In 1984, the first contest was held. The name of the
contest was simply "First annual Obfuscated C Code Contest
View the index.html
web page for the given winning entry for information on how
to compile it and how to run the winning program. Look at the winning
source and try to figure how it does what it does! This year we only had
remarks from two authors but these came years later.
Restrictions against machine dependent code were not in the rules in 1984. The source file size restriction was only 512 bytes. Rules and results were posted to net.lang.c and net.unix-wizards. The contest was announced in a net.lang.c post.
IMPORTANT NOTE: See contact.html for up to date contact details as well as details on how to provide fixes to any of the entries. See also the IOCCC FAQ for additional information on the IOCCC.