Work in progress
A small rust utility to sort a modlist topologically according to ordering rules, as wall as output warnigns and notes.
Rules spec taken from mlox - the elder scrolls Mod Load Order eXpert.
The rules are hosted in their own repository:
PRs are welcome!
For the rules spec see: Rules Spec
Subject to change!
Usage: cmop.exe [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
list Lists the current mod load order
sort Sorts the current mod load order according to specified rules
verify Verifies integrity of the specified rules
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Lists the current mod load order
Usage: cmop.exe list [ROOT]
[ROOT] Root game folder ("Cyberpunk 2077"). Default is current working directory [default: ./]
-h, --help Print help
Sorts the current mod load order according to specified rules
Usage: cmop.exe sort [OPTIONS] [ROOT]
[ROOT] Root game folder ("Cyberpunk 2077"). Default is current working directory [default: ./]
-r, --rules <RULES> Folder to read sorting rules from. Default is ./cmop [default: ./cmop]
-d, --dry-run Just print the suggested load order without sorting
-m, --mod-list <MOD_LIST> Read the input mods from a file instead of checking the root folder
-h, --help Print help
Verifies integrity of the specified rules
Usage: cmop.exe verify [OPTIONS]
-r, --rules <RULES> Folder to read sorting rules from. Default is ./cmop [default: ./cmop]
-h, --help Print help