Falabella Tecnología
- Santiago de Chile
- https://cl.linkedin.com/in/roberto-esparza-ferrada-864a20112
🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
Forms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
Integration of React + Webpack + Rails + rails/webpacker including server-side rendering of React, enabling a better developer experience and faster client performance.
Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) / No longer actively maintained
Elasticsearch integrations for ActiveModel/Record and Ruby on Rails
Use Vagrant to manage your EC2 and VPC instances.
Ansible playbook for Elasticsearch
Simple (and safe*) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.
Dockerize Rails 7 with ActionCable, Webpacker, Stimulus, Elasticsearch, Sidekiq
an extension to the sidekiq message processing to track your jobs
Ruby implementation of Algorithms,Data-structures and programming challenges
A blog and Portfolio CMS built with Rails, React, Redux, Material-UI, CSS Modules.
A Vagrant provisioner for docker compose.
Bring Rails server-side performance metrics 📈 to Chrome's Developer Tools via the Server Timing API. Production Safe™.
A small application with integrates with Devise + Twitter + Facebook + Linkedin + Google + Github.
Materials for learning how to use infrastructure-as-code
A Docker compose project example I use to develop rails apps with Docker
A collection of exercises to practice various aspects of Ruby
Un tutorial Docker en español. Basado en el libro Docker Cookbook de O'reilly
Boilerplate Rails 6 SaaS application with Webpack, Stimulus and Docker integration.