- Custom Exchanges - Consistent Hash Exchange
- Dead Letter Exchange (DLX)
- Delay Schedule, Delay Publication Model.
- Data safety - Transactions & Publisher Confirms
- Vhosts
- Policies
- Lazy queues - memory optimization
- Priority Queues
- NT service
The purpose of this exchange type is to help developers achieve a reasonably even message flow distribution between a number of queues.
- plit long queue into smaller ones
- Distribute logically related messages across many queues (to reduce latency from the consumer’s perspective and increase reliability)
This plugin ships with RabbitMQ.
This plugin ships with RabbitMQ. Like all other RabbitMQ plugins, it has to be enabled before it can be used:
- in Mac or Linux
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange
- in Windows
> cd %RABBITMQ%\rabbitmq_server-3.12.13\sbin > set ERLANG_HOME=c:\Program Files\erl- > rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange
- in Docker (
- Creating a Dockerfile will have them enabled at runtime. To see the full list of plugins present on the image
$ winpty docker exec -it rabbitmq bash rabbitmq-plugins list Listing plugins with pattern ".*" ... Configured: E = explicitly enabled; e = implicitly enabled | Status: * = running on rabbit@Shulin-2023 |/ [ ] rabbitmq_amqp1_0 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_auth_backend_cache 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_auth_backend_http 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_event_exchange 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_federation 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_federation_management 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_jms_topic_exchange 3.12.13 [E*] rabbitmq_management 3.12.13 [e*] rabbitmq_management_agent 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_mqtt 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_peer_discovery_aws 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_peer_discovery_common 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_peer_discovery_consul 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_peer_discovery_etcd 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_peer_discovery_k8s 3.12.13 [E*] rabbitmq_prometheus 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_random_exchange 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_recent_history_exchange 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_sharding 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_shovel 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_shovel_management 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_stomp 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_stream 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_stream_management 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_top 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_tracing 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_trust_store 3.12.13 [e*] rabbitmq_web_dispatch 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_web_mqtt 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_web_mqtt_examples 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_web_stomp 3.12.13 [ ] rabbitmq_web_stomp_examples 3.12.13
FROM rabbitmq:3.12-management RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange
- You can also mount a file at /etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins with contents as an erlang list of atoms ending with a period.
Example enabled_plugins [rabbitmq_federation_management,rabbitmq_management,rabbitmq_mqtt,rabbitmq_stomp].
- Creating a Dockerfile will have them enabled at runtime. To see the full list of plugins present on the image
- in Docker Compose (
- in podman machine:
docker build -t rabbitmq:3.12.13-custom enable-plugins\ docker compose -f docker-compose-with-plugins.yml up -d
- in linux
docker compose -f docker-compose-with-plugins.yml build docker compose -f docker-compose-with-plugins.yml up -d
- in podman machine:
The exchange type is "x-consistent-hash".
- Video operations:
- Check whether the "x-consist-hash" exchange type is added to the types in the "Exchange" tab.
- Queue
- Name:
- Type: Classic
- Durability: Durable
- Auto Delete: No
- Name:
- Exchange
- Name:
- Type:
- Durability: Durable
- Auto Delete: No
- Internal: No
- Name:
If binding is not configured, we will see the message "Message published but not routed".
- Bindings in the "Exchange" tab
- Binding1:
- To queue:
- Routing key:
- To queue:
If routing key is not configured, we will see the message "The binding key must be an integer: <<>>".
- Binding2:
- To queue:
- Routing key:
- To queue:
- Binding1:
- Publish message in
ofExchange Tab
:- 1st
- Routing key:
- Payload:
Hello world
- 2nd
- Routing key:
- Payload:
Hello world
- Routing key:
- 3rd
- Routing key:
- Payload:
Hello world
- Routing key:
- 4th
- Routing key:
- Payload:
Hello world
- Routing key:
- 5th
- Routing key:
- Payload:
Hello world
- Routing key:
- 6th
- Routing key:
- Payload:
Hello world
- Routing key:
- 1st
- Execute rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
- Get messages in
Queue Tab
:- Ack Mode:
Automatic ack
- Encoding:
Auto string/base64
- Ack Mode:
- Purge messages in
Queue Tab
: - Re-Bindings in the "Exchange" tab
- Un-binding Binding2:
- Un-binding to queue:
- Routing key:
- Un-binding to queue:
- Binding2:
q.message2 with binding key = 2
- To queue:
- Routing key:
- To queue:
- Un-binding Binding2:
- Re-Execute rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
- see
- Messages from the queue can be dead-lettered when:
- Message is negatively (ack)nowledged
When Nack or Reject with requeue=false is called - TTL expired
When message expires due to per-message TTL, - Message is dropped
Queue exceeded length limit
- Message is negatively (ack)nowledged
> rabbitmqctl set_policy DLX ".*" "{""dead-letter-exchange"":""my-dlx""}" --apply-to queues
see rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
see rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
- Create a DLX exchange
- Create a DLX queue
- Bind DLX exchange with DLX queue
- Create an exchange to be used by publisher
- Create queue with x-dead-letter-exchange attribute
- Bind them
- Excerise
flowchart LR
Request["`routing_key = “”`"]
routingKey1["`x-dead-letter-exchange = ex.dlx.messages
x-message-ttl = 20000
routingKey2["`routing_key = “some-routing-key”`"]
P --- Request --> X1 --> Q1 -->C
Q1 --- routingKey1 --> X2 --- routingKey2 --> Q2
class P mermaid-producer
class X1 mermaid-exchange
class X2 mermaid-exchange
class Q1 mermaid-queue
class Q2 mermaid-queue
class C mermaid-consumer
class Request mermaid-msg
class routingKey1 mermaid-msg
class routingKey2 mermaid-msg
- Video operations:
- Queue2
- Name:
- Type: Classic
- Durability: Durable
- Auto Delete: No
- Name:
- Exchange2
- Name:
- Type:
- Durability: Durable
- Auto Delete: No
- Internal: No
- Name:
If binding is not configured, we will see the message "Message published but not routed".
- Bindings in the "Exchange" tab
- Binding1:
- To queue:
- Routing key:
- To queue:
- Binding1:
- Queue1
- Name:
- Type: Classic
- Durability: Durable
- Auto Delete: No
- Arguments:
- x-dead-letter-exchange = ex.dlx.messages String
- x-message-ttl = 20000 Number
- Name:
- Exchange1
- Name:
- Type:
- Durability: Durable
- Auto Delete: No
- Internal: No
- Name:
- Bindings in the "Exchange" tab
- Binding2:
- To queue:
- Routing key:
- To queue:
- Binding2:
- Publish message in
ofExchange Tab
:- 1st
- Routing key:
- Payload:
Hello world
- 1st
- Waiting for 20 seconds to see the change of q.dlx.messages amount ( 0 -> 1 )
- Get messages in
ofQueue Tab
:- Ack Mode:
Nack message requeue true
- Encoding:
Auto string/base64
- Messages:
- Ack Mode:
- Get messages in
ofQueue Tab
:- Ack Mode:
Reject requeue false
- Encoding:
Auto string/base64
- Messages:
- Ack Mode:
- Publish message in
ofExchange Tab
:- 2nd
- Routing key:
- Payload:
Hello world 2
- 2nd
- Waiting for 20 seconds to see the change of q.dlx.messages amount ( 1 -> 2 )
- Get messages in
ofQueue Tab
:- Ack Mode:
Nack message requeue true
- Encoding:
Auto string/base64
- Messages:
- Ack Mode:
- Queue2
- Error Handling with Spring AMQP:
- When to use
- No need or forbidden to consume messages immediately
Publish messages, but allow consumers to consume them after 3:00 PM Friday after conference press - Automatic retrying
Rejected message to be resend again in about 10 minutes - Delay and “batch” publication
Intentional latency increase between publisher and consumer or group messages into bigger batches
Consider simple solutions over installing additional plugins like rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange.
Such plugins store messages in mnesia table, which is not designed to store high volume of the data - No need or forbidden to consume messages immediately
flowchart LR
C((Consumer /
Request["`x-message-ttl = 10800000`"]
routingKey1["` x-dead-letter-exchange = ex.dlx.messages `"]
P --- Request --> X1 --> Q1
Q1 --- routingKey1 --> X2 --> Q2 <--> C
class P mermaid-producer
class X1 mermaid-exchange
class X2 mermaid-exchange
class Q1 mermaid-queue
class Q2 mermaid-queue
class C mermaid-consumer
class Request mermaid-msg
class routingKey1 mermaid-msg
- Publication at - 1:00 PM
- Press conference starts - 3:00 PM
- Press conference ends - 4:00 PM
- TTL = 10 800 seconds
- see rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
- see rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
RabbitMQ has no support for delayed/scheduled messages. Feature can be used when:
- there is no need to read messages immediately,
- message I read can't be processed or I want to requeue it and try again in about 10 minutes
- group messages into batches or reduce consumer’s load
-> Running producer
[x] Sent 'Hello World 0'
--> Running consumer for rejected messages
[*] Waiting for rejected messages....
[x] Sent 'Hello World 1'
[x] Sent 'Hello World 2'
[x] Sent 'Hello World 3'
--> Running consumer
[*] Waiting for messages....
[x] Rejecting 'Hello World 0' with routingKey=
[x] Rejecting 'Hello World 1' with routingKey=
[x] Rejecting 'Hello World 2' with routingKey=
[x] Rejecting 'Hello World 3' with routingKey=
[x] Received rejected message: 'Hello World 0' with routingKey=some-routing-key (reason=rejected)
[x] Received rejected message: 'Hello World 1' with routingKey=some-routing-key (reason=rejected)
[x] Received rejected message: 'Hello World 2' with routingKey=some-routing-key (reason=rejected)
[x] Received rejected message: 'Hello World 3' with routingKey=some-routing-key (reason=rejected)
[x] Sent 'Hello World 4'
[x] Rejecting 'Hello World 4' with routingKey=
[x] Received rejected message: 'Hello World 4' with routingKey=some-routing-key (reason=rejected)
--> Closing consumer
--> Consumer closed
[x] Sent 'Hello World 5'
[x] Sent 'Hello World 6'
[x] Received rejected message: 'Hello World 5' with routingKey=some-routing-key (reason=expired)
[x] Received rejected message: 'Hello World 6' with routingKey=some-routing-key (reason=expired)
- Acknowledgements on both consumer and publisher side are important for data safety
Consumer Acknowledgment → Defaults: Auto Ack
- One of ACK, nACK (RabbitMQ extension for Reject to reject multiple messages at once),
- Reject (defined in AMQP protocol)
ACK - Positive acknowledgment → remove message from the queue nACK or Reject - Negative acknowledgment with requeue=true → keep message in the queue nACK or Reject - Negative acknowledgment with requeue=false → remove message from the queue -
Transactions (tx) → Defaults: Disabled
- Safe batching feature (remember: batching Acks)
Publisher Confirms → Defaults: Disabled
- Broker to send confirmation once message is safety stored (RabbitMQ feature)
- see rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
- see rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
Transactions decrease performance. Overall throughput is decreased by factor close to 250. Consider “publisher confirms” or smart acknowledgments implementation .
Transactions in RabbitMQ are closer to batching feature than ACID concept.
- txSelect
- set channel to use transactions. Method must be called at least once before calling txCommit or txRollback.
- txCommit/txRollback
- commits/rollbacks all message publications and (ack)nowledgments performed in current transaction
- see rabbitmq-example\src\main\java\rabbitmq\
Transactions decrease performance; consider “publisher confirms” or smart acknowledgments implementation.
Publisher confirms is a RabbitMQ extension to implement reliable publishing (not enabled by default). To make sure published messages have safely reached the broker.
Both type of acknowledgments are essential for data safety
Better than transactions - transactions can decrease throughput by hundreds of times
Ack is when all queues accepted the message and message is saved on the disk (persistent, durable mode)
Performance warning! Run example code and note:
- Published 50,000 messages in 1,768 ms
- Published 50,000 messages in 14,218 ms
- Published 50,000 messages in batch in 2,798 ms
- Published 50,000 messages and handled confirms asynchronously in 1,786 ms
Performance warning! Run example code and note:
(no confirms) Published 50,000 messages in 1,768 ms (confirms every message) Published 50,000 messages in 14,218 ms (confirms in batch) Published 50,000 messages in batch in 2,798 ms (confirms in batch) Published 50,000 messages and handled confirms asynchronously in 1,786 ms
- To make sure your system is reliable and to avoid losing messages due to any unpredicted network issues
- Durable queue, durable exchange and persistent messages
- To survive accidental RabbitMQ restart or failure
- Consumer to manually confirm
- Default mode is an automatic ACK
- Transactions (tx)
- Use transactions only when set of messages must be delivered as a package (all or nothing) and there is no way to send them as a single message (degraded overall throughput by factor of 250)
- Publisher Confirms
- Enable confirm mode and retry in case of nAck returned by RabbitMQ
- Durable queue, durable exchange and persistent messages
Publisher Confirms - wait asynchronously on confirmations to don’t impact on throughput more than needed