A general purpose library for formatting and validating form fields, based on Stripe's jQuery.payment library.
Coming soon, in the mean time checkout the example.
Look in ./example/index.html
To can create your own formatters and validators, simply add a new file under src/zfields/
with the name of the field type. It is probably best to look at how the other fields were written before starting your own. You can even use them as a base.
It is important to write tests for the new field to ensure it works as expected. Each field should have a corresponding file under test/fields/
npm install -g jquery
npm install -g mocha
npm install -g coffee-script
npm install -g uglify-js
npm install https://github.com/omarshammas/jquery.formance.git
Cake is the equivalent of make and rake for coffeescript, and provides the following tasks.
cake coffee # Builds lib/jquery.formance.js from src/
cake watch # Watch src/ for changes
cake test # Runs all tests
cake minify # Minifies any js files in lib/
cake build # Builds lib/jquery.formance.js and minifies it
was renamed to src/zfields
to ensure that jquery.formance.coffee is compiled first when concatenating all fields otherwise the fields wouldn't be able to access $.fn.formance.