- Author
- Comment
- GetComments
- GetCommentsParams
- GetCommentsResult
- GetLabels
- GetLabelsParams
- GetLabelsResult
- GetPinnedPosts
- GetPinnedPostsParams
- GetPinnedPostsResult
- GetPost
- GetPostParams
- GetPostResult
- GetPosts
- GetPostsParams
- GetPostsResult
- GithubBlogParams
- GithubQueryParams
- Label
- Labels
- PagerParams
- Post
- PostReduced
- Reactions
Ƭ Author: typeof Author.Type
Ƭ Comment: typeof Comment.Type
Ƭ GetComments: ReturnType
<typeof getComments
Ƭ GetCommentsParams: Object
Name | Type | Description |
pager? |
Omit <PagerParams , "limit" | "offset" > |
Pagination with limit and offset don't work in comments. Use cursor pagination |
query? |
GithubQueryParams |
- |
Ƭ GetCommentsResult: Unwrap
Ƭ GetLabels: ReturnType
<typeof getLabels
Ƭ GetLabelsParams: Object
Name | Type |
pager? |
PagerParams |
query? |
string |
Ƭ GetLabelsResult: Unwrap
Ƭ GetPinnedPosts: ReturnType
<typeof getPinnedPosts
Ƭ GetPinnedPostsParams: never
Ƭ GetPinnedPostsResult: Unwrap
Ƭ GetPost: ReturnType
<typeof getPost
Ƭ GetPostParams: Object
Name | Type |
query? |
GithubQueryParams |
Ƭ GetPostResult: Unwrap
Ƭ GetPosts: ReturnType
<typeof getPosts
Ƭ GetPostsParams: Object
Name | Type |
pager? |
PagerParams |
query? |
GithubQueryParams |
Ƭ GetPostsResult: Unwrap
Ƭ GithubBlogParams: Object
Name | Type |
paginationDefaults? |
Partial <PagerParams > |
queryDefaults? |
Partial <GithubQueryParams > |
repo |
string |
token |
string |
Ƭ GithubQueryParams: Object
Name | Type |
author? |
string | string [] |
flag? |
string | string [] |
notAuthor? |
string | string [] |
notFlag? |
string | string [] |
notState? |
string | string [] |
notTag? |
string | string [] |
notType? |
string | string [] |
overrides? |
string |
search? |
string |
slug? |
string |
sort? |
Sort |
state? |
string | string [] |
tag? |
string | string [] |
type? |
string | string [] |
Ƭ Label: typeof Label.Type
Ƭ Labels: typeof Labels.Type
Ƭ PagerParams: Object
Name | Type |
after? |
string |
before? |
string |
first? |
number |
last? |
number |
limit? |
number |
offset? |
number |
Ƭ Post: typeof Post.Type
Ƭ PostReduced: typeof PostReduced.Type
Ƭ Reactions: typeof Reactions.Type