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A set of tools to user a Sensory Percussion pickup with Max/MSP and Max for Live

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SP-Tools - Machine Learning tools for low latency real-time performance

SP-Tools are a set of machine learning tools that are optimized for low latency and real-time performance. The tools can be used with any audio input but include optimizations for Sensory Percussion sensors and ordinary drum triggers.

SP-Tools includes low latency onset detection, onset-based and real-time descriptor analysis, classification and clustering, corpus analysis and querying, concatenative synthesis, neural network predictive regression, and a slew of other abstractions that are optimized for low latency applications.

SP-Tools is built around the FluCoMa Toolkit and requires v1.0.6+ to be installed for this package to work.

Discord Server

You can join the SP-Tools Discord server to keep up on future updates/news as well as make suggestions, share corpora and musical examples etc...


Max 8.3 or higher or Live/M4L (Mac/Windows).
FluCoMa v1.0.6 or higher - Download Link
All abstractions work in 64-bit and M1/Universal Binary 2.

Useful Videos

SP-Tools Teaser Video - Performance and Musical Examples
SP-Tools (alpha v0.1) - Initial Overview
SP-Tools (alpha v0.2) - Controllers and Setups
SP-Tools (alpha v0.3) - Filtering, Playback, and Realtime Analysis
SP-Tools (alpha v0.4) - Concatenation and Realtime Filtering
SP-Tools (alpha v0.5) - Grid-Based Matching, Erae Touch, and Max for Live
SP-Tools (alpha v0.6) - Max for Live Walkthrough
SP-Tools (alpha v0.7) - Ramps, Data Processing, Novelty, and Timestretching
SP-Tools (alpha v0.8) - Sines, Synthesis/Modelling, and Documentation
SP-Tools (alpha v0.9) - Scope, Ease of Use, and Audio Processing


  • BREAKING CHANGE - objects with "train" in the name (sp.classtrain, sp.clustertrain, sp.setuptrain~) have been renamed to be more consistent with other objects (sp.classcreate, sp.clustercreate, sp.setupcreate~)
  • BREAKING CHANGE - sensitivity parameter in all onset-based objects has been fine-tuned to work across a wider range of instruments and materials so your previous settings may likely need adjusting
  • BREAKING CHANGE - threshold parameter renamed to floor in all onset-based objects (sp.onset~, sp.onsetframe, sp.descriptors~, sp.melbands~, sp.mfcc~, sp.sines~, etc...)
  • BREAKING CHANGE - threshold parameter renamed to sensitivity in sp.novelty~ keeping it inline with other onset detection objects macro controls (sp.onset~, sp.spectralonset~)
  • BREAKING CHANGE - mode parameter renamed to timestretchmode in sample playback objects keeping to remove clash with the new mode attribute
  • BREAKING CHANGE - input mode order and modes changed on all onset-based object (sp.onsetframe, sp.descriptors~, sp.melbands~, sp.mfcc~, sp.sines~, etc...)
  • BREAKING CHANGE - clusters trained with sp.clustertrain now count from 1 instead of 0 and are returned as ints instead of a symbols (so a 1 instead of a "1")
  • BREAKING CHANGE - sp.classifierdisplay @drum attribute reworked to @defaultdisplay
  • BREAKING CHANGE - fade in/out and curve parameters renamed in sp.corpusplayer~ to be consistent with the new sp.sampler~ (attack=in, hold=out(and inverted), attackcurve=incurve, holdcurve=outcurve)
  • overview patch (SP-Tools Overview.maxpat) completely revamped with better discoverability and package navigation
  • added snippets for common use cases to SP-Tools package (accessible via the snippets side panel)
  • restructured Max Package folders to make it easier to navigate and add additional corpora
  • restructured github repo to separate versions (Max, pd), Max for Live devices, and additional corpora
  • added class-combined versions of all descriptor analysis objects making it easier to get classification combined with descriptor analysis (sp.classdescriptors~, sp.classmfccs~, etc...)
  • added sp.controllermatch to browse corpora using a single parameter
  • added sp.controllerptich to create pitch-quantized melodic phrases from a single parameter
  • added zero-latency convolution (sp.convolver~) which allows for reverb, amp sim, mic correction, and any other convolution-based audio processes
  • added convolution-based corpus matching via sp.corpusconvolver~ which combines corpus matching and realtime convolution
  • added combined abstractions for common processes (sp.corpusanalysis~, sp.corpussampler~)
  • substantially improved core concatenation algorithm
  • added radius and neighbor selection in concat matching
  • added pitch and loudness compensation to concat playback
  • added transpose and pretranspose to concat playback
  • added sp.corpusclustermatch for creating clusters from corpora, allowing for grouping of similar sounds within a corpus (e.g. kick, snare, hat, etc...)
  • added objects for shaping and processing descriptor lists (sp.descriptorcurves, sp.descriptorreplace)
  • added an envelope follower with some quirky features (sp.envelope~)
  • added sp.gridscale for scaling and shifting XY-based controller inputs (combines well with sp.gridmatch and the new sp.boppad)
  • added pitch and time quantization with sp.quantizepitch and sp.quantizetime~
  • added data and clock sequencers with sp.sequenceclock~ and sp.sequencedata~
  • added Schmitt filter for descriptor filtering for when you need hysterisis in the filtering (sp.schmitt)
  • added various audio processes for splitting and decomposing signals (sp.scatter~, sp.scramble~, sp.shatter~, sp.shattercreate~, sp.sift~, sp.smear)
  • added spectral-difference onset detection (sp.spectralonset~)
  • added new kitchensink descriptor type, as a combination of descriptor/melband/MFCC buffers which comes in onset, real-time, and class-based variants (sp.kitchensink~, sp.kitchensinkrt~, sp.classkitchensink~)
  • added neural network classifier type to sp.classtrain, sp.clustertrain, and sp.classmatch for greatly improved speed and accuracy
  • added support for the BopPad controller (sp.boppad)
  • added input modes to all the physical modeling objects (sp.karplus~, sp.resonators~, sp.shaker~, sp.waveguidemesh~) allowing for realtime actuation of the models, in addition to onset/trigger-based actuation
  • added ability to reverse and loop samples, and jump directly to sample position in sp.corpusplayer~
  • added @mode attribute to sp.onsetframe~ to switch between amplitude and spectral onset detection (also impacts all onset-based descriptors objects (sp.descriptors~, sp.melbands~, sp.mfcc~, sp.sines~, etc...))
  • added ability to seed clusters in sp.clustertrain
  • added utility for subdividing a spaces of arbitrary size and steps (sp.slicecurve)
  • added utility for time-alining trigger/gates with descriptor output (sp.triggeralign~)
  • added utility for increasing the length of triggers and gates (sp.triggerlength~)
  • added AHR-style envelope with sp.triggershape~
  • improved time-alignment for trigger/gate outputs of descriptors objects (sp.descriptors~, sp.melbands~, sp.mfcc~, sp.sines~, etc...)
  • reworked sp.classifierdisplay to automatically load class names from all class matching objects
  • reworked sp.descriptordisplay to automatically display the correct type of descriptor
  • added dump output message to all class-based objects (sp.classmatch, sp.classdescriptors, etc...)
  • added mic correction (via a new input mode attribute @input 5) to all onset-based descriptor analysis objects for better descriptor results when using only an SP sensor
  • added @buffer attribute to sp.corpusplayer~ to simplify non corpus-based sample playback
  • added @history attributes to all realtime descriptor objects (sp.descriptorsrt~, sp.melbandsrt~, sp.mfccrt~, sp.sinesrt~) to smooth descriptors
  • added @input modes to sp.onset~ allowing for optional filters optimized for different input types
  • added onthreshold and offthreshold to sp.novelty~ given you finer grain control of thresholding
  • improved (and fixed) melband transposition in sp.datatranspose
  • added optional arguments to all corpus matching abstractions to load corpus and setups automatically (e.g. sp.corpusmatch corpus_china setup_snare will automatically load the China Cymbal corpus and load/enable the snare setup)
  • added ability to load default files to all .json loading objects (e.g. sp.resonators~ resonators_bell)
  • added header to every .json file to differentiate them (you should reanalyze all your corpora, classes, and setups)
  • when loading a setup into any corpus matching abstraction (sp.corpusmatch, sp.corpusconvolver~, sp.corpussampler~) it will automatically enable that setup
  • improved default starting values in sp.controllers so it gives useful results while it autocalibrates
  • added ability to trigger sp.triggerbounce~ and sp.triggercloud~ with bangs as well as trigger/gates
  • added ability to trigger synthesis objects (sp.lpg~, sp.karplus~, sp.resonators~, sp.waveguidemesh~) with bangs as well as triggers/gates
  • added 8 more abstractions to the puredata version
  • changed FFT settings for medium and all sizes for corpus and setup analysis to have better pitch accuracy in the larger time scales. You should re-analyze all your own corpora and setups.
  • you can now load mp3 files into sp.corpuscreate
  • fixed M4L device loading bug(s)
  • abstractions that only function as part of an existing abstraction (sp.lpgcore~, sp.folderloop, etc...) have had their sp. prefix replaced with widget and have had their help/reference pages removed
  • added synthesis and physical modelling objects (sp.karplus~, sp.resonators~, sp.resonaroscreate~, sp.shaker~, sp.sinusoidplayer~, sp.sinusoids~, sp.waveguidemesh~, sp.lpg~, sp.lpgcore~)
  • added Max for Live devices for some of the new processes (Resonators, Sinusoids, Waveguide Mesh)
  • added new descriptor type (sines) and corresponding objects (sp.sineframe, sp.sines~, sp.sinesrt~) (you should reanalyze all your corpora)
  • added utilities for filtering and creating clusters of triggers and gates (sp.probability~, sp.triggerbounce~, sp.triggercloud~, sp.triggerframe~)
  • added absolute start and length parameters to sp.corpusplayer~ (via startabsolute and lengthabsolute messages)
  • added scramble transformation to sp.databending
  • added slew parameter to sp.speed
  • added ability to loop floats and ints (as well as conventional descriptors) to sp.datalooper~
  • added proper Max documentation via reference files, autocomplete, etc...
  • added sample rate adaptation to all realtime and offline analyses. previously things were optimized and assumed for 44.1k/48k but now everything works at every sample rate (up to 192k)
  • added some puredata abstractions and help files to the package (in the puredata folder)
  • BREAKING CHANGES - all objects that had a separate control inlet, now take those messages in the left-most inlet
  • added new "ramp" objects for structural and gestural changes (sp.ramp, sp.ramp~)
  • added new "data" objects for transforming, looping, and delaying descriptors (sp.databending, sp.datadelay, sp.datagranular, sp.datalooper~, sp.datatranspose)
  • added novelty-based segmentation for determining changes in material type (sp.novelty~)
  • added timestretching functionality to sp.corpusplayer~ and the Corpus Match M4L device
  • added Max for Live devices (16 total) which cover (nearly) all the functionality of SP-Tools
  • Max codebase further commented and tidied
  • added Max for Live devices for some of the main/flagship functionality (Concat Match, Controllers, Corpus Match, Descriptors, Speed)
  • added sp.gridmatch abstraction for generic controller-based navigation of corpora
  • added support for the Erae Touch controller (sp.eraetouch)
  • improved path stability when loading example corpora
  • added "concat" objects for real-time mosaicking and concatenative synthesis (sp.concatanalysis~, sp.concatcreate, sp.concatmatch, sp.concatplayer~, sp.concatsynth~)
  • added ability to apply filtering to any descriptor list (via sp.filter)
  • improved filtering to allow for multiple chained criteria (using and and or joiners)
  • updated/improved pitch and loudness analysis algorithms slightly (you should reanalyze corpora/setups/etc...)
  • added ability to filter corpora by descriptors (baked into sp.corpusmatch via filter messages)
  • added improved/unified corpus playback with sp.corpusplayer~
  • add realtime analysis abstractions (sp.realtimeframe~, sp.descriptorsrt~, sp.melbandsrt~, sp.mfccrt~)
  • added new stereo corpus (corpus_plumbutter.json)
  • improved corpus analysis to work with stereo files and files shorter than 100ms as well as adding more comprehensive metadata
  • added sp.corpuslist abstraction for visualizing and playing samples in a corpus in list form
  • removed old playback abstractions (sp.corpussimpleplayer~, sp.corpusloudnessplayer~, sp.corpusmelbandplayer~)
  • added "setups" (corpus scaling and neural network prediction/regression)
  • added "controllers" (meta-parameters extracted from onset timings and descriptor analysis)
  • added four new abstractions (sp.controllers, sp.speed, sp.setupanalysis, sp.setuptrain~)
  • added new corpus (corpus_voice.json)
  • added @roundrobin mode to sp.corpusmatch


A set of tools to user a Sensory Percussion pickup with Max/MSP and Max for Live






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