📚 Freely available programming books
Material Design Components in HTML/CSS/JS
A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.
中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
ECMAScript 6: Feature Overview & Comparison
A repo containing samples tied to new functionality in each release of Google Chrome.
Repo for my 'Learning JavaScript Design Patterns' book
Collection of hacks and demos showing capability of HTML5 apps
Loading And Blocking JavaScript: On-demand parallel loader for JavaScript with execution order dependencies
the code that runs
Augmented Reality Player For Three.js
A pure angular (no jquery) file field that functions like the native file input field but is displayed as a bootstrap button (also works without bootstrap see "styling" below) instead of the ugly s…