A way to custom the index method is override the existing index method. This is best way if CB can't handle the layout that you want
public function getIndex() {
//First, Add an auth
if(!CRUDBooster::isView()) CRUDBooster::redirect(CRUDBooster::adminPath(),trans('crudbooster.denied_access'));
//Create your own query
$data = [];
$data['page_title'] = 'Products Data';
$data['result'] = DB::table('products')->orderby('id','desc')->paginate(10);
//Create a view. Please use `view` method instead of view method from laravel.
return $this->view('your_custom_view_index',$data);
Create your own view in `/resources/views/your_custom_view_index.blade.php'
<!-- First you need to extend the CB layout -->
<!-- Your custom HTML goes here -->
<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
@foreach($result as $row)
<!-- To make sure we have read access, wee need to validate the privilege -->
@if(CRUDBooster::isUpdate() && $button_edit)
<a class='btn btn-success btn-sm' href='{{CRUDBooster::mainpath("edit/$row->id")}}'>Edit</a>
@if(CRUDBooster::isDelete() && $button_edit)
<a class='btn btn-success btn-sm' href='{{CRUDBooster::mainpath("delete/$row->id")}}'>Delete</a>
<p>{!! urldecode(str_replace("/?","?",$result->appends(Request::all())->render())) !!}</p>