These lectures introduce some aspects of black hole physics via a geometrical approach. The prerequisite is having some notions of general relativity, at the level of an introductory course.
Space: Amphitheatre Henri Mineur, IAP, Paris
Time: Schedule (IAP page)
- Spacetime manifold
- Worldlines of particles and observers
- Energy, momentum and frequency as measured by an observer
- Einstein equation
- Null hypersurfaces as causal boundaries
- Geometry of null hypersurfaces
- Non-expanding horizons
- Killing horizons
- Conformal completion
- General definition of a black hole
- The Schwarzschild-(A)dS solution
- The Kruskal-Szekeres diagram
- The Einstein-Rosen bridge
- Geodesics and ray-tracing in the Schwarzschild spacetime
- The Kerr solution in different coordinate systems
- The Cauchy horizon and the ring singularity
- Geodesics and ray-tracing in the Kerr spacetime
- The ergoregion and the Penrose process
- The four laws of black hole dynamics
- Gravitational collapse
- Penrose singularity theorem
- Quasi-normal modes of Kerr black holes
- Maximum energy radiated in gravitational waves
- Binary black hole mergers
- Trapping horizons and dynamical horizons
- Evolution laws and the viscous fluid analogy
- Thermodynamics
- Schwarzschild-Tangherlini solution
- Myers-Perry black holes
- Black rings
- Black holes in Lovelock theories
- Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black holes