All you need is in that little script !
- Make Remux for you without the need to know the good order for your episodes
- Easy to use it, scripted with love ;)
- Use a docker container to escape the need of mono.
- Patched BDInfoCLI-Lite for easier use.
- RegHex are used to do that job !
- Full Path with no escape for space characters need double quote "".
- Example of use : ./RemuxAutoScript.sh --type episodes --time 20 --folder "/home/hatchi/BluRay/Pokemon The Movie(1998)/"
- Possible arguments --type episodes | movie --time 20 | 40 movie --folder "Full Path Of The Blu-ray Folder"
- Change the variable REMUXPATH in the script to your Remux specific path.
- Know Issues : BDInfo don't give you the possibility to check the presence of Bonus.
- Docker.
- MkvToolnix.
- Hands and Internet.
- Download the Docker Image : docker pull hatchi/bdinfocli
- Download the script : wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HatchiFr/Remuxlinux/master/RemuxAutoScript.sh
- Give good authorization : chmod u+x RemuxAutoScript.sh
- Change the variable REMUXPATH in the script to your Remux specific path.