#Installation Instructions: Download scripts in an existing ROS-Node Download needed libraries:
sudo apt-get install python-scipy python-sklearn
Tested on R.O.S. Hydro, Ubuntu 12.04 Python v. 2.7.3 Scipy v. 0.9.0 Sklearn v. 0.10
laser scanner f.o.v : +- 45 deg. , intensity publishing enabled(not yet used)
Real time recongition of humans through laser scans
#Sample Run 1)Record bag file with laser scans (.bag files are provided in video folder) 2)Open a terminal and run roscore 3)On another terminal cd to the directory of the scripts 4)Convert a .bag file to .mat format by running python bag2mat.py video/video2.bag video/video2.mat scan 79 4.1)Convert as many as you want by changing the number of the video .bag file 5)Manually annotate the data by running python annotate.py 40 10 video/video2.mat 5.1)Annotate as many as you want by changing the number of the video .mat file 6)Create a classifier, and P.C.A. object by running python merge_train.py video/ 7)Test online with the previously created classifier by running python hpr_with_metric.py video/Gaussian_NB_classifier_merged.p video/PCA_object.p scan 40 10 8)In another terminal cd to the directory of the scripts. 9)Run rosbag play video/video10.bag so that the script in step 6 is triggered.
#a)Convert R.O.S. bagfiles to suitable .mat files using 'bag2mat.py':
Enter desired destination with file ending in .mat
Command line use:
$rosrun <package_name> bag2mat.py <bag_file_path> <.mat_file_path> <laser_scan_rostopic> <scan_duration>
#b)Annotate with annotate.py :
Either provide command line arguments with the same order as below, or run the script without arguments and provide them when prompted
*Enter timewindow (int)
*Enter frames to set wall (int)
*Enter filename (string, no quotes)
trained data will be saved as : <input>.<trainingdata>
Command line use:
$python annotate.py <time_window> <wall_set_frames> <mat_file_to_use>
#c)create classifier with merge_train.py:
merge_train will create a classifier in the specified folder
$python merge_train <folder of annotated .mat files>
#d)Test on live data with hpr_with_metrics.py:
Publish laser scans on topic /scan, enable intensities, set min_angle, max_angle to -45,45 degrees
respectively (to be changed).
Command line use : $rosrun <package_name> hpr.py
#e)Test with data files instead of live data : $python offline_test.py <data_file_path> <annotation_data> <classifier_path> <pca_object_path>
Use same timewindow, and wall set time for each training set, and use the same values when