Continue integrating Firebase for authentication features, which seems to be in progress. Ensure various authentication methods (like social logins) are available to cater to different user preferences.
Develop a more sophisticated UI for sign-in, sign-up, password reset, etc., using React Native components. This should provide a seamless and intuitive experience for users.
Implement navigation for the app using React Navigation or a similar library. This will allow users to move between different screens, such as the home screen, court search, favorites, and profile settings.
Utilize Firebase Firestore or Realtime Database to store and retrieve court information. Implement functionality for users to search for sports courts based on location, availability, and other criteria.
Develop a mock booking system where users can choose a court and time slot for booking. This system can initially use static data, with plans to integrate a backend service for real-time bookings in the future.
Allow users to submit reviews and ratings for sports courts. This involves UI components for displaying and submitting reviews, as well as backend logic to store and retrieve these reviews from Firebase.
Prepare the app for deployment using Expo's build services. Ensure thorough testing on both iOS and Android devices to catch and fix any platform-specific issues.