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All Algorithms implemented in Python
🍀 Pytorch implementation of various Attention Mechanisms, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution, which is helpful to further understand papers.⭐⭐⭐
Implementation of RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on top of the PaLM architecture. Basically ChatGPT but with PaLM
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for Machine Learning Security - Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, Inference - Red and Blue Teams
Summary of related papers on visual attention. Related code will be released based on Jittor gradually.
Dual Attention Network for Scene Segmentation (CVPR2019)
Official PyTorch code for "BAM: Bottleneck Attention Module (BMVC2018)" and "CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module (ECCV2018)"
Interpretability and explainability of data and machine learning models
source code to ICLR'19, 'A Closer Look at Few-shot Classification'
Ready-to-use code and tutorial notebooks to boost your way into few-shot learning for image classification.
Code for our CVPR2021 paper coordinate attention
Optimus: the first large-scale pre-trained VAE language model
This repo contains the code for our paper "A novel focal Tversky loss function and improved Attention U-Net for lesion segmentation" accepted at IEEE ISBI 2019.
This code package implements the prototypical part network (ProtoPNet) from the paper "This Looks Like That: Deep Learning for Interpretable Image Recognition" (to appear at NeurIPS 2019), by Chaof…
Official implementation of the paper "Generalized Zero- and Few-Shot Learning via Aligned Variational Autoencoders" (CVPR 2019)
This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper "Multi-branch and Multi-scale Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization (MMAL-Net)" (Fan Zhang, Meng Li, Guisheng Zhai, Yizhao Liu).
GraphXAI: Resource to support the development and evaluation of GNN explainers
Code for the paper Benchmark Analysis of Representative Deep Neural Network Architectures
Code repository for "Interpretable and Accurate Fine-grained Recognition via Region Grouping", CVPR 2020 (Oral)
[ICCV'21] Official PyTorch implementation of Relational Embedding for Few-Shot Classification
(CVPR 2021) Few-Shot Classification with Feature Map Reconstruction Networks
PyTorch CZSL framework containing GQA, the open-world setting, and the CGE and CompCos methods.
LightningFSL: Pytorch-Lightning implementations of Few-Shot Learning models.
Implementation of Zero-Shot Learning algorithm using Word2Vecs as class embeddings
Source code of paper "Differentially Private Generative Adversarial Network"
PIP-Net: Patch-based Intuitive Prototypes Network for Interpretable Image Classification (CVPR 2023)
CLEVER (Cross-Lipschitz Extreme Value for nEtwork Robustness) is a robustness metric for deep neural networks