Ministério da Integração e Desenvolvimento Regional
- Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil
- https://foradacurva.distintive.com.br/
- https://rodrigo.borges.net.br
JsLth / electricShine
Forked from erikvona/electricShineCreate Standalone Installable Shiny Apps
Raspberry Pi camera / webcam streaming setup
rodrigoesborges / PNADcovidIBGE
Forked from BragaD/PNADcIBGEPNADcIBGE - R Package for Downloading, Reading and Analysing PNADc Microdata
rodrigoesborges / datasus
Forked from rpradosiqueira/datasusA R Interface to the DATASUS's data
rodrigoesborges / R-and-Rstudio-from-flash-drive
Forked from WilliamKitto/R-and-Rstudio-from-flash-driveThis repo will contain moodle course XML data to build an introductory stats course in a moodle site.
andstatus / todoagenda
Forked from plusonelabs/calendar-widgetAndroid home screen widgets showing future (and past) calendar events and tasks
External Storage backend for Dropbox
distribuyed / index
Forked from eliooses/BTCardsA comprehensive list of decentralized exchanges (DEX) of cryptocurrencies, tokens, derivatives and futures, and their protocols.
KODI plugin for Ampache
Adds a user configurable option to place the preview pane below or on the right of the message list
isabekov / dataserver
Forked from zotero/dataserverZotero Data Server (deployable version & documentation)
arademaker / dicionariosIBGE
Forked from erickrf/dicionariosIBGEDicionários de dados para as pesquisas PNAD, PME e POF do IBGE.
shirlei / helios-server
Forked from benadida/helios-serverHelios server
pkgr / discourse
Forked from discourse/discourseA platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
mattanja / firstthingsfirst
Forked from angular/angular-seedfirst things first - trello priorities board