is a tool to test Solidity smart contracts. It works underneath Remix IDE plugin "Solidity Unit Testing" which is used to write and run test cases for a contract. Tests are written in Solidity itself. remix-tests
can be used as CLI and a library too.
As a dev dependency:
npm install --save-dev remix-tests
As a global NPM module to use as CLI:
npm -g install remix-tests
remix-tests provides and injects a built-in assert library for testing purpose.
Available functions | Supported types |
Assert.ok() |
bool |
Assert.equal() |
uint , int , bool , address , bytes32 , string |
Assert.notEqual() |
uint , int , bool , address , bytes32 , string |
Assert.greaterThan() |
uint , int |
Assert.lesserThan() |
uint , int |
Apart from above, library provides some special functions as:
- runs before each testbeforeAll()
- runs before all testsafterEach()
- runs after each testafterAll()
- runs after all tests
It is quite common that a contract need to be tested in different situation.
Especially being able to set before hand the sender account (msg.sender
) used for a specific tests suite enable quite a lot a new test use cases.
please checkout this test contract for an example.
Note that TestsAccounts
is filled with all the accounts available in web3.eth.accounts()
- To run all files inside
$ remix-tests examples/
- To run single test file named
$ remix-tests examples/simple_storage_test.sol
NOTE: remix-tests will assume that name of tests file ends with "_test.sol"
. e.g simple_storage_test.sol
Consider for a simple storage contract named simple_storage.sol
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint public storedData;
constructor() public {
storedData = 100;
function set(uint x) public {
storedData = x;
function get() public view returns (uint retVal) {
return storedData;
test file simple_storage_test.sol
can be as:
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; // injected by remix-tests
import "./simple_storage.sol";
contract MyTest {
SimpleStorage foo;
function beforeEach() public {
foo = new SimpleStorage();
function initialValueShouldBe100() public returns (bool) {
return Assert.equal(foo.get(), 100, "initial value is not correct");
function valueIsSet200() public returns (bool) {
return Assert.equal(foo.get(), 200, "value is not 200");
function valueIsNotSet200() public returns (bool) {
return Assert.notEqual(foo.get(), 200, "value is 200");
Running simple_storage_test.sol
file will output as:
◼ MyTest
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_gasPrice
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_sendTransaction
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_getTransactionReceipt
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_gasPrice
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_sendTransaction
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_getTransactionReceipt
✓ Initial value should be100
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_gasPrice
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_sendTransaction
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_getTransactionReceipt
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_gasPrice
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_sendTransaction
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_getTransactionReceipt
✓ Value is set200
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_gasPrice
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_sendTransaction
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_getTransactionReceipt
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_gasPrice
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_sendTransaction
[19:15:02] payload method is eth_getTransactionReceipt
✓ Value is not set200
👉 remix-test can also be used for continuous integration testing. See example Su Squares contract and Travis build
Import library:
const RemixTests = require('remix-tests');
Run a single test object:
remixTests.runTest (testName: string, testObject: any, contractDetails: CompiledContract, fileAST: AstNode, opts: Options, testCallback: TestCbInterface, resultsCallback: ResultCbInterface)
- Name of the testtestObject
- Web3 1.0 contract instance of the testcontractDetails
- Contract detailsfileAST
- AST of test fileopts
- Custom optionstestCallback(object)
- Called each time there is a test event. 3 possible type of objects:
{ type: 'contract', value: '<TestName>', filename: '<test_filename.sol>' }
{ type: 'testPass', value: '<name of testing function>', time: <time taken>, context: '<TestName>'}
{ type: 'testFailure', value: '<name of testing function>', time: <time taken>, context: '<TestName>', errMsg: '<message in the Assert>' }
- Callback with test results
- number of passing testsfailureNum
- number of failing teststimePassed
- time it took for all the tests to run (in seconds)
Running a set of tests given the sourcecode:
remixTests.runTestSources(contractSources: SrcIfc, versionUrl: string, usingWorker: boolean, testCallback: Function, resultCallback: Function, finalCallback: any, importFileCb: Function, opts: Options);
- Contract sourcesversionUrl
- URL of solc compiler to loadusingWorker
- Settrue
if compiler should be loaded using web-workertestCallback(object)
- Called each time there is a test event. 3 possible type of objects:
{ type: 'contract', value: '<TestName>', filename: '<test_filename.sol>' }
{ type: 'testPass', value: '<name of testing function>', time: <time taken>, context: '<TestName>'}
{ type: 'testFailure', value: '<name of testing function>', time: <time taken>, context: '<TestName>', errMsg: '<message in the Assert>' }
resultCallback(err, object)
- Callback with test results
- number of passing testsfailureNum
- number of failing teststimePassed
- time it took for all the tests to run (in seconds)
- called when all tests finish running.importCb(url, cb)
- Callback to resolve imported filesopts
- Custom options
For more details, see parameters' type definitions here.
Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
In case you want to add a code, do have a look to our contribution guidelnes here. Reach us in Gitter in case of any queries.
MIT © 2018 Remix Team