The enterprise-grade health information system that augments OpenMRS 3.
This is the official Maven project for the free and open-source software flavour of Ozone, aka Ozone FOSS. This Maven project makes it easy to build and package Ozone FOSS.
💡 Did you know? There is a pro flavour of Ozone, aka Ozone Pro, that adds a number of enterprise features to Ozone FOSS.
A Maven project that gathers all artefacts that make the FOSS distribution of Ozone.
It depends on the OpenMRS 3 distro Ref App
and then augments OpenMRS 3 with all components that make Ozone FOSS a fully integrated health information system.
Building it fetches and brings in one place all Ozone's artifacts, simply run:
mvn clean package
Check ozone-docker.
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