PRX / apn_on_rails
Forked from jwang/apn_on_railsApple Push Notifications on Rails
Reload Rails code in development mode only when change is deteced
Code from my series on writing a Ruby compiler in Ruby
Observe and learn how your users are interacting with your web applications.
commandline tool to convert 1.8 code to ruby 1.9.2. So what's your excuse for not upgrading to 1.9.2? ;)
The first *native* implementation of CoffeeScript on the Rubinius VM.
Generates RESTful routes for the models of a Sinatra application (ActiveRecord, DataMapper, Stone)
JQuery UI helpers you can use in your Rails apps
Ruby-GetText-Package is a Localization(L10n) library and tools which modeled after GNU gettext package.
MongoHydrator makes expanding embedded MongoDB IDs into embedded subdocuments quick and easy.
rubiojr / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
A simple SDK to get your hands dirty with Nabaztag
rmyers / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewExperimental Solaris Fork of homebrew
Collect UDID of iOS devices without iTunes/iPCU
This extension allows pages to be moved or copied to any arbitrary (valid) place in the document tree structure by dragging the page to its new position and dropping it there. This fork works on Ra…
segfault / webby
Forked from TwP/webbyA lightweight and flexible website management system.