You just have to have a bunch of machines reachable via SSH. If you authenticate to the SSH server using private keys, you have to have the private key in the PEM format (which is typical).
Suppose there are 2 machines you want to use, reachable via
Also suppose that both machines have a cloud-user
user that is accessible via SSH using private key
located at /home/my/baremetal/my-baremetal.pem
The following set of properties will get you started:
cloud.provider.myprovider.baremetal.nodes=machine1, machine2
Bare Metal cloud provider is based on JClouds byon
Note that nodes are configured upfront, when the cloud provider is being created,
so passing property overrides to CloudProvider.createNode()
won't work.
List of Bare Metal CloudProvider
Property name | Description | Default value |
nodegroup | Name of the node group for all nodes in this cloud provider. Should provide information about who started the nodes and shouldn't be prone to collisions. Default value should typically be satisfactory. | Based on current runtime environment. |
baremetal.nodes | Comma-separated list of identifiers of all nodes. This needs to be provided upfront. | [None. Mandatory.] |
List of Bare Metal Node
Property name | Description | Default value |
nodegroup | Name of the node group for this node. Default value should typically be satisfactory. | The nodegroup value from the cloud provider. | | Host name or IP address of the node. | [None. Mandatory.] |
baremetal.privateAddress | Private IP address of the node (if any) - it's used as a return value for Node.getPrivateAddress() method. |
value of Node.getPublicAddress() |
baremetal.ssh.port | Port number of running SSH server in the node. | 22 |
baremetal.ssh.user | Username of the user that will be used for SSH. | [None. Mandatory.] |
baremetal.ssh.password | Password of the user that will be used for SSH. | [None. One of password , privateKey , privateKeyFile is mandatory.] |
baremetal.ssh.privateKey | Private key for SSH authentication in the PEM format. | [None. One of password , privateKey , privateKeyFile is mandatory.] |
baremetal.ssh.privateKeyFile | Path to a file with private key for SSH authentication in the PEM format. | [None. One of password , privateKey , privateKeyFile is mandatory.] |
baremetal.bootScript | Allows you to specify a script that is to be run on boot. The script is run with sudo . |
[None. Optional.] |
baremetal.bootScript.file | As baremetal.bootScript , but allows you to specify a path to a file that contains the script. Only one of baremetal.bootScript and baremetal.bootScript.file can be specified at a time. |
[None. Optional.] |