = 'https://ftx.com/api'
PRIVATE_API_URL = 'https://ftx.com/api'
# Global Functions
from time import time as _time
def get_current_timestamp():
return int(round(_time() * 1000))
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, key, secret, subaccount=None, timeout=30):
self._api_key = key
self._api_secret = secret
self._api_subacc = subaccount
self._api_timeout = int(timeout)
def _build_headers(self, scope, method, endpoint, query=None):
if query is None:
query = {}
endpoint = '/api/' + endpoint
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'User-Agent': 'FTX-Trader/1.0',
if scope.lower() == 'private':
nonce = str(get_current_timestamp())
payload = f'{nonce}{method.upper()}{endpoint}'
if method is 'GET' and query:
payload += '?' + urlencode(query)
elif query:
payload += json.dumps(query)
sign = hmac.new(bytes(self._api_secret, 'utf-8'), bytes(payload, 'utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
# This header is REQUIRED to send JSON data.
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'FTX-KEY': self._api_key,
'FTX-SIGN': sign,
'FTX-TS': nonce
if self._api_subacc:
# If you want to access a subaccount
'FTX-SUBACCOUNT': urllib.parse.quote(self._api_subacc)
return headers
def _build_url(self, scope, method, endpoint, query=None):
if query is None:
query = {}
if scope.lower() == 'private':
url = f"{PRIVATE_API_URL}/{endpoint}"
url = f"{PUBLIC_API_URL}/{endpoint}"
if method == 'GET':
return f"{url}?{urlencode(query, True, '/[]')}" if len(query) > 0 else url
return url
def _send_request(self, scope, method, endpoint, query=None):
if query is None:
query = {}
# Build header first
headers = self._build_headers(scope, method, endpoint, query)
# Build final url here
url = self._build_url(scope, method, endpoint, query)
if method == 'GET':
response = requests.get(url, headers = headers).json()
elif method == 'POST':
response = requests.post(url, headers = headers, json = query).json()
elif method == 'DELETE':
response = requests.delete(url, headers = headers, json = query).json()
except Exception as e:
print ('[x] Error: {}'.format(e.args[0]))
if 'result' in response:
return response['result']
return response
# Public API
def get_public_all_markets(self):
:return: a list contains all available markets
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"markets")
def get_public_single_market(self, pair):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:return: a list contains single market info
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"markets/{pair.upper()}")
def get_public_orderbook(self, pair, depth=20):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:param depth: the price levels depth to query (max: 100 default: 20)
:return: a dict contains asks and bids data
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"markets/{pair}/orderbook", {'depth': depth})
def get_public_recent_trades(self, pair, limit=20, start_time=None, end_time=None):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:param limit: the records limit to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:return: a list contains all completed orders in exchange
query = {
'limit': limit,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"markets/{pair}/trades", query)
def get_public_k_line(self, pair, resolution=14400, limit=20, start_time=None, end_time=None):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:param resolution: the time period of K line in seconds
:param limit: the records limit to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:return: a list contains all OHLC prices in exchange
query = {
'resolution': resolution,
'limit': limit,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"markets/{pair}/candles", query)
def get_public_all_futures(self):
:return: a list contains all available futures
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"futures")
def get_public_all_perpetual_futures(self):
:return: a list contains all available perpetual futures
response = []
for perpetual in self.get_public_all_futures():
if perpetual['perpetual'] is True:
return response
def get_public_single_future(self, pair):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:return: a list contains single future info
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"futures/{pair.upper()}")
def get_public_future_stats(self, pair):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:return: a list contains stats of a future
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"futures/{pair.upper()}/stats")
def get_public_all_funding_rates(self):
:return: a list contains all funding rate of perpetual futures
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"funding_rates")
def get_public_single_funding_rates(self, future, start_time=None, end_time=None):
:param future: the trading future to query
:return: a list contains all funding rate of perpetual futures
query = {
'future': future,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"funding_rates", query)
# TODO: Note that this only applies to index futures, e.g. ALT/MID/SHIT/EXCH/DRAGON.
def get_public_etf_future_index(self, index):
:param index: the trading index to query
:return: a list contains all component coins in ETF Future
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"indexes/{index}/weights")
def get_public_all_expired_futures(self):
:return: a list contains all expired futures
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"expired_futures")
def get_public_index_k_line(self, index, resolution=14400, limit=20, start_time=None, end_time=None):
:param index: the trading index to query
:param resolution: the time period of K line in seconds
:param limit: the records limit to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:return: a list contains all OHLC prices of etf index in exchange
query = {
'resolution': resolution,
'limit': limit,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time
return self._send_request('public', 'GET', f"indexes/{index}/candles", query)
# Private API
def get_private_account_information(self):
:return: a dict contains all personal profile and positions information
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"account")
def get_private_account_positions(self, showAvgPrice=False):
:param showAvgPrice: display AvgPrice or not
:return: a dict contains all positions
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"positions", {'showAvgPrice': showAvgPrice})
def get_private_all_subaccounts(self):
:return: a list contains all subaccounts
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"subaccounts")
def get_private_subaccount_balances(self, name):
:param name: the subaccount name to query
:return: a list contains subaccount balances
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"subaccounts/{name}/balances")
def get_private_wallet_coins(self):
:return: a list contains all coins in wallet
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"wallet/coins")
def get_private_wallet_balances(self):
:return: a list contains current account balances
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"wallet/balances")
def get_private_wallet_all_balances(self):
:return: a list contains all accounts balances
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"wallet/all_balances")
def get_private_wallet_deposit_address(self, coin, chain):
:param currency: the specific coin to endpoint
:param chain: the blockchain deposit from, should be 'omni' or 'erc20', 'trx' or 'sol'
:return: a list contains deposit address
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"wallet/deposit_address/{coin.upper()}", {'method': chain})
def get_private_wallet_deposit_history(self, limit=20, start_time=None, end_time=None):
:param limit: the records limit to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:return: a list contains deposit history
query = {
'limit': limit,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"wallet/deposits", query)
def get_private_wallet_withdraw_history(self, limit=20, start_time=None, end_time=None):
:param limit: the records limit to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:return: a list contains withdraw history
query = {
'limit': limit,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"wallet/withdrawals", query)
def get_private_wallet_airdrops(self, limit=20, start_time=None, end_time=None):
:param limit: the records limit to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:return: a list contains airdrop history
query = {
'limit': limit,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"wallet/airdrops", query)
def get_private_funding_payments(self, coin=None, start_time=None, end_time=None):
:param coin: the trading coin to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:return: a list contains all funding payments of perpetual future
query = {}
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time,
if coin != None:
'future': coin.upper() + '-PERP'
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"funding_payments", query)
def get_private_bills(self, pair, limit=20, start_time=None, end_time=None, order=None, _orderId=None):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:param limit: the records limit to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:param order: sort the bill by created time, default is descending, supply 'asc' to receive fills in ascending order of time
:param _orderId: the id of the order
:return: a list contains all bills
query = {
'market': pair,
'limit': limit,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time,
if order != None:
'order': order,
if _orderId != None:
'orderId': _orderId
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"fills", query)
def get_private_open_orders(self, pair=None):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:return: a list contains all open orders
query = {}
if pair is not None:
query['market'] = pair
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"orders", query)
def get_private_order_history(self, pair=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, limit=None):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:param limit: the records limit to query
:return: a list contains all history orders
query = {}
if pair != None:
'market': pair,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time,
if limit != None:
'limit': limit
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"orders/history", query)
def get_private_open_trigger_orders(self, pair=None, _type=None):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:param _type: type of trigger order, should only be stop, trailing_stop, or take_profit
:return: a list contains all open trigger orders
query = {}
if pair != None:
'market': pair,
if _type != None:
'type': _type
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"conditional_orders", query)
def get_private_trigger_order_triggers(self, _orderId):
:param _orderId: the id of the order
:return: a list contains trigger order triggers
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"conditional_orders/{_orderId}/triggers")
def get_private_trigger_order_history(self, pair=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, side=None,
_type=None, _orderType=None, limit=None):
:param pair: the trading pair to query
:param start_time: the target period after an Epoch time in seconds
:param end_time: the target period before an Epoch time in seconds
:param side: the trading side, should only be buy or sell
:param _type: type of trigger order, should only be stop, trailing_stop, or take_profit
:param _orderType: the order type, should only be limit or market
:param limit: the records limit to query
:return: a list contains all history trigger orders
query = {}
if pair != None:
'market': pair,
if start_time != None:
'start_time': start_time,
if end_time != None:
'end_time': end_time,
if side != None:
'side': side,
if _type != None:
'type': _type,
if _orderType != None:
'orderType': _orderType,
if limit != None:
'limit': limit
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"conditional_orders/history", query)
def get_private_order_status(self, orderId):
:param orderId: the order ID
:return a list contains status of the order
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"orders/{orderId}")
def get_public_order_status_by_clientId(self, clientId):
:param clientOrderId: the client order ID
:return a list contains status of the order
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"orders/by_client_id/{clientId}")
# Private API (Write)
def set_private_create_subaccount(self, name):
:param name: new subaccount name
:return: a list contains new subaccount info
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"subaccounts", {'nickname': name})
def set_private_change_subaccount_name(self, name, newname):
:param name: current subaccount name
:param newname: new nickname of subaccount
:return: a list contains status
query = {
'nickname': name,
'newNickname': newname
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"subaccounts/update_name", query)
def set_private_delete_subaccount(self, name):
:param name: the nickname wanna delete
:return: a list contains status
return self._send_request('private', 'DELETE', f"subaccounts", {'nickname': name})
# TODO: Endpoint Error > Not allowed with internal-transfers-disabled permissions
def set_private_transfer_balances(self, coin, size, source, destination):
:param coin: the transfering coin to query
:param size: the size wanna transfer to query
:param source: the name of the source subaccount. Use null or 'main' for the main account
:param destination: the name of the destination subaccount. Use null or 'main' for the main account
:return: a list contains status
query = {
'coin': coin,
'size': size,
'source': source,
'destination': destination
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"subaccounts/transfer", query)
def set_private_change_account_leverage(self, leverage):
:param leverage: desired acccount-wide leverage setting
:return: a list contains status
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"account/leverage", {'leverage': leverage})
def set_private_create_order(self, pair, side, price, _type, size, reduceOnly=False,
ioc=False, postOnly=False, clientId=None):
:param pair: the trading pair to query. e.g. "BTC/USD" for spot, "XRP-PERP" for futures
:param side: the trading side, should only be buy or sell
:param price: the order price, Send null for market orders.
:param _type: type of order, should only be limit or market
:param size: the amount of the order for the trading pair
:param reduceOnly: only reduce position, default is false (future only)
:param ioc: immediate or cancel order, default is false
:param postOnly: always maker, default is false
:param clientId: client order id
:return: a list contains all info about new order
query = {
'market': pair,
'side': side,
'price': price,
'type': _type,
'size': size,
'reduceOnly': reduceOnly,
'ioc': ioc,
'postOnly': postOnly,
if clientId != None:
'clientId': clientId
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"orders", query)
def set_private_create_trigger_order(self, pair, side, triggerPrice, size, orderPrice=None,
_type='stop', reduceOnly=False, retryUntilFilled=True):
:param pair: the trading pair to query. e.g. "BTC/USD" for spot, "XRP-PERP" for futures
:param side: the trading side, should only be buy or sell
:param triggerPrice: the order trigger price
:param orderPrice: the order price, order type is limit if this is specified; otherwise market
:param size: the amount of the order for the trading pair
:param _type: type of order, should only be stop, trailingStop or takeProfit, default is stop
:param reduceOnly: only reduce position, default is false (future only)
:param retryUntilFilled: Whether or not to keep re-triggering until filled. optional, default true for market orders
:return: a list contains all info about new trigger order
query = {
'market': pair,
'side': side,
'triggerPrice': triggerPrice,
if orderPrice != None:
'orderPrice': orderPrice,
'size': size,
'type': _type,
'reduceOnly': reduceOnly,
'retryUntilFilled': retryUntilFilled
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"conditional_orders", query)
# TODO: Either price or size must be specified
def set_private_modify_order(self, orderId, price=None, size=None, clientId=None):
Please note that the order's queue priority will be reset, and the order ID of the modified order will be different from that of the original order. Also note: this is implemented as cancelling and replacing your order. There's a chance that the order meant to be cancelled gets filled and its replacement still gets placed.
:param orderId: the order ID
:param price: the modify price
:param size: the modify amount of the order for the trading pair
:param clientId: client order id
:return a list contains all info after modify the order
query = {}
if price != None:
query.update = ({
'price': price,
if size != None:
query.update = ({
'size': size,
if clientId != None:
'clientId': clientId
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"orders/{orderId}/modify", query)
# TODO: Either price or size must be specified
def set_private_modify_order_by_clientId(self, clientOrderId, price=None, size=None, clientId=None):
Please note that the order's queue priority will be reset, and the order ID of the modified order will be different from that of the original order. Also note: this is implemented as cancelling and replacing your order. There's a chance that the order meant to be cancelled gets filled and its replacement still gets placed.
:param clientOrderId: the client order ID
:param price: the modify price
:param size: the modify amount of the order for the trading pair
:param clientId: client order id
:return a list contains all info after modify the order
query = {}
if price != None:
query.update = ({
'price': price,
if size != None:
query.update = ({
'size': size,
if clientId != None:
'clientId': clientId
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"orders/by_client_id/{clientOrderId}/modify", query)
def set_private_modify_trigger_order(self, orderId, _type, size, triggerPrice=None, orderPrice=None, trailValue=None):
Please note that the order ID of the modified order will be different from that of the original order.
:param orderId: the order ID
:param _type: type of order, should only be stop, trailingStop or takeProfit, default is stop
:param size: the modify amount of the order for the trading pair
:param triggerPrice: the modify trigger price
:param orderPrice: the order price, order type is limit if this is specified; otherwise market
:param trailValue: negative for sell orders; positive for buy orders
:return a list contains all info after modify the trigger order
if _type is 'stop' or _type is 'takeProfit':
query = {
'size': size,
'triggerPrice': triggerPrice,
if orderPrice is not None:
'orderPrice': orderPrice
query = {
'size': size,
'trailValue': trailValue
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"conditional_orders/{orderId}/modify", query)
def set_private_cancel_order(self, orderId):
:param orderId: the order ID
:return a list contains result
return self._send_request('private', "DELETE", f"orders/{orderId}")
def set_private_cancel_order_by_clientID(self, clientId):
:param clientOrderId: the client order ID
:return a list contains result
return self._send_request('private', "DELETE", f"orders/by_client_id/{clientId}")
def set_private_cancel_trigger_order(self, orderId):
:param orderId: the order ID
:return a list contains result
return self._send_request('private', "DELETE", f"conditional_orders/{orderId}")
def set_private_cancel_all_order(self, pair=None, conditionalOrdersOnly=False, limitOrdersOnly=False):
:param pair: the trading pair to query.
:param conditionalOrdersOnly: default False.
:param limitOrdersOnly: default False.
:return a list contains result
if pair is not None:
query = {
'market': pair,
'conditionalOrdersOnly': conditionalOrdersOnly,
'limitOrdersOnly': limitOrdersOnly
query = {
'conditionalOrdersOnly': conditionalOrdersOnly,
'limitOrdersOnly': limitOrdersOnly
return self._send_request('private', 'DELETE', f"orders", query)
# SRM Stake
def get_private_srm_stake_history(self):
:return a list contains srm stake history
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"srm_stakes/stakes")
def get_private_srm_unstake_history(self):
:return a list contains srm unstake history
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"srm_stakes/unstake_requests")
def get_private_srm_stake_balances(self):
:return a list contains actively staked, scheduled for unstaking and lifetime rewards balances
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"srm_stakes/balances")
def get_private_srm_stake_rewards_history(self):
:return a list contains srm staking rewards
return self._send_request('private', 'GET', f"srm_stakes/staking_rewards")
def set_private_srm_unstake(self, coin, size):
:param coin: the staking coin to query
:param size: the amount of the request for the stake coin
:return a list contains result
query = {
'coin': coin,
'size': size
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"srm_stakes/unstake_requests", query)
def set_private_cancel_srm_unstake(self, stakeId):
:param stakeId: the id of staking request
:return a list contains result
return self._send_request('private', "DELETE", f"srm_stakes/unstake_requests/{stakeId}")
def set_private_srm_stake(self, coin, size):
:param coin: the staking coin to query
:param size: the amount of the request for the stake coin
:return a list contains result
query = {
'coin': coin,
'size': size
return self._send_request('private', 'POST', f"srm_stakes/stakes", query)
ext.Client = Client
def main():
client = ext.Client('', '')
2020-11-19 07:36:53